Читать книгу The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion - Burgett Arthur Edward - Страница 1



This little Manual is intended for the use of young people, and is therefore short and very simple. The object of the compiler is to place in the hands of candidates for Confirmation a little book that may be a help to them in their daily life, as well as at the Service of Holy Communion.

Grateful thanks are tendered to the holders of copyright for permission to make use of the hymns printed at the end of the book. Also, the author begs to acknowledge ideas derived from examining similar Manuals, especially "The Narrow Way," "Prayers for Boys," "Help to Worship," and "Holy Communion" by Bishop How.

It is earnestly hoped that this little book may, with the blessing of God, prove of service to those for whom it has been written, both in helping their devotions, and in deepening their spiritual life.

A. E. B.

The Door of Heaven: A Manual for Holy Communion

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