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ОглавлениеWe have now to turn to a fresh aspect of animal life, that of reproduction; and it will be well to connect this process as closely as possible with the process of life in general, of which it is a direct outcome.
It will be remembered that, in the last chapter, it was shown that the essential feature in the process of life is the absorption by living protoplasm of oxygen on the one hand and nutritive matter on the other hand, and the kneading of these together, in subtle metabolism, into unstable compounds, which we likened to explosives. This is the first, or constructive, stage of the life-process. Thereupon follows the second, or disruptive, stage. The unstable compounds break down into more stable products—they explode, according to our analogy; and accompanying the explosions are manifestations of motor activity—of heat, sometimes of light and electrical phenomena. But in the economy of nature the products of explosion are often utilized, and in the division of labour among cells the explosions of some of them are directed specially to the production of substances which shall be of permanent or temporary use—for digestion, as in the products of the salivary, gastric, and intestinal glands; for support, as in bone, cartilage, and skeletal tissue generally; or as a store of nutriment, in fat or yolk. The constructive products of protoplasmic activity seem for the most part to be lodged in the spaces between the network of formative protoplasm. The disruptive products—those of them, that is to say, which are of temporary or permanent value to the organism—accumulate either within the cell, sometimes at one pole, sometimes at the centre, as in the case of the yolk of eggs, or around the cell, as in the case of cartilage or bone.
Apart from and either preceding or accompanying these phenomena, is the growth or increase of the formative protoplasm itself; concerning which the point to be here observed is that it is not indefinite, but limited. This was first clearly enunciated by Herbert Spencer, and may be called Spencer's law. In simplest expression it may thus be stated: Volume tends to outrun surface. Take a cube measuring one inch in the side; its volume is one cubic inch, its surface six square inches. Eight such cubes will have a surface of (6 × 8) forty-eight square inches. But let these eight be built into a larger cube, two inches in the side, and it will be found that the surface exposed is now only twenty-four square inches. While the volume has been increased eight times, the surface has been increased only four times. With increase of size, volume tends to outrun surface. But in the organic cell the nutritive material and oxygen are absorbed at the surface, while the explosive changes occur throughout its mass. Increase of size, therefore, cannot be carried beyond certain limits, for the relatively diminished surface is unable to supply the relatively augmented mass with material for elaboration into unstable compounds. Hence the cell divides to afford the same mass increased surface. This process of cell-division is called fission, and in some cases cleavage.
We will now proceed to pass in review the phenomena of reproduction and development in animals.
Fig. 7.—Protozoa.
A, vorticella extended. B, the same contracted. C, D, monads. E, amœba. F, Paramœcium. G, Gregarina. c.f., contractile fibre; c.v., contractile vesicle; d., disc; end., endoplast; f.v., food-vacuole; fl., flagellum; gu., gubernaculum; n., nucleus; p.a., potential anus; ps., (in A) peristome, (in E) pseudopodium; vs., vestibule.]
Attention has already been drawn to the difference between those lowly organisms, each of which is composed of a single cell—the protozoa, as they are termed—and those higher organisms, called metazoa, in which there are many cells with varied functions. Confining our attention at first to the former group of unicellular animals, we find considerable diversities of form and habit, from the relatively large, sluggish, parasitic Gregarina, to the active slipper-animalcule, or Paramœcium, or the beautiful, stalked bell-animalcule, or Vorticella; and from the small, slow-moving amœba to the minute, intensely active monad. In many cases reproduction is by simple fission, as in the amœba, where the nucleus first undergoes division; and then the whole organism splits into two parts, each with its own nucleus. In other cases, also numerous, the organism passes into a quiescent state, and becomes surrounded with a more or less toughened cyst. The nucleus then disappears, and the contents of the cyst break up into a number of small bodies or spores. Eventually the cyst bursts, and the spores swarm forth. In the case of some active protozoa the minute creatures that swarm forth are more or less like the parent; but in the more sluggish kinds the minute forms are more active than the parent. Thus in the case of the gregarina, the minute spore-products are like small amœbæ; while in other instances the embryos, if so we may call them, have a whip-like cilium like the monads.
Very frequently, however, there is, in the protozoa, a further process, which would seem to be intimately associated with fission or the formation of spores, as the case may be. This is known as conjugation. Among monads, for example, two individuals may meet together, conjugate, and completely fuse the one into the other. A triangular cyst results. After a while, the cyst bursts, and an apparently homogeneous fluid escapes. The highest powers of the microscope fail to disclose in it any germ of life; and there, at first sight, would seem to be an end of the matter. But wait and watch; and there will appear in the field of the microscope, suddenly and as if by magic, countless minute points, which prolonged watching shows to be growing. And when they have further grown, each distinct point is seen to be a monad.
In the slipper-animalcule, conjugation is temporary. But during the temporary fusion of the two individuals important changes are said to occur. In these infusorians there is, beside the nucleus, a smaller body, the paranucleus. This, in the case of conjugating paramœcia, appears to divide into two portions, of which one is mutually exchanged. Thus when two slipper-animalcules are in conjugation, the paranucleus of each breaks into two parts, a and b, of which a is retained and b handed over in exchange. The old a and the new b then unite, and each paramœcium goes on its separate way. M. Maupas, who has lately reinvestigated this matter, considers, as the result of his observations on another infusorian (Stylonichia), that without conjugation these organisms become exhausted, and multiplication by fission comes to a standstill. If this be so, conjugation is, in these organisms, necessary for the continuance of the race. But Richard Hertwig has recently shown that this is, at any rate, not universally true.
In the bell-animalcule, fission takes place in such a manner as to divide the bell into two equal portions. Thus there are two bells to one stalk. But the fate of the two is not the same. One remains attached to the stalk, and expands into a complete vorticella. The other remains pear-shaped, and develops round the posterior region of the body a girdle of powerful vibratile cilia, by the lashing of which the animalcule tears itself away from the parent stem, and swims off through the water. After a short active existence, it settles down in a convenient spot, adhering by its posterior extremity. The hinder girdle of cilia is lost or absorbed, a stalk is rapidly developed, and the organism expands into a perfect vorticella.
In some cases, however, the fission is of a different character, with different results. It may be very unequal, so that a minute, free-swimming animalcule is disengaged; or minute animalcules may result by repetition of division. In either case the minute form conjugates with an ordinary vorticella, its smaller mass being completely merged in the larger volume of its mate.
There are, of course, many variations in detail in the modes of protozoan reproduction; but we may say that, omitting such details, reproduction is either by simple fission or by spore-formation; and that these processes are in some cases associated with, and perhaps dependent on, the temporary or permanent union of two individuals in conjugation.
It is essential to notice that the results of fission or of spore-formation separate, each going on its own way. Hence such development as we find in the protozoa results from differentiations within the limits of the single cell. Thus the bell-animalcule has a well-defined and constant form; a definite arrangement of cilia round the rim and in the vestibule by which food finds entrance to the body. The outer layer of the body forms a transparent cuticle, beneath which is a so-called "myophan" layer, continuous with a contractile thread in the stalk. Within the substance of the body is a pulsating cavity, or contractile vesicle, and a nucleus. Such is the nature of the differentiation which may go on within the protozoan cell.
When we pass to the metazoa, we find that the method of differentiation is different. These organisms are composed of many cells; and instead of the parts of the cell differentiating in several directions, the several cells differentiate each in its own special direction. This is known as the physiological division of labour. The cells merge their individuality in the general good of the organism. Each, so to speak, cultivates some special protoplasmic activity, and neglects everything else in the attainment of this end. The adult metazoan, therefore, consists of a number of cells which have diverged in several, sometimes many, directions.
In some of the lower metazoans, reproduction may be effected by fission. Thus the fresh-water hydra is said to divide into two parts, each of which grows up into a perfect hydra. It is very doubtful, however, whether this takes place normally in natural life. But there is no doubt that if a hydra be artificially divided into a number of special pieces, each will grow up into a perfect organism, so long as each piece has fair samples of the different cells which constitute the body-wall. Sponges and sea-anemones may also be divided and subdivided, each part having the power of reproducing the parts that are thus cut away. When a worm is cut in half by the gardener's spade, the head end grows a new tail; and it is even stated that a worm not only survived the removal of the first five rings, including the brain, mouth, and pharynx, but within fifty-eight days had completely regenerated these parts.
Higher up in the scale of metazoan life, animals have the power of regenerating lost limbs. The lobster that has lost a claw reproduces a new one in its stead. A snail will reproduce an amputated "horn," or tentacle, many times in succession, reproducing in each case the eye, with its lens and retina. Even a lizard will regenerate a lost tail or a portion of a leg. In higher forms, regeneration is restricted to the healing of wounds and the mending of broken bones.
Closely connected with this process of regeneration of lost parts is the widely prevalent process of reproduction by budding. The cut stump of the amputated tentacle of the hydra or the snail buds forth a new organ. But in the hydra, during the summer months, under normal circumstances, a bud may make its appearance and give rise to a new individual, which will become detached from the parent, to lead a separate existence. In other organisms allied to the hydra the buds may remain in attachment, and a colony will result. This, too, is the result of budding in many of the sponges. In some worms, too, budding may occur. In the fresh-water worm (Chætogaster limnæi) the animal, as we ordinarily see it, is a train of individuals, one budded off behind the other—the first fully developed, those behind it in various stages of development. The individuals finally separate by transverse division. Another more lowly worm (Microstomum lineare, a Turbellarian) may bud off in similar fashion a chain of ten or fifteen individuals. In these cases budding is not far removed from fission.
Now, in the case of reproduction by budding, as in the hydra, a new individual is produced from some group of cells in the parent organism. From this it is but a step—a step, however, of the utmost importance—to the production of a new individual from a single cell from the tissues of the parental organism. Such a reproductive cell is called an egg-cell, or ovum. In the great majority of cases, to enable the ovum to develop into a new individual, it is necessary that the egg-cell should conjugate or fuse with a minute, active sperm-cell, generally derived from a different parent. This process of fusion of germinal cells is called fertilization (see Fig. 5, p. 13).
In sponges, the cells which become ova or sperms lie scattered in the mid-layer between the ciliated layers which line the cavities and spaces of the organism. Sometimes the individual sponge produces only ova; sometimes only sperms; sometimes both, but at different periods. The cells which become ova increase in size, are passive, and rich in reserve material elaborated by their protoplasm. The cells which become sperms divide again and again, and thus produce minute active bodies, adance with restless motion. These opposite tendencies are repeated and emphasized throughout the animal kingdom—ova relatively large, passive, and accumulative of reserve material; sperms minute, active, and the result of repeated fission. The active sperm, when it unites with the ovum, imports into it a tendency to fission, or cleavage; but the resulting cells do not part and scatter—they remain associated together, and in mutual union give rise to a new sponge.
Fig. 8.—Hydra viridis.
A, hydra half retracted, with a bud and an ovum attached to the shrunken ovary; B, a small hydra firmly retracted; C, a hydra fully extended. b., bud; f., foot; h.s., hypostome; ovm., ovum; ovy., ovary; t., tentacles; ts., testis.]
In the hydra, generally near the foot or base of attachment, a rounded swelling often makes its appearance in autumn. Within this swelling one central cell increases enormously at the expense of the others. It becomes an ovum. Eventually it bursts through the swelling, but remains attached for a time. Rarely in the same hydra, more frequently in another, one or two swellings may be seen higher up, beneath the circle of tentacles. Within these, instead of the single ovum may be seen a swarm of sperms, minute and highly active. When these are discharged, one may fuse with and fertilize an ovum, occasionally in the same, but more frequently in another individual, with the result that it develops into a new hydra. Here there are definite organs—an ovary and a testis—producing the ova or the sperms. But they are indefinite and not permanent in position.
In higher forms of life the organs which are set apart for the production of ova or sperms become definite in position and definite in structure. Occasionally, as in the snail, the same organ produces both sperms and ova, but then generally in separate parts of its structure. The two products also ripen at different times. Not infrequently, as in the earthworm, each individual has both testes and ovaries, and thus produces both ova and sperms, but from different organs. The ova of one animal are, however, fertilized by sperms from another. But in the higher invertebrates and vertebrates there is a sex-differentiation among the individuals, the adult males being possessed of testes only and producing sperms, the adult females possessed of ovaries only and producing ova. There are also, in many cases, accessory structures for ensuring that the ova shall be fertilized by sperms, while sexual appetences are developed to further the same end. But however the matter may thus be complicated, the essential feature is the same—the union of a sluggish, passive cell, more or less laden with nutritive matter, with a minute active cell with an hereditary tendency to fission.[F]
It is not, however, necessary in all cases that fertilization of the ovum should take place. The plant-lice, or Aphides of our rose trees, may produce generation after generation, and their offspring in turn reproduce in like manner, without any union or fusion of ovum or sperm. The same is true of the little water-fleas, or Daphnids; while in some kinds of rotifers fertilization is said never to occur. It is a curious and interesting fact, which seems now to be established beyond question, that drone bees are developed from unfertilized ova, the fertilized ova producing either queens or workers, according to the nature of the food with which the grubs are supplied. Where, as in the case of aphids and daphnids, fertilization occasionally takes place, it would seem that lowered temperature and diminished food-supply are the determining conditions. Fertilization, therefore, generally takes place in the autumn; the fertilized ovum living on in a quiescent state during the winter, and developing with the warmth of the succeeding spring. In the artificial summer of a greenhouse, reproduction may continue for three or four years without the occurrence of any fertilization.
Fig. 9.—Aurelia: Life-cycle.
a, embryo; b, Hydra tuba; c, Hydra tuba, with medusoid segments; d, medusa separated to lead free existence.]
Mention may here be made of some peculiarly modified modes of reproduction among the metazoa. The aurelia is a well-known and tolerably common jelly-fish. These produce ova, which are duly fertilized by sperms from a different individual. A minute, free-swimming embryo develops from the ovum, which settles down and becomes a little polyp-like organism, the Hydra tuba. As growth proceeds, this divides or segments into a number of separable, but at first connected, parts. As these attain their full development, first one and then another is detached from the free end, floats off, and becomes a medusoid aurelia. Thus the fertilized ovum of aurelia develops, not into one, but into a number of medusæ,[G] passing through the Hydra tuba condition as an intermediate stage.
Many of the hydroid zoophytes, forming colonies of hydra-like organisms, give rise in the warm months to medusoid jelly-fish, capable of producing ova and sperms. Fertilization takes place; and the fertilized ova develop into little hydras, which produce, by budding, new colonies. In these new colonies, again, the parts which are to become ovaries or testes float off, and ripen their products in free-swimming, medusoid organisms. Such a rhythm between development from ova and development by budding is spoken of as an alternation of generations.
The fresh-water sponge (Spongilla) exhibits an analogous rhythm. The ova are fertilized by sperms from a different short-lived individual. They develop into sponges which have no power of producing ova or sperms. But on the approach of winter in Europe, and of the dry season in India, a number of cells collect and group themselves into a so-called gemmule. Round this is formed a sort of crust beset with spicules, which, in some cases, have the form of two toothed discs united by an axial shaft. When these gemmules have thus been formed, the sponge dies; but the gemmules live on in a quiescent state during the winter or the dry season, and with the advent of spring develop into sponges, male or female. These have the power of producing sperms or ova, but no power of producing gemmules. The power of producing ova, and that of producing gemmules, thus alternates in rhythmic fashion.
Fig. 10.—Liver-fluke: Embryonic stages. (After A. P. Thomas.)
A. ovum: em., embryo; op., operculum. B. Limnæus truncatulus (natural size). C. Free embryo: e.s., eye-spot; ex., excretory vessel; g.c., germinal cells; h.p., head-papilla. D. Embryo preparing to become a sporocyst: g.c., germinal cells. E. Sporocyst: g., gastrula; m., morula; re., redia. F. Redia: b.o., birth-opening; ce., cercaria; col., collar; di., digestive sac; ph., pharynx; p.pr., posterior processes; re., daughter redia. G. Cercaria: cys., cystogenous organ; di., digestive sac; o.s., oral sucker; p.s., posterior sucker; ph., pharynx.
But one more example of these modified forms of reproduction can here be cited (from the author's text-book on "Animal Biology"). The liver-fluke is a parasitic organism, found in the liver of sheep. Here it reaches sexual maturity, each individual producing many thousands of eggs, which pass with the bile into the alimentary canal of the host, and are distributed over the fields with the excreta. Here, in damp places, pools, and ditches, free and active embryos are hatched out of the eggs. Each embryo (Fig. 10, C., much enlarged) is covered with cilia, except at the anterior end, which is provided with a head-papilla (h.p.). When the embryo comes in contact with any object, it, as a rule, pauses for a moment, and then darts off again. But if that object be the minute water-snail, Limnæus truncatulus (Fig. 10, B., natural size), instead of darting off, the embryo bores its way into the tissues until it reaches the pulmonary chamber, or more rarely the body-cavity. Here its activity ceases. It passes into a quiescent state, and is now known as a sporocyst (Fig. 10, E.). The active embryo has degenerated into a mere brood-sac, in which the next generation is to be produced. For within the sporocyst special cells undergo division, and become converted into embryos of a new type, which are known as rediæ (F.), and which, so soon as they are sufficiently developed, break through the wall of the sporocyst. They then increase rapidly in size, and browse on the digestive gland of the water-snail (known as the intermediate host), to which congenial spot they have in the mean time migrated. The series of developmental changes is even yet not complete. For within the rediæ (besides, at times, daughter rediæ) embryos of yet another type are produced by a process of cell-division. These are known as cercariæ (Fig. 10, G.). Each has a long tail, by means of which it can swim freely in water. It leaves the intermediate host, and, after leading a short, active life, becomes encysted on blades of grass. The cyst is formed by a special larval organ, and is glistening snowy white. Within the cyst lies the transparent embryonic liver-fluke, which has lost its tail in the process of encystment.
The last chapter in this life-history is that in which the sheep crops the blade of grass on which the parasite lies encysted; whereupon the cyst is dissolved in the stomach of the host, the little liver-fluke becomes active, passes through the bile-duct into the liver of the sheep, and there, growing rapidly, reaches sexual maturity, and lays its thousands of eggs, from each of which a fresh cycle may take its origin. The sequence of phenomena is characterized by discontinuity of development. Instead of the embryo growing up continuously into the adult, with only the atrophy of provisional organs (e.g. the gills and tail of the tadpole, or embryo frog), it produces germs from which the adult is developed. Not merely provisional organs, but provisional organisms, undergo atrophy. In the case of the liver-fluke there are two such provisional organisms, the embryo sporocyst and the redia.
We may summarize the life-cycle thus—
1. Ovum laid in liver of sheep, passes with bile into intestine, and thence out with the excreta.
2. Free ciliated embryo, in water or on damp earth, passes into pulmonary cavity of Limnæus truncatulus, and develops into
3. Sporocyst, in which secondary embryos are developed, known as
4. Rediæ, which pass into the digestive glands of Limnæus, and within which, besides daughter rediæ, there are developed tertiary embryos, or
5. Cercariæ, which pass out of the intermediate host and become
6. Encysted on blades of grass, which are eaten by sheep. The cyst dissolves, and the young flukes pass into the liver of their host, each developing into
7. A liver-fluke, sexual, but hermaphrodite.
Here, again, we notice that one fertilized ovum gives rise to not one, but a number of liver-flukes.
We must now pass on to consider the growth and development of organisms. Simple growth results from the multiplication of similar cells. As the child, for example, grows, the framework of the body and the several organs increase in size by continuous cell-multiplication. Development is differential growth; and this may be seen either in the organs or parts of an organism or in the cells themselves. As the child grows up into a man, there is a progressive change in his relative proportions. The head becomes relatively smaller, the hind limbs relatively longer, and there are changes in the proportional size of other organs.
In the development of the embryo from the ovum, the differentiation is of a deeper and more fundamental character. Cells at first similar become progressively dissimilar, and out of a primitively homogeneous mass of cells is developed a heterogeneous system of different but mutually related tissues.
This view of development is, however, the outcome of comparatively modern investigation and perfected microscopical appliances. The older view was that development in all cases is nothing more than differential growth, that there is no differentiation of primitively similar into ultimately different parts. Within the fertilized ovum of the horse or bird lay, it was supposed, in all perfection of structure, a miniature racer or chick, the parts all there, but too minute to be visible. All that was required was that each part should grow in due proportion. Those who held this view, however, divided into two schools. The one believed that the miniature organism was contained within the ovum, the function of the sperm being merely to stimulate its subsequent developmental growth. The other held that the sperm was the miniature organism, the ovum merely affording the food-material necessary for its developmental growth. In either case, this unfolding of the invisible organic bud was the evolution of the older writers on organic life. More than this. As Messrs. Geddes and Thomson remind us,[H] "the germ was more than a marvellous bud-like miniature of the adult. It necessarily included, in its turn, the next generation, and this the next—in short, all future generations. Germ within germ, in ever smaller miniature, after the fashion of an infinite juggler's box, was the corollary logically appended to this theory of preformation and unfolding."
Modern embryology has completely negatived any such view as that of preformation, and as completely established that the evolution is not the unfolding of a miniature germ, but the growth and differentiation of primitively similar cell-elements. In different animals, as might be expected, the manner and course of development are different. We may here illustrate it by a very generalized and so to speak diagrammatic description of the development of a primitive vertebrate.
Fig. 11.—Diagram of development.
See text. The fine line across G. indicates the plane of section shown in H.
The ovum before fertilization is a simple spherical cell, without any large amount of nutritive material in the form of food-yolk (A.). It contains a nucleus. Previous to fertilization, however, in many forms of life, portions of the nucleus, amounting to three parts of its mass, are got rid of in little "polar cells" budded off from the ovum. The import of this process we shall have to consider in connection with the subject of heredity. The sperm is also a nucleated cell; and on its entrance into the ovum there are for a short time two nuclei—the female nucleus proper to the ovum, and the male nucleus introduced by the sperm. These two unite and fuse to form a joint nucleus. Thus the fertilized ovum starts with a perfect blending of the nuclear elements from two cells produced by different parents.
Then sets in what is known as the segmentation or cleavage of the ovum. First the nucleus and then the cell itself divides into two equal halves (B.), each of these shortly afterwards again dividing into two. We may call the points of intersection of these two planes of division the "poles," and the planes "vertical planes." We thus have four cells produced by two vertical planes (C.). The next plane of division is equatorial, midway between the poles. By this plane the four cells are subdivided into eight (D.). Then follow two more vertical planes intermediate between the first two. By them the eight cells are divided into sixteen. These are succeeded by two more horizontal planes midway between the equator and the poles. Thus we get thirty-two cells. So the process continues until, by fresh vertical and horizontal planes of division, the ovum is divided into a great number of cells.
But meanwhile a cavity has formed in the midst of the ovum. This makes its appearance at about the eight-cell stage, the eight cells not quite meeting in the centre of the ovum. The central cavity so formed is thus surrounded by a single layer of cells, and it remains as a single layer throughout the process of segmentation, so that there results a hollow vesicle composed of a membrane constituted by a single layer of cells (E.).
The cells on one side of the vesicle are rather larger than the others, and the next step in the process is the apparent pushing in of this part of the hollow sphere; just as one might take a hollow squash indiarubber ball, and push in one side so as to form a hollow, two-layered cup (F.). The vesicle, then, is converted into a cup, the mouth of which gradually closes in and becomes smaller, while the cup itself elongates (G.).[I] Thus a hollow, two-layered, stumpy, worm-like embryo is produced, the outer layer of which may be ciliated, so that by the lashing of these cilia it is enabled to swim freely in the water. The inner cavity is the primitive digestive cavity.
A cross-section through the middle of the embryo at this stage will show this central cavity surrounded by a two-layered body-wall (H.). A little later the following changes take place (J. K.): Along a definite line on the surface of the embryo, marking the region of the back, the outer layer becomes thickened; the edges of the thickened band so produced rise up on either side, so as to give rise to a median groove between them; and then, overarching and closing over the groove, convert it into a tube. This tube is called the neural tube, because it gives rise to the central nervous system. In the region of the head it expands; and from its walls, by the growth and differentiation of the cells, there is formed—in the region of the head, the brain, and along the back, the spinal cord. Immediately beneath it there is formed a rod of cells, derived from the inner layer. This rod, which is called the notochord, is the primitive axial support of the body. Around it eventually is formed the vertebral column, the arches of the vertebræ embracing and protecting the spinal cord.
Meanwhile there has appeared between the two primitive body-layers a third or middle layer.[J] The cells of which it is composed arise from the inner layer, or from the lips of the primitive cup when the outer and inner layer pass the one into the other. This middle layer at first forms a more or less continuous sheet of cells between the inner and the outer layers. But ere long it splits into two sheets, of which one remains adherent to the inner layer and one to the outer layer. The former becomes the muscular part of the intestinal or digestive tube, the latter the lining of the body-wall. The space between the two is known as the body-cavity. Beneath the throat the heart is fashioned out of this middle layer.
Very frequently—that is to say, in many animals—the opening by which the primitive digestive tube communicated with the exterior has during these changes closed up, so that the digestive cavity does not any longer communicate in any way with the exterior. This is remedied by the formation of a special depression or pit at the front end for the mouth, and a similar pit at the hinder end.[K] These pits then open into the canal, and communications with the exterior are thus established. The lungs and liver are formed as special outgrowths from the digestive tube. The ovaries or testes make their appearance at a very early period as ridges of the middle layer projecting into the body-cavity. For some time it is impossible to say whether they will produce sperms or ova; and it is said that in many cases they pass through a stage in which one portion has the special sperm-producing, and another the special ovum-producing, structure. But eventually one or other prevails, and the organs become either ovaries or testes.
Thus from the outer layer of the primitive embryo is produced the outer skin, together with the hairs, scales, or feathers which it carries; from it also is produced the nervous system, and the end-organs of the special senses. From the inner layer is formed the digestive lining of the alimentary tube and the glands connected therewith; from it also the primitive axial support of the body. But this primitive support gives place to the vertebral column formed round the notochord; and this is of mid-layer origin. Out of the middle layer are fashioned the muscles and framework of the body; out of it, too, the heart and reproductive organs. The tissues of many of the organs are cunningly woven out of cells from all three layers. The lens of the eye, for example, is a little piece of the outer layer pinched off and rendered transparent. The retina of that organ is an outgrowth from the brain, which, as we have seen, was itself developed from the outer layer. But round the retina and the lens there is woven from the middle layer the tough capsule of the eye and the circular curtain or iris. The lining cells of the digestive tube are cells of the inner layer, but the muscular and elastic coats are of middle-layer origin. The lining cells of the salivary glands arise from the outer layer where it is pushed in to form the mouth-pit; but the supporting framework of the glands is derived from the cells of the middle layer.
Enough has now been said to give some idea of the manner in which the different tissues and organs of the organism are elaborated by the gradual differentiation of the initially homogeneous ovum. The cells into which the fertilized egg segments are at first all alike; then comes the divergence between those which are pushed in to line the hollow of the cup, and those which form its outer layer. Thereafter follows the differentiation of a special band of outer cells to form the nervous system, and a special rod, derived from the inner cells, to form the primitive axial support. And when the middle layer has come into existence, its cells group themselves and differentiate along special lines to form gristle or bone, blood or muscle.
The description above given is a very generalized and diagrammatic description. There are various ways in which complexity is introduced into the developmental process. The store of nutritive material present in the egg, for example, profoundly modifies the segmentation so that where, as in the case of birds' eggs, there is a large amount of food-yolk, not all the ovum, but only a little patch on its surface, undergoes segmentation. In this little patch the embryo is formed. Break open an egg upon which a hen has been sitting for five or six days, and you will see the little embryo chick lying on the surface of the yolk. The large mass of yolk to which it is attached is simply a store of food-material from which the growing chick may draw its supplies.
For it is clear that the growing and developing embryo must obtain, in some way and from some source, the food-stuff for its nutrition. And this is effected, among different animals, in one of three ways. Either the embryo becomes at a very early stage a little, active, voracious, free-swimming larva, obtaining for itself in these early days of life its own living; as is the case, for example, with the oyster or the star-fish. Or the egg from which it is developed contains a large store of food-yolk, on which it can draw without stint; as is the case with birds. Or else the embryo becomes attached to the maternal organism in such a way that it can draw on her for all the nutriment which it may require; as is the case with the higher mammals.
In both these latter cases the food-material is drawn from the maternal organism, and is the result of parental sacrifice; but in different ways. In the case of the bird, the protoplasm of the ovum has acquired the power of storing up the by-products of its vital activity. The ovum of such an animal seems at first sight a standing contradiction to the statement, made some pages back, that the cell cannot grow to any great extent without undergoing division or fission; and this because volume tends to outrun surface. For the yolk of a bird's egg is a single cell, and is often of large size. But when we come to examine carefully these exceptional cases of very large cells—for what we call the yolk of an egg is, I repeat, composed of a single cell—we find that the formative protoplasm is arranged as a thin patch on one side of the yolk in the case of the bird's egg, or as a thin pellicle surrounding the yolk in the case of that of the lobster or the insect. All the rest is a product of protoplasmic life stowed away beneath the patch or within the pellicle. And this stored material is relatively stable and inert, not undergoing those vital disruptive changes which are characteristic of living formative protoplasm. The mass of formative protoplasm, even in the large eggs of birds, is not very great, and is so arranged as to offer a relatively extensive surface. All the rest, the main mass of the visible egg-yolk, is the stored product of a specialized activity of the formative protoplasm. But all this material is of parental origin—is elaborated from the nutriment absorbed and digested by the mother.
Thus we see, in the higher types of life, parental sacrifice, fosterage, and protection. For in the case of mammals and many birds, especially those which are born in a callow, half-fledged condition, even when the connection of mother and offspring is severed, or the supplies of food-yolk are exhausted, and the young are born or hatched, there is still a more or less prolonged period during which the weakly offspring are nourished by milk, by a secretion from the crop ("pigeon's milk"), or by food-stuff brought with assiduous care by the parents. There is a longer or shorter period of fosterage and protection—longer in the case of man than in that of any of the lower animals—ere the offspring are fitted to fend for themselves in life's struggle.
And accompanying this parental sacrifice, first in supplying food for embryonic development, and then in affording fosterage and protection during the early stages of growth, there is, as might well be supposed, a reduction in the number of ova produced and of young brought forth or hatched. Many of the lower organisms lay hundreds of thousands of eggs, each of which produces a living active embryo. The condor has but two downy fledglings in a year; the gannet lays annually but a single egg; while the elephant, in the hundred years of its life, brings forth but half a dozen young.
We shall have to consider by what means these opposite tendencies (a tendency to produce enormous numbers of tender, ill-equipped embryos, and a tendency to produce few well-equipped offspring) have been emphasized. The point now to be noted is that every organism, even the slowest breeder that exists, produces more young than are sufficient to keep up the numbers of the species. If every pair of organisms gave birth to a similar pair, and if this pair survived to do likewise, the number of individuals in the species would have no tendency either to increase or to diminish. But, as a matter of fact, animals actually do produce from three or four times to hundreds or even thousands of times as many new individuals as are necessary in this way to keep the numbers constant. This is the law of increase. It may be thus stated: The number of individuals in every race or species of animals is tending to increase. Practically this is only a tendency. By war, by struggle, by competition, by the preying of animals upon each other, by the stress of external circumstances, the numbers are thinned down, so that, though the births are many, the deaths are many also, and the survivals few. In the case of those species the numbers of which are remaining constant, out of the total number born only two survive to procreate their kind. We may judge, then, of the amount of extermination that goes on among those animals which produce embryos by the thousand or even the hundred thousand. The effects of this enormous death-rate on the progress of the race or species we shall have to consider in the next chapter, when the question of the differentiation of species is before us.
There is one form of differentiation, however, which we may glance at before closing this chapter—the differentiation of sex. We are not in a position to discuss the ultimate causes of sex-differentiation, but we may here note the proximate causes as they seem to be indicated in certain cases.
Among honey-bees there are males (drones), fertile females (queens), and imperfect or infertile females (workers). It has now been shown, beyond question, that the eggs from which drones develop are not fertilized. The presence or absence of fertilization in this case determines the sex. During the nuptial flight, a special reservoir, possessed by the queen bee, is stored with sperms in sufficient number to last her egg-laying life. It is in her power either to fertilize the eggs as they are laid or to withhold fertilization. If the nuptial flight is prevented, and the reservoir is never stored with sperms, she is incapable of laying anything but drone eggs. The cells in which drones are developed are somewhat smaller than those for ordinary workers; but what may be the nature of the stimulus that prompts the queen to withhold fertilization we at present do not know. The difference between the fertile queen and the unfertile worker seems to be entirely a matter of nutrition. If all the queen-embryos should die, the workers will tear down the partitions so as to throw three ordinary worker-cells into one; they will destroy two of the embryos, and will feed the third on highly nutritious and stimulating diet; with the result that the ovaries and accessory parts are fully developed, and the grub that would have become an infertile worker becomes a fertile queen. And one of the most interesting points about this change, thus wrought by a stimulating diet, is that not only are the reproductive powers thus stimulated, but the whole organism is modified. Size, general structure, sense-organs, habits, instincts, and character are all changed with the development of the power of laying eggs. The organism is a connected whole, and you cannot modify one part without deeply influencing all parts. This is the law of correlated variation.
Herr Yung has made some interesting experiments on tadpoles. Under normal circumstances, the relation of females to males is about 57 to 43. But when the tadpoles were well fed on beef, the proportion of females to males rose so as to become 78 to 32; and on the highly nutritious flesh of frogs the proportion became 92 to 8. A highly nutritious diet and plenty of it caused a very large preponderance of females.
Mrs. Treat, in America, found that if caterpillars were half-starved before entering upon the chrysalis state, the proportion of males was much increased; while, if they were supplied with abundant nutritious food, the proportion of female insects was thereby largely increased. The same law is said to hold good for mammals. Favourable vital conditions are associated with the birth of females; unfavourable, with that of males. Herr Ploss attempts to show that, among human folk, in hard times there are more boys born; in good times, more girls.
On the whole, we may say that there is some evidence to show that in certain cases favourable conditions of temperature, and especially nutrition, tend to increase the number of females. We have seen that many animals pass through a stage where the reproductive organs are not yet differentiated into male and female, while in some there is a temporary stage where the outer parts of the organ produce ova and the inner parts sperms. We have also seen that the ova are cells where storage is in excess; the sperms are cells in which fission is in excess. Favourable nutritive conditions may, therefore, not incomprehensibly lead to the formation of well-stored ova; unfavourable nutritive conditions, on the other hand, to the formation of highly subdivided sperms. By correlated variation,[L] the ova-bearing or sperm-bearing individuals then develop into the often widely different males and females.