Читать книгу Clinical Investigations on Squint - C. Schweigger - Страница 6



Table of Contents

Introduction. PAGES

Ordinary use of the word squint and its meaning. Apparent

squint. Paralytic and typical squint. Law of association.

Squint angle and linear measure of the deviation.

Permanent, periodic, latent, monolateral, and alternating

squint 1−8 Convergent Squint. Donders' theory and the test of it by statistics. Limits of error in the subjective and objective determination of hypermetropia. Statistics of convergent squint. Hypermetropia and favouring circumstances. Participation of the accommodation. Preponderance of the interni and insufficiency of the externi. Nebulæ of the cornea. 9−26 Periodic Convergent Squint. In myopia, emmetropia, and hypermetropia. Intermittent squint. Accommodative squint 27−35 Convergent Squint in Myopia 36−38 Squint From Paralysis of the Abducens 39−40 Hysterical Squint 41−43 Divergent Squint. Absolute and relative divergence. Statistics of divergent squint. Causes 44−49 Dynamic Squint, Insufficiency of the Interni And Muscular Asthenopia. Diplopia and power of overcoming prisms. Facultative divergence. Dynamic absolute divergence. Parallel strabismus. Relative divergence in myopia. Muscular asthenopia. Dynamic relative divergence. Treatment of muscular asthenopia 50−63 Binocular Vision in Squint. Single vision in squint. Theory of exclusion. Forms of binocular vision in squint 64−74 Visual Acuteness of the Squinting Eye. The trial of vision and its results. Appearance, diagnosis. Peculiarities and statistics of congenital defective vision. Relation of the same to defective vision in squint 75−104 Cure of Squint. Spontaneous cure. Voluntary loss of the habit. Cure of convergent squint by means of convex glasses. Strabotomy. Tenotomy. Advancement. Result of the operation and choice of methods. After-treatment by means of influence on the ocular muscles and on the accommodation. Aim of more extended results of the operation. Artificial strabismus. Operation for periodic convergent squint. Strabotomy in homonymous diplopia. Operation for squint after paralysis of the abducens. Operation for divergent squint and for periodic divergence. Degree of the result of the operation. Determination on the age best suited for operation 105−141

Clinical Investigations on Squint

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