Читать книгу In the Andamans and Nicobars - C. Boden Kloss - Страница 6



Table of Contents

A.—Average Wind and Weather in the Andamans 335
B.—Principal Forest Trees of the Andamans 336
C.—Notes on the Produce of the Andaman Forests 339
D.—Census, Andaman Islands, 1901 342
E.—Government Schools at Port Blair 343
F.—Measurements of some Andamanese met at Rutland Island 344
G.—Principal Flora of the Nicobars 345
H.—Census, Nicobar Islands, 1901 and 1886 350
I.—Trade Articles and their Value in the Nicobars 351
J.—Presents and Barter in Demand during the Cruise of the Terrapin 352
K.—Measurements of some Nicobarese and Shom Peṅ 353
Index 359
In the Andamans and Nicobars

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