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Volatile oils are much adulterated, the adulterations consisting chiefly in mixing an expensive oil with a cheaper one and with alcohol; more rarely with chloroform and fat oils. To these adulterations, which have been common for many years, has recently been added the previously mentioned hydrocarbon called terpene or camphene, which is separated in the preparation of concentrated oils.
For the recognition of the quality of a volatile oil, serve first of all its physical properties, especially its color, odor and taste. The specific gravity varies too much and is not always a sufficient criterion. Reagents can only be employed with a few oils. The chemical detection of adulterations is rendered especially difficult by the fact, that most of the volatile oils form a mixture of terpenes with other combinations, in which the separate constituent parts do not appear in fixed, but in changeable proportions, and in which the constituents themselves suffer alteration by storing, air and light.
Odor and taste are so characteristic for every volatile oil as to suffice in most cases. For testing as to odor, bring a drop of the oil to be examined upon the dry palm of one hand and for some time rub with the other, whereby the odor is more perceptibly brought out. To determine the taste, vigorously shake one drop of the oil with 15 to 20 grammes of distilled water and then test with the tongue.
An adulteration with fat oil (poppy oil, castor oil) may be recognized as follows: Place a drop of the suspected oil upon blotting paper and expose it to the heat of the water bath. If it evaporates completely and no stain is perceptible, the oil is pure. But frequently a transparent stain remains with old oils without their being adulterated, which is due to the resin formed by the absorption of oxygen and remaining dissolved in the oil. In this case a transparent ring is generally formed by the concentration of the resin on the edges of the stain. If no tangible results are obtained by this test, pour a few cubic centimeters of the oil upon a watch-crystal and heat it very slowly upon a piece of sheet-iron, until all the odor has disappeared. If the watch-crystal becomes empty in a short time, nothing but volatile oil was present; but if a viscous residue remains, this may consist either of fatty oil or resin, or of both. Treat the residue with strong alcohol; if it dissolves it may be resin or castor oil. Dilute the solution with much water; a white flocculent turbidity indicates resin; the separation of an oily liquid, after standing, castor oil. If the residue remains undissolved, it consists of a fatty oil, generally oil of almond or olive.
The presence of castor oil can be accurately determined by bringing the residue from the watch-crystal into a test-tube by means of a glass-rod, and compounding it with a few drops of nitric acid. A strong development of gas takes place, after the cessation of which, solution of carbonate of soda is added as long as there is any sign of effervescence. If the added oil was castor oil, the contents of the test-tube will show a peculiar odor due to œnanthylic acid formed by the action of nitric acid upon castor oil.
Another method of establishing the presence of fat oil consists in mixing the suspected oil with eight times its quantity of 90 per cent. alcohol (specific gravity 0.823). If the oil is unadulterated a clear solution is formed; if it contains fat oil, the latter remains undissolved. The presence of castor oil, which of the fat oils is chiefly used for adulteration, is, however, not shown by this method, it being also soluble in alcohol.
A permanent stain upon the paper may, however, also be formed by fresh oils obtained by expression from the respective parts of the plant. Thus, lemon oil obtained by expression from the peel, and which has a far more agreeable odor than that produced by distillation, always leaves behind a slight grease-stain.
Detection of alcohol or spirit of wine.—Independent of the alcohol added to assist the preservation of some oils, adulteration with alcohol frequently occurs, especially in expensive oils. With a content of not more than 3 per cent. of alcohol, it suffices to allow one to two drops of the suspected oil to fall into water. In the presence of alcohol, the drop becomes either immediately surrounded with a milky zone, or it becomes turbid or whitish after being for some time in contact with the water. Dragendorff's test is based upon the fact that oils, which are hydrocarbons, suffer no change by the addition of sodium (ten drops of oil and a small chip of sodium), while oils containing hydrocarbons and oxygenated oils cause with sodium a slight evolution of hydrogen gas, and suffer but a slight change during the first five to ten minutes of the reaction. If, however, the oil is adulterated with alcohol, not only a violent evolution of hydrogen gas takes place, but the oil in a short time becomes brown or dark brown, thickly fluid or rigid.
The detection of alcohol by means of fuchsine, which has been frequently recommended, requires special precautions. It must first be ascertained that the oil is free from acids and water; if such is not the case, they must be removed by means of caustic potash. After settling, bring, by means of a dry pipette, about five cubic centimeters of the oil into a dry test-tube about ten millimeters in diameter, without moistening the walls of the upper half of the tube. Then bring, by means of a paper gutter, a few milligrammes of coarsely-powdered fuchsine into the dry part of the obliquely held tube, at a distance of one centimeter from the oil. Now heat gradually over a lamp until the tube begins to tarnish. With pure oil no evaporation is observed, but if the oil contains only 0.1 per cent. of alcohol, every speck of fuchsine will, after heating to boiling and setting aside, be surrounded by a stain produced by the alcoholic solution. The chief requirement for this test is that the oil be free from water. If such is not the case, vapors will be observed, which condense in the upper portion of the test-tube, and dissolve fuchsine, and, after flowing back, sink below the oil with a crackling noise. If the oil contains alcohol, the condensing vapors dissolve fuchsine with greater ease, and in flowing back mix without crackling.
Hager's tannin test is very reliable. Bring into a test-tube 5 to 10 drops of the oil to be examined, add a piece of tannin the size of a pea, shake so that the tannin is moistened by the oil, and let the whole stand at a temperature of 59° to 68° F. In most volatile oils tannin is insoluble, and, if the oil is pure, floats for days on the surface without change. If, however, the oil contains alcohol, the tannin absorbs the latter, according to the quantity present, in 3 to 48 hours, and forms with it a more or less transparent, viscous, tough, or smeary mass resembling a soft resin, which settles on the bottom, and adheres so firmly to it, as well as to the sides of the tube, that it cannot be moved by shaking. The mass may be examined as to its consistency with a knitting needle. Traces of moisture in the oil are not detrimental to the test, the tannin mass separating in the form of a hyaline mass only in few oils, and if this mass is tested with the knitting needle it will be found not tough or smeary, but hard, and may sometimes be divided into small grains. With oil of bitter almonds, cassia oil, and some oils of clove, as well as volatile oil containing an acid, the tannin test is not available. The first two oils even dissolve tannin, and large quantities of it, if they contain alcohol.
The above-mentioned oils may, however, be rendered fit for the tannin test by mixing them with double their volume of benzine or petroleum-ether, and allowing the mixture to stand for two or three days. If, however, the oils contain much alcohol, the tannin is dissolved. The use of powdered tannin is not advisable, because it generally deposits in a thin layer on the bottom, and its alteration is not so perceptible. If, for practical reasons, a content of 0.5 per cent. anhydrous alcohol might be accepted as permissible in a volatile oil, the tannin test would have to be so modified as to mix 10 drops of the oil with a piece of tannin the size of two peas, and allow the whole to stand for one hour. In this time the above-mentioned content of alcohol would yield no result.
Detection of chloroform.—An adulteration with chloroform, if moderate, cannot always be detected by the odor and taste. In most cases, chloroform will considerably increase the specific gravity of the oil. Bring into a test-tube 15 drops of the suspected oil, 45 to 90 drops of alcohol, and 30 to 40 drops of dilute sulphuric acid. After thorough shaking, add 2 or 3 shavings of zinc sheet and heat until a vigorous evolution of hydrogen takes place. After again shaking, set the whole aside, and heat again when the evolution of gas becomes weaker. This heating and gentle shaking of the fluid is several times repeated. After 20 to 25 minutes, compound the fluid with an equal volume of cold distilled water, shake vigorously and filter through a paper-filter moistened with water. Strongly acidulate the filtrate with nitric acid and compound with nitrate of silver solution. If chloroform is present, turbidity or a precipitate of chloride of silver appears.
Detection of benzine.—An adulteration with benzine can be readily detected only in oils specifically heavier than water. The separation of benzine is effected by distillation from a small glass flask in the water bath. The distillate together with an equal volume of nitric acid of 1.5 specific gravity is gently heated in a test-tube. A too vigorous reaction is modified by cooling in cold water, and a too sluggish action quickened by gentle heating (dipping in warm water). If the mixture has a yellow color, dilute it with water, shake with ether, mix the decanted ethereal solution with alcohol and hydrochloric acid, add some zinc and place the whole in a lukewarm place to convert the nitrobenzol formed into aniline. After evolution of hydrogen is done, neutralize with potash lye, shake, take off the layer of ether, let the latter evaporate and add to the residue a few drops of calcium chloride solution. If benzine is present, a blue-violet color reaction takes place.
Adulterations with alcohol, chloroform, and benzine are quantitatively determined by bringing a weighed quantity of the oil into a glass flask so that it occupies about four-fifths of the volume of the flask. Place upon the flask a cork through which has been passed a glass-tube bent at a right angle and provided with a cylindrical glass vessel serving as a receiver and heating in the water bath. If the distance from the level of the oil to the angle of the glass tube in which it inclines downwards, amounts, for instance, to 4.72 inches, and the neck of the flask up to its angle is 2.75 inches high outside of the direct effect of the heat of the water bath, only the above-mentioned adulterants distill over, while the vapor of the volatile oil condenses at a height of 2.75 inches and flows back into the flask. The distillate is weighed and examined as to its derivation. First add one cubic centimeter of it to two or three cubic centimeters of potassium acetate solution of specific gravity 1.197 and shake moderately. If a clear mixture results, alcohol alone is present. If, however, the mixture is not clear, and the distilled fluid sinks down and collects on the bottom of the test-tube, chloroform is very likely present, and if it remains floating upon the acetate solution, benzine. Next bring two to three centimeters of the distillate into a test-tube and add a piece of sodium metal, the size of a pea. If violent foaming, i.e., an evolution of gas, takes place, alcohol is certainly present, and possibly also chloroform and benzine towards which sodium is indifferent. However, in the presence of benzine, the sodium solution would be colorless, and in the presence of chloroform, yellowish and turbid. In case the sodium produces no reaction and alcohol is, therefore, not present, add an equal volume (two to three cubic centimeters) of anhydrous alcohol, and after moderately shaking allow the solution of the sodium and the evolution of gas to proceed, whereby benzine produces a nearly colorless, turbid fluid, and chloroform a yellowish, milky one. Now dilute the fluid with an equal or double volume of water, shake and allow the mixture to stand quietly. In the presence of benzine a colorless, turbid layer collects on the bottom of the fluid, while that collecting in the presence of chloroform is yellowish. In the latter case, i.e., in the presence of chloroform, the aqueous filtrate yields with lead acetate solution a white precipitate (lead chloride and lead hydroxide). The adulterant having thus been recognized, further particulars are learned from the specific gravity of the oil as well as of the distillate.
Adulterations with terpenes or terpene-like fluids, such as are gained in the preparation of concentrated or patent oils, are difficult to recognize. They may be detected by the specific gravity, the terpenes being, as a rule, specifically lighter, their specific gravity varying between 0.840 and 0.870.
The detection of adulterations with volatile oils of a lower quality is very difficult, if not led to it by the odor and taste. Many methods for establishing such adulterations have been proposed, of which the following are the most important:—
I. Test with iodine.—This test is based upon the fact that some oils violently detonate with iodine, while others develop heat and vapors, and others again remain indifferent. For this test pour upon about 0.19 gramme of dry iodine in a watch-crystal 4 to 6 drops of the oil to be examined.
1. A vigorous reaction (detonation) with considerable increase in the temperature and emission of vapors takes place with the following oils: oils of bergamot, lemon, lavender, nutmeg, orange peel, spike, turpentine, wormwood.
2. Such a reaction as mentioned under 1, does not take place with oils of bitter almonds, copaiba, calamus, clove, peppermint, rose.
3. Moderate heating and slight vapors are developed with oils of anise-seed, fennel, camomile, curly mint, marjoram, rosemary, sassafras, thyme.
When an oil of the second series becomes heated with iodine and evolves vapors, it may first of all be adulterated with cheaper oils. This may also be the case when an oil of the third series reacts violently with iodine and evolves vapors with strong heating. Formerly the iodine test was highly valued; it has, however, been shown to be unreliable since it is frequently dependent on the age of the oil.
In place of iodine, Rudolph Eck recommends a very dilute alcoholic iodine solution, which is not discolored by oils of turpentine, while other oils discolor it. Dissolve a drop of the oil to be examined in 3 cubic centimeters of 90 to 100 per cent. alcohol, and add a drop of the iodine solution. The latter is not discolored in the presence of an oil of turpentine. There are also, however, several volatile oils, which do not discolor the iodine solution. Mierzinski mentions the following: All cold-expressed oils from the Aurantiaceæ, further oils of coriander, caraway, galanga, rue, sassafras, rose, rosemary, anise-seed, fennel, calamus, neroli, angelica, wormwood. Hence, this reaction cannot be relied upon.
II. Hoppe's nitroprusside of copper test.—This test sometimes gives good results, but only with hydrocarbons absolutely free from oxygen and oxygenated oils. It is, therefore, not suitable for oils derived from the Aurantiaceæ. The process is as follows: Add to a small quantity of the oil to be examined in a perfectly dry test-tube, 2 to 5 milligrammes of pure nitroprusside of copper previously thoroughly dried and finely pulverized, shake vigorously and gradually heat to boiling. After boiling for a few seconds allow to cool. If the oil is free from oil of turpentine, or another oil containing no oxygen, the precipitate formed is brown, black, or gray, and according to the quantity of the reagent added and the original color of the oil, the supernatant oil will be differently colored and appear more or less dark. If, however, the oil is adulterated with oil of turpentine, the precipitate formed shows a handsome green or blue-green color, while the supernatant oil retains its original color or at the utmost acquires a very slightly darker one. The longer the oil is allowed to stand after settling, the more distinct and beautiful the color of the oil and of the precipitate appears. For the establishment and certain recognition of very small quantities of oil of turpentine in oxygenated oils, it is best to first add very little of the nitroprusside of copper to the oil to be tested, and a larger quantity only after being convinced either of the purity or adulteration of the oil. This is done to be able, on the one hand, better to judge the reaction, if the oil is pure, and, on the other, if it is adulterated, to establish such adulteration with certainty and to approximately estimate the quantity of oil of turpentine present. The less nitroprusside of copper is used, the better small quantities of oil of turpentine can be detected.
Nearly all volatile oils free from oxygen show the same behavior towards nitroprusside of copper; they decompose it, which is not the case with oxygenated oils. The behavior of the latter is shown in the following table:—
Name of the oil | Color of the oil | Proportion of nitroprusside of copper to oil | Color of the oil after the experiment | Color of the Precipitate |
Caraway | clear as water and colorless | 1:1000 parts | slightly yellowish | dirty gray. |
Fennel | pale yellowish | 1:1000 " | brownish-yellow | black. |
Dill | pale reddish-yellow | 1:1000 " | becomes first colorless, then yellowish | " |
Anise-seed | pale yellow | 1:1000 " | yellow | " |
Camomile (green) | yellowish | 1:1000 " | brownish-yellow | ash-gray. |
Lavender | pale yellow | 1:1000 " | wine-yellow | slate-gray. |
" | " | 1: 100 " | brown-yellow | " |
Mint(curly) | colorless | 1:1000 " | wine-yellow | first gray, then black. |
Peppermint | " | 1:1000 " | yellowish | black. |
" | " | 1: 100 " | brownish-yellow | " |
Balm | yellow | 1:1000 " | dark wine-yellow | " |
Marjoram | colorless | 1:1000 " | yellowish | " |
" | " | 1: 100 " | brown-yellow | " |
Sage | slightly yellowish | 1:1000 " | wine-yellow | dark green. |
" | " | 1: 100 " | brown-yellow | dark green, then nearly black. |
Thyme(field) | " | 1:1000 " | brownish-yellow | slate-gray. |
" | " | 1: 100 " | darkbrown-yellow | nearly black. |
Wormwood | yellow-brown | 1:1000 " | dark brown | black. |
Tansy | pale yellow | 1:1000 " | red-brown | dirty brown. |
Milfoil | dark azure-blue | 1:1000 " | first pale blue, then dark green | gray-brown. |
Cajeput | colorless | 1:1000 " | brownish-yellow | black. |
Clove | slightly yellowish | 1:2000 " | rose-red and clear | slate-gray. |
" | " | 1:1000 " | violet-red and clear | " |
" | " | 1: 500 " | cherry-red and opaque | " |
" | " | 1: 100 " | dark cherry-red and opaque | " |
Cassia | brownish-yellow | 1:1000 " | brownish-red to hyacinth-red | black. |
" | " | 1: 100 " | dark brown-red | " |
Sassafras | yellowish | 1:1000 " | yellowish-brown | " |
Star anise | pale yellow | 1:1000 " | dark wine-yellow | " |
Valerian | pale greenish | 1: 100 " | brownish-yellow | " |
Rue | slightly yellowish | 1: 100 " | brown-yellow | ash-gray. |
Bergamotte | yellowish | 1:1000 " | dark yellow | " |
" | " | 1: 100 " | brownish-red | " |
If these oxygenated oils are mixed with oils free from oxygen, for instance, oil of turpentine, they show exactly the same behavior as oils free from oxygen; the nitroprusside of copper is not decomposed and retains its gray-green color. If, for instance, oil of cloves is mixed with oil of turpentine, the red coloration by nitroprusside of copper does not appear.
III. Hager's alcohol and sulphuric acid test.—Bring into a test-tube of about 0.5 inch diameter, five to six drops of the oil to be tested and twenty-five to thirty drops of pure concentrated sulphuric acid, and mix the two fluids by shaking, whereby either no heating takes place or a scarcely perceptible one, or the heating is strong or very vigorous and in some cases increased to the evolution of vapors. The mixture is either clear or turbid. After complete cooling, add to the mixture eight to ten cubic centimeters of 90 per cent. alcohol, and after closing the tube with the finger, shake vigorously. The mixture now shows a different color, is clear or turbid, and the deposit formed after standing for one day is also differently colored and either soluble or insoluble in boiling alcohol.
The mixture of oil, sulphuric acid and alcohol is perfectly clear and transparent with oils of bitter almonds, fennel, clove and rose; with anise-seed oil and star anise-seed oil only the alcoholic layer over the mixture of sulphuric acid and oil is clear. The mixture of oil, acid and alcohol is slightly turbid or nearly clear with oils of valerian, peppermint and field thyme. With most of the other volatile oils occurring in commerce, the mixture is more or less milky turbid. Heating of the oil and acid mixtures does not take place with pyrogenous oils (petroleum, benzine) or only to a very slight degree, as with oils of peppermint and mustard.
IV. Hager's guaiacum reaction[3] serves for the detection of oil of turpentine in a volatile oil. By pouring upon as much guaiacum, freshly powdered, as will lie upon the point of a small knife, in a test-tube 1 cubic centimeter (25 drops) of spike oil, and heating nearly to boiling over a petroleum lamp, the oil after being removed from the flame and allowing the undissolved resin to settle, shows a yellow color. By now pouring upon an equal quantity of guaiacum in another test-tube 25 drops of spike oil and 5 drops of rectified oil of t from the flame shows a dark violet color. Various other oils behave in the same manner as spike oil, and hence a content of oil of turpentine can be readily detected in them. Other oils do not exhibit this behavior; but this can be remedied by adding, in testing for oil of turpentine, a few drops of an oil of the first class.
The guaiacum reaction is an ozone reaction and with reference to this, the volatile oils may be divided into three classes:—
a. Oils inclining to the formation of ozone.—Foremost of these is oil of turpentine, especially when rectified. Oils of tansy, rue, mint, juniper, zedoary, etc., show considerably less inclination.
b. Oils which, especially when heated, directly incite the oil of turpentine to form ozone, and to color guaiacum violet or blue.—Such oils are many kinds of oil of citronella, oils of spike, calamus, cedar, etc.
c. Oils with a content of oil of turpentine, which remain indifferent towards guaiacum.—To such oils, if to be tested for oil of turpentine, with the assistance of the guaiacum reaction, a few drops of an oil of the second class have to be added.
V. Hübl's iodine method.—Mr. C. Barenthin has applied Hübl's iodine method for fixed oils to the examination of volatile oils. He uses the following solutions:—
1. Fifty grammes iodine and 60 grammes of mercuric chloride in a liter of alcohol freed from fusel oil, and let stand for 12 hours.
2. Twenty-four grammes of hyposulphite of sodium in a liter of water.
3. A ten per cent. solution of iodide of potassium. Dissolve 0.1 to 0.2 gramme of the volatile oil in 10 cubic centimeters of chloroform, and add first 15 cubic centimeters of the iodine-mercuric chloride solution; let stand three or four hours, and, in case the mixture gets discolored, add a few more centimeters of solution. Now add 10 to 15 cubic centimeters iodide of potassium solution, dilute with 150 cubic centimeters of water, and titrate with hyposulphite till the mixture remains clear for about a minute. The iodide of potassium solution must be added before the water, and the relative proportions between this solution and the iodine-mercuric chloride solution must be 15 to 20 cubic centimeters. The quantity of iodine solution consumed is calculated to iodine for 100 parts and the figure thus obtained is designated as the "iodine number."
Barenthin has in this manner determined the iodine number of several volatile oils; other experimenters, however, for instance, Kremel and Davies,[4] have found different numbers for the same oils, so that this method requires further thorough examination before it can be classed as available.
VI. A. Kremel has endeavored to utilize titration or saponification with alcoholic potash lye for the examination of volatile oils. In his experiments he was guided by the following points: A series of volatile oils contains partially free organic acids, like oils of bitter almonds and cinnamon, and partially aldehydes or other combinations. Now it seems not impossible, that up to a certain limit, the quantities of these combinations in the separate volatile oils remain constant, thus presenting the opportunity of testing the respective oils as to their quality and purity by saponification. In some cases these combinations are the chief bearers of the specific odor, and hence the determination of the "saponification number" becomes of double value. It is, of course, self-evident that not every volatile oil can be saponified, and Kremel admits that, even where saponification takes place, it is not in every case a sure test.
The execution of the method is as follows: Dissolve 1 gramme of the oil to be examined in 2 to 3 cubic centimeters of 90 per cent. alcohol freed from acid, compound the solution with a few drops of phenol-phthalein solution, and titrate the free acid with ½ normal alcoholic potash lye. The milligrammes of caustic potash used are designated the "acid number." After having thus determined the content of acid, add to the same solution 10 cubic centimeters of the same potash lye, heat for ¼ hour upon the water bath, and then titrate back the excess of potash lye with ½ normal hydrochloric acid. In this manner the "saponification number" is obtained. (In some cases when the final reaction is not plainly perceptible, it is advisable to correspondingly dilute with water after heating the alcoholic fluid.) The saponification number, less the acid number, gives the "ether or ester number."
Kremel has in this manner examined a large number of volatile oils and partially obtained surprising results. Rose oil gives a saponification number of 12, and geranium oils one of 40 to 50. While lavender oils give very high saponification numbers, oil of lemons does not. Artificial oil of bitter almonds shows higher saponification numbers than the natural oil. By further compounding the saponified portions of the latter with acid, a crystalline precipitate of benzoin is formed, the quantity of which amounts to from 40 to 50 per cent. of the oil used. Such a precipitate, but only in very small quantities, is also formed in peach kernel oil, but not in other similar oils nor in artificial oil of bitter almonds.
VII. F. R. Williams has recently endeavored to utilize for testing volatile oils Maumené's test, which is based upon the increase in temperature produced in oils by concentrated sulphuric acid, and which gives valuable points for the examination of some fat oils. Of course, the large quantities of oil otherwise prescribed cannot be used. While for the examination of fat oils 50 grammes of oil are mixed with 10 cubic centimeters of concentrated sulphuric acid in a beaker glass wrapped around with cotton, Williams could use only six cubic centimeters of volatile oil. They were brought into a very small beaker glass enveloped in cotton. After reading off the temperature, twelve cubic centimeters of concentrated sulphuric acid were added and the whole stirred with the thermometer until the temperature no longer rose. Numbers were in this manner obtained which might in some cases, for instance, cassia oil, furnish guiding points for judging the purity of the oil.
Planchon proposes the following procedure in order to recognize a volatile oil:—
A. The oil is specifically lighter than water.
1. The substance is solid and only melts at 347° F.: Camphor.
2. The oil at a temperature of over 32° F. contains a crystalline stearoptene.
a. The oil is laevorotatory, the stearoptene melts at 77° F., and, on adding sulphuric acid, a clear solution remains behind: Rose oil.
b. The oil possesses no rotatory power, the stearoptene melts at 50° F., and, on adding sulphuric acid, two layers are formed, only one of which is liquid: Anise-seed oil.
c. The oil is dextrorotatory, the stearoptene melts at 41° F., and, on adding sulphuric acid, a nearly colorless fluid remains behind: Fennel oil.
3. The oil is perfectly fluid and clear at above 32° F.
I. The oil explodes with iodine, emitting violet vapors.
a. The oil thickens in the air and readily forms resin.
It requires for its solution several volumes of alcohol: Oil of conifers.
b. The oil, on exposure to the air, does not thicken and but slowly forms resin.
α. It is dextrorotatory.
The liquid oil dissolves santalin: Oil of the aurantiaceæ.
The thick oil does not dissolve santalin: Mace oil.
β. The oil is laevorotatory.
The oil shows an acid reaction and dissolves in equal parts of alcohol: Lavender oil.
The oil shows a neutral reaction and dissolves in 12 to 15 parts of alcohol: Marjoram oil.
II. The oil gives no explosion with iodine, but shows an increase in temperature with or without emission of red vapors.
a. The oil shows an acid reaction.
α. The blue or green oil shows the acid reaction only indistinctly: Milfoil oil.
β. The colorless or brown oil gives a turbid fluid with sulphuric acid. It is laevorotatory: Spanish marjoram oil.
The oil is rendered but slightly turbid by sulphuric acid; it acquires a red-violet color by nitric acid, has no effect upon the plane of polarization, and has a peculiar odor: Oil of valerian.
b. The oil is neutral.
α. It dissolves with difficulty in alcohol.
β. The oil is miscible in every proportion with alcohol.
1. It is dextrorotatory.
The oil is colorless or yellowish, it thickens on exposure to the air, and dissolves and reduces fuchsine: Caraway oil.
The oil is thick, yellow-brown or red-yellow, and has a peculiar odor: Calamus oil.
2. The oil is laevorotatory.
It is fluid and has an aromatic odor: Rosemary oil.
The oil is thick and very pungent: Cubebs oil.
III. The oil dissolves iodine without vigorous reaction and without an increase in the temperature.
a. The oil is blue and green.
It has an agreeable, camphor-like odor: Camomile oil.
The green oil thickens in the air and is dextrorotatory: Wormwood oil.
The oil is generally green and produces no effect upon the plane of polarization: Cajeput oil.
b. The oil is colorless or yellow-brown.
α. It separates a solid stearoptene at about 32° F.: Rue oil.
β. The oil remains liquid at several degrees below 32° F.
1. Dextrorotatory oils.
The oil shows an acid reaction, and gives with sulphuric acid a somewhat turbid solution, which becomes clear by the addition of alcohol: Dill oil.
The oil gives with sulphuric acid a yellow-red turbid solution, which becomes clear and peach-blossom red by the addition of alcohol: Eucalyptus oil.
2. Laevorotatory oil.
The oil showing an acid reaction becomes thick in the air and has a characteristic odor: Mint oil.
The oil shows a neutral reaction and has a camphor-like odor: Thyme oil.
IV. The oil does not dissolve iodine, does not heat with sulphuric acid, and does not react upon nitric acid. The odor is empyreumatic: Petroleum.
B. The oil is specifically heavier than water.
1. The oil shows an acid reaction.
It is soluble in 30 parts of water, boils at 356° F., and smells of bitter almonds: Oil of bitter almonds.
The oil has an agreeable, sweet odor and boils at from 392° to 431.6° F.: Wintergreen oil.
2. The oil shows a neutral reaction.
a. The oil is laevorotatory.
It becomes blue by the addition of sulphuric acid: Oil of cloves.
b. The oil is optically inactive.
The thick oil gives with sulphuric acid a turbid, black-brown fluid; the odor is agreeable: Cinnamon oil.
c. The oil is dextrorotatory.
The thick oil has an agreeable odor: Sassafras oil.