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Table of Contents

1. Paramecium. (From “Animal Biology.” Longmans) 4
2. Behaviour of Paramecia. (After Jennings, American Journal of Psychology) 8
3. Cell-division. (From “Animal Biology.” Longmans) 13
4. Wapiti with antlers in velvet. (Drawing by Mr. Charles Whymper, after photograph by Miss Reynolds) 16
5. Wapiti with velvet shredding off. (Drawing by Mr. Charles Whymper, after photograph by Miss Reynolds) 17
6. Sun-dew leaf and tentacles. (From Darwin’s “Insectivorous Plants.” Murray. By kind permission of Mr. Francis Darwin, F.R.S.) 26
7. Venus’s Fly-trap. (From Darwin’s “Insectivorous Plants.” Murray. By kind permission of Mr. Francis Darwin, F.R.S.) 27
8. Flower of Valisneria 28
9. Flower of Catasetum 30
10. Flower of Catasetum dissected. (From Darwin’s “Fertilization of Orchids.” Murray. By kind permission of Mr. Francis Darwin, F.R.S.) 31
11. Solitary Wasp stinging Caterpillar. (After Plate III. in Dr. and Mrs. Peckham’s “Solitary Wasps”) 75
12. Solitary Wasp dragging a Caterpillar to its Nest. (After Plate IV. in Dr. Peckham’s “Solitary Wasps”) 76
13. Insect Larvæ: Sitaris, Argyromœba, and Leucopsis. (After Fabre “Souvenirs”) 80
14. Yucca Flower and Moth 83
15. Newly-hatched Chick swimming. (Drawn by Mr. Charles Whymper, after instantaneous photographs and a sketch by the author) 85
16. Nestling Megapode. (From Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe’s “Wonders of the Bird World.” Wells Gardner) 87
17. Cuckoo ejecting Meadow Pipit. (From Mrs. Hugh Blackburn’s sketch in “Birds from Moidart.” David Douglas) 91
18. Leaf-case of Birch-weevil 121
19. Solitary Wasp using a stone as a tool. (After Plate V. in Dr. Peckham’s “Solitary Wasps”) 127
20. Spiders placed by Solitary Wasps in crotches of branching stems. (After Plate X. in Dr. Peckham’s “Solitary Wasps”) 133
21. Fox-terrier lifting the latch of a gate. (Drawn by Mr. Charles Whymper, after a photograph by Miss Alice Worsley) 145
22. Cage used by Dr. Thorndike. (After figure in “Animal Intelligence,” Psychological Review, 1898) 148
23. Diagram illustrating Dr. Thorndike’s Experiments. (Based on data given in his monograph on “Animal Intelligence”) 150
24. Wood ant. (From Shipley’s “Invertebrates.” A. & C. Black) 207
25. Beetle soliciting food from Ant. (After Wasmann. Enlarged) 213
26. Honey-pot Ant. (Enlarged) 215
Animal Behaviour

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