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Nitric and Sulphuric Acids.


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—(1 : 2 by vol.)—By the action of these acids ligno-cellulose is converted into yellow-coloured ex­plos­ive com­pounds, preserving all the external features of the original fibre, and showing a close resemblance to the pyroxylins.

The increase in weight resulting from the fixation of the {23} nitric acid residue is approximately equal to that of cotton “nitrated” under the same conditions.

They are freely soluble in acetone. On examination they prove to be homogeneous. If the fibre be warmed with the mixture after the first reaction is completed, it dissolves. The solution is found to contain oxalic, succinic, and suberic acids, but no aromatic nitro-derivatives, whereas if ligno-cellulose contain a benzene nucleus, as has been supposed, such derivatives could not fail to be formed under these conditions.

A Text-book of Paper-making

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