Читать книгу Unexpected Miracles - C. McGeorge - Страница 6

Introduction From “Don’t Judge Me”


“As I began to read Miss Christine’s works of writing- I was instantly drawn into the natural sensitivity, intelligence, and warmth of the words of this young poetess, whose voice was shouting out to be heard.

Now, let me put it down in black and white, that this young lady is a born versifier, who obviously loves the impact of words in their written form- who explores without shame or defeat, her own self-hood and the turbulent struggles of the human heart.

As it comes to grips with loneliness, despair and unanswered questions, as well as the sublime joy, inspiration and seeming magic that comes with creating art-form.

Through her portrayals of life-scene in her work, she advises the reading world at large to explore themselves, and to accept whatever treasures they stumble across.

Her sincerity as an artist is nowise in question, and I thoroughly believe that she can help make this world a better place by continuing to write, recite, publish, and pursue the writing path.

Finally, all who are privileged to read her work at this stage in her life, and who are encouraged to understand, nurture and support her natural vibes- will know that the words of Miss Christine proclaims that the human heart is the well-spring of all earthy truth- which leads the hopeful to their proper paths and stations in life, and that true love is only to be found in the child-like innocence of one’s natural self-hood.”

Best of Life to You,



Thanks to Y.B.R. he opened a doorway to a lifetime of writing…

Unexpected Miracles

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