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If you walk into the inn-kitchen at Callowa on a winter night, you will find it all but deserted, save for a chance traveller who is storm-stayed among the uncertain hills. Then men stay in their homes, for the place is little, and the dwellers in the remoter parts have no errand to town or village. But in the long nights of summer, when the moon is up and the hills dry underfoot, there are many folk down of an evening from the glens, and you may chance on men drinking a friendly glass with half a score of miles of journey before them. It is a cheerful scene—the wide room, with the twilight struggling with the new- lit lamp, the brown faces gathered around the table, and the rise and fall of the soft southern talk.

On this night you might have chanced on a special gathering, for it was the evening of the fair-day in Gled-foot, and many shepherds from the moors were eating their suppers and making ready for the road. It was then that Jock Rorison of the Redswirehead—known to all the world as Lang Jock to distinguish him from his cousin little Jock of the Nick o’ the Hurlstanes—met his most ancient friend, the tailor of Callowa. They had been at school together, together they had suffered the pains of learning; and now the one’s lot was cast at the back of Creation, and the other’s in a little dark room in the straggling street of Callowa. A bottle celebrated their meeting, and there and then in the half-light of the gloaming they fell into talk. They spoke of friends and kin, and the toils of their life; of village gossip and market prices. Thence they drifted into vague moralisings and muttered exhortation in the odour of whisky. Soon they were amiable beyond their wont, praising each other’s merit, and prophesying of good fortune. And then—alas for human nature!—there came the natural transition to argument and reviling.

“I wadna be you, Jock, for a thousand pounds,” said the tailor. “Na, I wadna venture up that lang mirk glen o’ yours for a’ the wealth o’ the warld.”

“Useless body,” said the shepherd, “and what for that?”

“Bide a’ nicht here,” said the tailor, “and step on in the mornin’. Man, ye’re an auld freend, and I’m wae to think that aucht ill should befa’ ye.”

“Will ye no speak sense for yince, ye doited cratur?” was the ungracious answer, as the tall man rose to unhook his staff from the chimney corner. “I’m for stertin’ if I’m to win hame afore mornin’.”

“Weel,” said the tailor, with the choked voice of the maudlin, “a’ I’ve to say is that I wis the Lord may protect ye, for there’s evil lurks i’ the dens o’ the way, saith the prophet.”

“Stop, John Rorison, stop,” again the tailor groaned. “O man, bethink ye o’ your end.”

“I wis ye wad bethink o’ yin yoursel’.”

The tailor heeded not the rudeness … “for ye ken a’ the auld queer owercomes about the Gled Water. Yin Thomas the Rhymer made a word on’t. Quoth he,

“‘By the Gled side

The guid folk bide.’”

“Dodsake, Robin, ye ‘re a man o’ learnin’ wi’ your poetry,” said the shepherd, with scorn. “Rhymin’ about auld wives’ havers, sic wark for a grown man!”

A vague recollection of wrath rose to the tailor’s mind. But he answered with the laborious dignity of argument,—

“I’m no sayin’ that a’ things are true that the body said. But I say this— that there’s a heap o’ queer things in the warld, mair nor you nor me nor onybody kens. Now, it’s weel ken’t that nane o’ the folk about here like to gang to the Fairy Knowe….”

“It’s weel ken’t nae siccan thing,” said the shepherd, rudely. “I wonder at you, a kirk member and an honest man’s son, crakin’ siccan blethers.”

“I’m affirmin’ naething,” said the other, sententiously. “What I say is that nae man, woman, or child in this pairish, which is weel ken’t for an intelligent yin, wad like to gang at the rising o’ the mune up the side o’ the Fairy Knowe. And it’s weel ken’t, tae, that when the twae daft lads frae the Rochan tried it in my faither’s day and gaed up frae opposite airts, they met at the tap that which telled them a’ that they ever did and a’ that was ever like to befa’ them, and put the fear o’ death on them for ever and ever. Mind, I’m affirmin’ naething; but what think ye o’ that?”

“I think this o’ ‘t—that either the folk were mair fou than the Baltic or they were weak i’ the heid afore ever they set out. But I’m tired o’ hearin’ a sensible man bletherin’, so I’m awa’ to the Redswirehead.”

But the tailor was swollen with pride and romance, and filled with the audacity which comes from glasses replenished.

“Then I ‘ll gang a bit o’ the road wi’ ye.”

“And what for sae?” said the shepherd, darkly suspicious. Whisky drove care to his head, and made him the most irritable of friends.

“I want the air, and it’s graund munelicht. Your road gangs by the Knowe, and we micht as weel mak the experiment. Mind ye, I’m affirmin’ naething.”

“Will ye no haud your tongue about what ye ‘re affirmin’?”

“But I hold that it is a wise man’s pairt to try all things, and whae kens but there micht be some queer sicht on that Knowe-tap? The auld folk were nane sae ready to be inventin’ havers.”

“I think the man’s mad,” was the shepherd’s loud soliloquy. “You want me to gang and play daft-like pranks late at nicht among birks and stanes on a muckle knowe. Weel, let it be. It lies on my road hame, but ye’d be weel serv’t if some auld Druid cam out and grippit ye.”

“Whae’s bletherin’ now,” cried the tailor, triumphantly. “I dinna gang wi’ ony supersteetions. I gang to get the fresh air and admire the wonderfu’ works o’ God. Hech, but they ‘re bonny.” And he waved a patronising finger to the moon.

The shepherd took him by the shoulder and marched him down the road. “Listen,” said he, “I maun be hame afore the morn, and if ye ‘re comin’ wi’ me ye ‘ll hae to look smerter.” So down the white path and over Gled bridge they took their way, two argumentative figures, clamouring in the silent, amber spaces of the night.

The Short Stories of John Buchan (Complete Collection)

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