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2016 Presidential Candidates

The presidential election campaign was far from what would be considered conventional. With the inclusion of an outside the “beltway cabal” candidate, the elitist establishment politicians certainly had their under shorts in a wad. Inclusion of the non-establishment candidate created a situation where policies affecting the general populous were being supplanted by rabid attacks on the character of the “outsider.” The rabid attacks were being promulgated by not only the inside beltway establishment politicians but also an extremely liberal biased mainstream media. The campaign morphed into nothing more than a choice of which flawed candidate was more acceptable.

On the left hand there was a candidate that has spent her entire adult life involved in government. Though this might be considered a definite plus, you must acknowledge that her accomplishments are not sans criticisms. While acting as Secretary of State she committed acts that definitely gave the appearance of corrupt behavior. Her most qualifying attributes are the insatiable lust for money and the penchant for prevaricating. These attributes are compounded with voraciousness for power and control, which completes the package.

“The only way to make a difference is to acquire power.”

“We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices… Government has to make those choices for people.”

Being an averred elitist she had obvious disdain for those beneath her and has considered those whom do not comply with her comportment are nothing more than deplorable wretches. Her demeanor leans more toward a despot than a democratic leader.

On the right hand we had the outsider who at the outset of his pursuit of presidential candidate was an arrogant, bombastic, crass, bellicose, truculent, self-centered and overtly repugnant individual. He had never held a public office and is known for being an astute, hard-core and successful businessman. He has availed himself of the system’s policies that protect wealth; and unfortunately along with the protection there is collateral loss to others. You might say a person of this character is loathe to the general populous. Upon garnering the position of official candidate for the party of the right, he became more disciplined and displayed a stature more in keeping with what is expected of a person who will lead the most powerful nation in the world. He reduced his propensity of obnoxious denigrating of others, however, still has a proclivity to embellish facts. Contrary to the candidate of the left, he has not shown any contempt toward the general populous nor have any of his shortcomings in any way placed the security of the nation in potential jeopardy.

A critical evaluation of the two candidates discloses the candidate of the left, who was ingrained in the establishment, will more than likely continue on the same path. It has become quite obvious the general populous was tired of the “same-o, same-o” and was savoring for fresh representation. The candidate on the right had no previous experience in government and more accurately depicts what our Founding Fathers did envision, citizen representatives not professional politicians. The time to defer to our Founding Fathers was apparent.


Thoughts Of A Patriotic Old Grouch

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