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Case Study 1.1 The development of a novel net for sampling bats emerging from tree roosts


BTHK Tree‐roost Net in situ. A schematic showing the pivot points to adapt the BTHK Tree‐roost Net ensuring optimum positioning against the tree.

Henry Andrews is an ecological consultant and the founding member of the Bat Tree Habitat Key (BTHK) project (http://battreehabitatkey.co.uk). The BTHK project was set up to achieve several objectives: (1) to establish the full range of different features of trees used by bats for roosting; (2) to understand which species used which features, when they used them, and how they used them; and (3) to build an app to help fieldworkers assess which species they might encounter in potential tree roost features. This case study describes the development of a new net by Henry Andrews of the Bat Tree Habitat Key project and NHBS Ltd to allow the user to sample bats emerging from tree roosts safely. This work involved a number of contributors: Henry Andrews, Katharine Clayton, Oliver Haines, Thomas Hamilton Koch, and Steaphan Hazell.

The BTHK Tree‐Roost Net is supplied by NHBS Ltd (https://www.nhbs.com), a company that manufactures standard and bespoke marine, freshwater, and terrestrial survey tools.

Practical Field Ecology

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