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Solutions of the Aniline Colours.


—Some of these are of importance in enabling the microscopist to differentiate plant tissues. The “affinities” of the fibre substances for these are very various in kind and intensity. The phenomena of staining cannot be adequately treated in our histological scheme, which is necessarily very restricted. We, therefore, merely mention the more important colours which are used in staining, viz., magenta, methylene blue, eosine, diphenylamine blue. A convenient strength is a solution of 1 in 2000. (See also p. 43.)

The employment of the aniline sulphate solution, as well as of the solutions of the aniline colours, presents no difficulties, and therefore needs no detailed de­scrip­tion. The former strikes a more or less deep yellow with lignose; the aniline colours stain or dye the tissue or fibre more or less deeply, according to its composition, and, as it is a reciprocal action, {38} according also to the composition of the colouring matter. In following up this subject, the student will require to consult works on vegetable histology.

A Text-book of Paper-making

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