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Table of Contents

[6] Das Mutterrecht was published in Stuttgart in 1861.

[7] Primitive Marriage, published 1865. Studies in Ancient History, which includes a reprint of Primitive Marriage; 1st ed. 1876, 2nd ed. 1886. The Patriarchal Theory, a criticism of this theory is based on the papers of Mr. McLennan and edited by his brother.

[8] Prof. Giraud-Teulon’s La Mère chez certains Peuples de l’Antiquité is founded on the introduction to Das Mutterrecht. This little book of fascinating reading is the best and easiest way of studying Bachofen’s theory.

[9] Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. xiii.

[10] Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. vii.

[11] Ibid., Intro., p. xv.

[12] Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. xxiv. and p. 10.

[13] Ibid., Intro., p. xiv.

[14] Ibid., Intro., p. xv.

[15] Das Mutterrecht, p. 18.

[16] I have taken much of this passage from Mr. McLennan’s criticism of Bachofen’s theory, Studies in Ancient History, pp. 319–325.

[17] Das Mutterrecht, Intro., pp. vii.-viii.

[18] Das Mutterrecht, pp. 18–19.

[19] The History of Human Marriage, p. 105.

[20] Das Mutterrecht, p. 85.

[21] Das Mutterrecht, pp. 73, 85. Compare also McLennan, Studies, p. 322, and Starcke, The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development.

[22] Ibid., p. 85.

[23] Das Mutterrecht, Intro., p. xxvii.

[24] Ibid., Intro., p. xxix.

[25] Studies in Ancient History, pp. 83, et seq.

[26] History of Human Marriage, pp. 51–133. It is on this question that my own opinion has been changed, compare The Truth about Woman, p. 120.

[27] See next chapter on the Patriarchal Theory.

[28] Starcke, The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development, pp. 36, 37.

The Position of Woman in Primitive Society: A Study of the Matriarchy

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