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I do not know one person who, when describing his or her state of health, does not fail to include a profile of his or her mental and emotional status. It is, in fact, incomprehensible these days to leave out those details. Who would even think to ignore their stress patterns or their heartaches or their business or life traumas when describing how they are feeling? I can honestly say that I cannot even imagine such a conversation these days. Over the past fifty years, we have made great strides into re-awakening the Divine design of the natural order of the body/mind/emotions/spirit coordinates that support life. This inherent intelligence about the natural harmony between the soul and the body was lost over the centuries as the Age of Reason or the Enlightenment fell in love with the scientific approach to life, but we now stand on the threshold of both a Mystical and a Medical Renaissance. We have crossed the psychic Rubicon and entered into the era of the intuitive mind, the cosmic heart, and mystical consciousness. We have not yet fully arrived in this new place, make no mistake. But we have made the crossing. We are pilgrims, en route to our potential, a potential we will never fulfill in this lifetime. But we are the pilgrims who have begun the journey.
The field of holistic medicine is, of course, a central part of the energy paradigm. And the need for medical intuition to be recognized as a science within this emerging paradigm of energy, or mystical consciousness, is not an option so far as I am concerned. It is a necessity. We have years of research ahead of us to mature this field into a well-respected science that can stand alongside other sciences, and like other new fields, this, too, must earn its stripes. But that is a worthy scrutiny, as medical intuition needs to come into its own as a legitimate field. As an energy-based science, medical intuition has an enormous amount of vital data that it is capable of providing to the physical world of science, data that quite frankly makes a standard diagnosis incomplete. Yet, because medical intuition is not yet subject to the rigors of an authentic science and does not yet have an agreed upon education program for medical intuitives, much less a national board that licenses them to practice, and because we have yet to formulate controlled means to validate “energy data” or to work with it in a reliable manner, the field has not yet earned the credibility that it so urgently needs.
While Norm brilliantly addresses these concerns within the pages of this book, as a practicing medical intuitive for over two decades, I know from long experience that the field of holistic health, including the science of medical intuition, is confronting several obstacles that will take years to resolve, as they are not mere problems. Problems have solutions. What we are confronted with as we truly come to grips with the vast difference between the physical world of medicine and the philosophical core of energy medicine is a predicament—namely, a collision of realities and all that such a collision portends. And predicaments, unlike problems, do not have solutions. Rather, they call for the emergence of new perceptions in order to move forward.
Let me offer just a few examples of what the challenge is to which I am referring. What makes “science” a science is repeated research that, in turn, produces reliable data. Such data becomes a building block, a given piece of information that can then be applied to a problem toward arriving at a solution. Energy information is an entirely different type of data. It is “kairos” data as opposed to “chronos,” meaning that it is reflective of the “here and now” or having a more “timeless” quality to it, whereas physical, or chronos, data is concrete and forensic-friendly. A person may be emotionally upset today, in the “here and now,” but not yesterday and perhaps not tomorrow. That doesn't make the “here and now” data invalid or useless, but it does make it exactly what it is— good for the “here and now” and not measurable. A person's energy is “off” today but “on” yesterday. Such information is valid but how exactly does that translate to hard-core healing information? People talk about the influence of attitudes and beliefs. That's true, but which ones? Have you any idea whatsoever how many beliefs you have in that head of yours? And exactly which ones are causing you stress? Which precise negative patterns do you think are at the root of your crisis? Now that's what I call a fishing expedition if there ever was one.
All science evolved and inherent to the evolution of all sciences was the evolution of the vocabulary of each science. There was a time when the words “bacteria” and “infection” and “germs” and “virus” and “molecules” and “atoms” did not exist. Words are the telescopes and periscopes and microscopes of the imagination and intuition. Without an adequate vocabulary, we can see nothing. We can articulate nothing. We can “sense” that something is “out there” or “in there,” longing to makes its presence known and its significance realized, but we are helpless until we name it. Language and naming something are as significant a building block to any science as the discoveries are themselves. Our challenge at this point is that we lack an adequate vocabulary that carries us between the dimensions of the physical body and the full force of the energetic anatomy and all the mysteries and power of that domain. We are at a loss to find a way that actually animates in measurable, real terms the connection between First Chakra issues and their everyday fetishes or fears. For example, the influence inherited tribal superstitions have on a person's emotional maturity are huge—not small—huge. They are as influential as the religious myths a person grows up with because they are often intertwined. Try to measure the “energetic intensity” of that subtle thread within a psyche and then delicately track that thread as it went from a superstitious thought form into a behavioral pattern that resulted in a control fetish so intense that the person becomes incapable of intimacy. Can physical medicine do something like that? Not likely.
The role of power and our relationship to power is, so far as I am concerned, basic to a health evaluation. People hemorrhage power for all manner of reasons—power plays in relationships, low self-esteem, lack of social clout, fear of rejection, personal finances, compulsive need for approval, a chronic fear of being humiliated—it's an endless list. And that's the point when it comes to your health—your health is intimately connected to your sense of power. The powerless find it nearly impossible to follow a health program. The empowered get right back on track. Can a person's sense of power be measured in a lab? Of course not. But it most certainly can be intuitively assessed by a competent medical intuitive, and through my work with Norm, we learned early on that factors of personal, emotional, psychic, and mental power were as significant to a health analysis as blood work.
I can continue to list the many obstacles I see ahead for the field of medical intuition and energy medicine—and there are many—but I can also sum them all up in explaining that the science practiced in allopathic medicine, for the most part, is objective. Lab tests are lab tests. Energy medicine and the role of the medical intuitive provide subjective data, data that has many more variables than quantifiable data in the physical world. Every memory has an emotional thread, for example, and the fact is, you alter the intensity of the emotional current that you transmit through that thread moment by moment. Thus, the significance of my earlier statement: the role that medical intuition faces is not so much as a problem within the field of science as a predicament. Its field of reality is fundamentally mystical in design. Its data is energetic and of the substance of mystical consciousness. That does not make it any less valid. In fact, if a person truly grasps the significance of this rich domain of soul dialogue, then you know you are engaged with the core of a person's true being. But, as I say, that leads to the predicament of translating that subtle field of data into the practical world of hard-core illness and treatment. And the obstacles in that world are equally complex in that patients rarely want to do the arduous work of soul transformation. Though they want the information, they are often under the impression that such information is like a release valve, as if it's a secret, dark memory that you unlock, and poof, health is returned. Healing just doesn't work like that.
Yet another variable that exists within the field of the medical intuitive is what the client believes the intuitive can actually do. It must be understood that the maturity of the medical intuitive, the attitudes and beliefs of that person and that individual's inner discipline, play the leading role in the quality of a medical intuitive reading. An immature, arrogant, untrained person who claims to be a medical intuitive will give a person a defensive reading; that is, he or she will have to be right and will argue to prove a point lest he or she be thought of as inadequate. I've seen that more often than I can count. Clients (medical intuitives may not refer to individuals requesting their help as patients) are vulnerable people. They often make the mistake of thinking that a medical intuitive has a tech lab for a mind instead of a mere intuitive system. Clients always imagine that an intuitive of any kind can answer questions that he or she simply cannot. They want their fortunes told. They want their life problems resolved. They want all their mysteries unfolded and not just about them. They usually come with a list of family members or a lover. A medical intuitive is not a street psychic or a carnival barker who can “see the future.” A medical intuitive is exactly that—a person who has the ability to interpret energetic data as it relates specifically to health-related crises. This data often includes behavioral patterns, archetypal patterns that govern the soul's path, life traumas, and then there is the presence of physical illness as well as the illnesses that are in the process of developing. A profile of the individual's relationship to power as profiled within the Divine order of the chakras provides a map of how and why and where a person is losing power. Stepping out of those parameters and discussing other relationships and what a person might be able to psychically pick up about another person or discussing investments or business dealings during a medical intuitive reading is, so far as I am concerned, “energy malpractice,” a crossing of the lines of the appropriate use of one's intuitive skills. If you are a medical intuitive, you must be governed by the ethics and parameters of what “medical” means. It means you are devoting your intuitive abilities toward assisting people to heal. If you want to be a street fair psychic and do romance readings, then list yourself as such but do not call yourself a medical intuitive.
Here comes the next logical question: Can people be taught to do medical intuitive readings with that same precision? First, the false belief that intuition is a gift needs to be completely shattered. Intuition is not a gift. Everyone is naturally intuitive, beginning with our inherent survival gut instinct, which operates in us as a function of our animal nature—not our higher consciousness, but our lower one. However, as a second point, let me say that our intuitive senses evolve not because we are gifted with them but because we seek an inner life. The trigger mechanism or launch pad for the beginnings—and note I said beginnings—of sharp intuitive abilities is to develop a strong sense of self-esteem. By that I mean a sense of who you are without being controlled or influenced by the fear of being humiliated. If you can get a grip on that one fear—the fear of being humiliated—then you will have the courage to hear your intuitive voice, the deep, clear, Divine voice that is not driven by your fear of survival. That's the beginning of mystical intuition, the core of what it takes to be a master medical intuitive.
Norm addresses a chapter of our history together and our effort to train a group of devoted students in the science of medical intuition. From that came Norm's brilliant idea to found the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition. His intention in creating ABSMI was to establish a national standard of excellence. I say “his” because, even though I am on the Board, the fact is, it was Norm who envisioned the need for the creation of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition. It was Norm who first realized years ago that we had entered the energetic age, an age that would call forth practitioners of the energetic arts of healing. Up until now, we have named ourselves without testing, without having to prove these abilities to a Board of qualified authorities who, in turn, would grant us a license to practice our science. Through such a process of standardization, this intuitive skill is matured into an energetic healing science. This is the route medical intuition must follow in order to emerge as a mainstream science. So far, very few medical intuitives have stepped forward to be tested. Hopefully, that will change in the years to come. Hopefully, medical intuitives will feel confident enough in their skills to believe that they qualify to step up to the ranks as members of an emerging science. Hopefully, that time will come soon.
Norm's book on medical intuition is a textbook on this new science, a book that combines his history as a scientist examining this skill and as a physician urging the common sense of personal health care. Energy medicine and allopathic medicine are teamwork, but neither compensate for negligent health habits, as he is quick to point out. Norm Shealy has always been a visionary in the field of medicine and human consciousness, and I have been blessed to be a part of his life's work. I would not have become the medical intuitive I am today had we not met so many years ago. And I can also say that it was precisely because of my skill as a medical intuitive that the inner world of human consciousness opened up to me. I know that this is a science, but it is a science of the soul, not the mind. And it requires the utmost inner training on the part of the practitioner to become a precise instrument. I was more than lucky in finding Norm as my mentor; I was blessed. And this I know to be true above all else—you cannot walk into the territory of the soul unescorted. A mentor is essential. I am grateful my mentor wrote this book.
Caroline Myss
Oak Park, Illinois
September 2009