Читать книгу A Place to Heal - CA J.D. Bodiford - Страница 9



Emma was flushed from excitement and maybe just a little from the champagne that was flowing so freely. Jessica had insisted on making the release of the issue of American Design the social event of the season and the grand house was filled to overflowing with the cream of Houston society. She was walking around like a proud parent, gladly telling anyone and everyone who would listen how lucky she had been to find Emma. In true Texas fashion, the liquor was plentiful and the barbeque was the food of champions cooked by the best that could be found. It was all a dream come true for Emma. If only Blake could have been standing by her side. She had called him as soon as Jessica had told her about her plans but once again, he was out of the country. Her disappointment had hit hard and she had taken it out on him, making several sarcastic comments about how convenient it was for him that a business matter had come up when he had made no effort to hide his distaste for social gatherings. The catty remarks were met with total silence and she was immediately sorry, ashamed for acting like a petulant, spoiled child. He accepted her tearful apology but had quickly ended the conversation. Emma spent the rest of the day crying, afraid she had driven a wedge between them. While it was true that their relationship had changed dramatically when they became intimate, no solid commitment had been made by either of them. Yes, he had whispered words of love to her during the long hours of the night, but he had not actually told her that he loved her. Her fears were laid to rest the next day when she opened the door to her office and found it filled with the rich scent of roses from the huge bouquet on her desk. Her purse fell to the floor in her haste to reach the card, crying even more in relief when she read the simple message. “I’m sorry” was all it said but that was all she needed to once again feel secure, sure that it was only a matter of time before he would tell her he loved her.

Several hours later Emma kicked her shoes off with a huge sigh of relief and fell back onto the sofa where Jessica was sprawled in triumphant exhaustion. All but three of Jessica’s closest friends and Alicia had finally left. When the door to the study opened, the women looked up, afraid someone had been overlooked when they said their goodbyes but instead it was Scott bringing in a tray loaded with shot glasses and an unopened bottle of Southern Comfort. Jessica smiled broadly as she took it from him and before he could reach the door again; she had the bottle open and was pouring a round. Taking a glass in her delicate hand, she held the rich amber liquid up.

“Ladies, a toast to the most successful damn barbeque Houston has ever seen,” she said proudly. Calls of agreement echoed around as they lifted their glasses and tossed back the shots quickly, none of them coughing or choking from the burn as it hit the back of their throats. None except Emma. Jessica slapped her on the back several times, laughing, until Emma was able to hold up her hand and wheeze that she was all right.

Jessica was still laughing as she poured them all another round then she turned to Emma.

“And now, a toast to the newest shining star of the design world. May all your dreams come true and everything you touch turn to money!” She looked around at her friends and grinned. “’cause God knows that’s what makes it all worth it!”

She was answered with shouts of “Amen, sister!” as they drank again. Emma eyed her full glass with some trepidation but taking a deep breath, she bravely drank it down. She managed to move out of Jessica’s reach this time and recovered without anyone’s assistance but she begged out of the next round, still wiping the tears from her watering eyes and watching in amazement as these sophisticated women who were the pillars of society polished the entire bottle off.

Jessica rose slowly to her feet when the last glass was emptied.

“Ladies, Emma and I thank you for your support and now I bid you all goodnight. You all know the way to the door and the gentlemen will be more than happy to assist you in getting home. I trust none of you are driving. We shall be gone soon enough without any help from our own stupidity.” She turned elegantly, pausing to pick up her discarded high heels and walked very carefully out the door.

The women stood, still laughing and reliving the finer moments of the party and sharing tidbits of gossip like a bunch of schoolgirls leaving the prom. Emma followed, envious of their ability to walk straight and still act as if they had all been drinking the blandest tea. After only two shots, she was as wobbly as a first timer. Her head cleared somewhat as they stood on the wide porch waiting for the cars to be brought round. Emma laughed as she watched them climb into their vehicles, waving and calling out their delight to each other when they realized Jessica had provided them all with a driver. Another man followed the last car, his assignment to pick them up at their various destinations and bring them back. Left alone, Emma hesitated. Jessica must have assumed she would be spending the night. She actually felt good enough to drive now that she had gotten some fresh air. The staff had not yet finished clearing the last of the food so she decided to go back in and fix herself a small sandwich before she left, sure that would be enough to make it safe for her to drive. She had just reached the door when she heard the sound of a car pulling up. Turning around to see who had left something, she gave a squeal of pure joy and rushed down the steps. It was Blake getting out of the car. He barely had time to look up before she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

“Oh Blake, you made it!” she cried happily. “I was just about to leave. I can’t believe you’re here! When did you get back?” Before he could answer, she pulled his head down and kissed him.

Blake responded immediately, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her. Her gown was cut very low in the back and the feel of her silky skin against his hands brought his body to full attention. He slid one hand up to cup the back of her head and the other down to grasp her behind, kneading the firm flesh, completely forgetting where they were at when he discovered she didn’t have on any panties. Both were breathing heavily when they ended the kiss and Emma leaned her forehead against his chest trying to compose herself.

He tilted her chin up and smiled. “Young lady, you’ve been drinking.”

She blushed deeply. “How do you know, smarty?”

He ran his tongue across her lips, tasting her. Her knees weakened, making her grasp his strong arms for support. She watched as he licked his own lips slowly, feeling the heat beginning to rise inside her again.

“I’d know the taste of Southern Comfort anywhere,” he answered in a husky voice. “Let me guess. Jessica was celebrating the success of yet another fabulous party?”

Her eyes were sparkling as she giggled. “Oh Blake, you should’ve seen her! It was wonderful!” she said in a rush of words. “She introduced me to everybody and Alicia’s photographer took about a million pictures and the women were all so beautiful and the men were unbelievably handsome even though it was supposed to be just a barbeque! I’ve never been to a barbeque like this before!”

He threw his head back and roared with laughter. Finally, he placed his finger against her lips to stop the flow of words.

“I think I’d better take you home.”

“But what about my car?” she asked, frowning. “I think I’m okay to drive but you can follow me if it will make you feel better.”

He opened the passenger door. “Not hardly, sweetheart.” He gently pushed her inside and fastened the seatbelt around her. “You can tell Jessica a Good Samaritan gave you a ride home when you pick it up tomorrow or else she can have one of her many handsome young men bring it to you.”

Emma looked at him with wide eyes as he got in and started the car.

“They’re not all young,” she said. “As a matter of fact, Scott is pretty old!”

He grimaced at her description. “Emma, Scott’s the same age as me.”

She covered her mouth with her hand, horrified at what she had just said.

“Oh Blake, I’m so sorry,” she said, her words muffled. “I didn’t mean old old! Just older!”

He reached for her hand, pulling it away from her mouth and kissing each finger.

“Emma, hush. Just close your eyes. I’ll wake you when we get there.”

“But Blake, I’m not sleepy,” she protested with a delicate yawn.

“Shhh,” he whispered, closing her eyes with a gentle brush of his fingertips. She was asleep before he reached the interstate two miles away.

Alicia leaned forward and tapped her driver on the shoulder. “Jason, I’m so sorry but I left my purse on the porch.”

He brought the car to a smooth stop then put it in reverse to back up.

“Don’t bother driving back,” she said. “Just pull over. It’s only a short walk.” She slid from the back seat. “I’ll be right back.”

She had just closed the door when a car turned in driving toward the house on the other side of the massive fountain that lay in the middle of the circular drive. She frowned when she didn’t recognize the car. Who in the work would be showing up this late? It was almost one am! She started walking quickly. Whoever it was, they knew the gate code so they obviously had been there before but she was concerned just the same. She had almost reached the porch when she stopped abruptly and stepped back into the shadows. She narrowed her eyes, confused by what she was seeing. She may not have seen the car before but that was definitely Blake Rochester getting out of it. What was he doing here? She had been in the room when he had called last night to talk to Jessica just as he did every night when he was out of town and she distinctly remembered hearing Jessica say he was in Brazil for at least three more days. She was just about to step forward and ask him that very question when she suddenly jumped back, startled by the sound of a woman squealing. When she saw who it was she gasped loudly. The woman who rushed down the steps and threw herself into his arms wasn’t Jessica; it was Emma! She was becoming more confused by the minute. She had never heard Emma mention meeting Blake. Then suddenly, it all became crystal clear. Her stomach rolled with nausea as she watched them. Blake was all but undressing Emma right there in the driveway, kissing her and groping her ass like a teenager! When they finally broke apart, she could hear them breathing heavily, Blake’s erection blatantly displayed by the tight jeans he wore. Their words carried clearly through the clear night causing Alicia to clench her fists in rage. The bastard obviously wasn’t surprised by Emma’s greeting and he certainly wasn’t fighting her off! Her worst fear was confirmed when, after a short conversation, he tucked Emma into the front seat and drove away.

By the time Alicia got back to her car, she was shaking with anger and the urge to vomit. She was torn between the desire to go back to the house and wake Jessica and tell her what she had just seen and the knowledge that she needed to cool off before doing anything rash. She slammed the door when she got back in the vehicle, startling the driver. When he looked at her questioningly in the mirror she didn’t say anything, just nodding curtly indicating to take her home. He wisely didn’t mention the fact that she had returned without her purse.

Alicia paced the floor in her office the next day unable to think clearly.

She just couldn’t decide what to do. Every female instinct in her screamed to call Jessica and tell her what she had seen. But what if she was wrong? She snorted. Fat chance of that! But if she was, she would be destroying her oldest and dearest friend’s world. She sat down in her chair with a heavy heart, turning to look out over the Houston skyline. The view from the twentieth floor was the reason she had paid the exorbitant asking price the realtor had demanded and it usually soothed her, clearing her mind when she had a problem or was wrestling with a tough decision but not today. After a lot of soul searching and what ifs, she finally reached a compromise with her conscience. The only way to be sure was to get absolute proof and the only absolute proof that she would believe if it was her, was to see them together with her own two eyes. She picked up the phone and called Jeffrey, her photographer and right hand man.

Emma sat at her desk, holding her head between her hands, willing the pounding to stop. Why, oh why hadn’t she stopped drinking after her second glass of champagne?! And why hadn’t somebody warned her not to mix it with hard liquor?! She didn’t even remember getting home last night. All she did remember was that Blake had appeared out of nowhere and taken her home. He had tried to help by undressing her and putting her in the shower but one thing led to another and they had wound up using all the hot water before falling into bed. Mercifully, he had set the coffee pot to start automatically this morning before he left. Between the strong brew and an hour of standing in a hot shower, she had managed to get dressed and drag herself to the office but that was as far as she had gotten. She had six interviews scheduled for after lunch and she absolutely had to hire an assistant as soon as possible. Moving slowly, she opened the bottle of aspirin she kept in her desk drawer and swallowed two. She was about to put them up but decided that if two were good, four were better. She drained the glass of water and reached for her daily calendar.

Thank God, today was a slow customer day! She usually kept her Fridays free to follow up on the week’s business and today all she had was a few calls to confirm delivery dates for the last furniture order. She had stopped taking new appointments for the time being and the waiting list was growing by the hour. Maybe it was time to think about a partner. She thought about it for at least two or three seconds then grinned. No way! This was her rodeo and she was having way too much fun even if it was working her in the ground! Her mood was lifted by the thought and the aspirin was finally starting to kick in. She opened the file holding the applications for an assistant and started flipping through them. She picked up the last one to take a closer look. This woman had listed Alicia Shepherd as a former employer. She grabbed her phone and touched the contact list for Alicia’s number. Maybe she could either move her up the line or eliminate her completely if she could get in touch with Alicia.

Alicia looked at the messages Emma had left each time she had called. Her secretary had politely told Ms. Sloan that she was unavailable but that she would be sure she told Mrs. Shepherd that she was trying to get in touch with her. She shuddered at the thought of trying to speak with Emma as if everything was normal. She had set the ball in motion, giving Jeffrey a paid leave of absence and unlimited resources to get the proof she needed. She trusted him to get the job done and keep it quiet.

Emma leaned back against the soft cushions in the boat and closed her eyes. Thank God Saturday had finally arrived and she could relax. She still had to make a decision about the applicants she had interviewed, but for now all she wanted to do was forget about anything to do with the design business. When Blake had called and asked if she was interested in going out on the lake, she couldn’t say yes fast enough. She had been waiting eagerly at the front door as soon as he drove up. He hadn’t quite been able to hide the disappointment on his face at the site of her jean shorts and t-shirt but Emma had ignored him, chattering gaily all the way to the marina. As soon as Blake had eased the boat away from the dock, she had kicked off her sandals and walked to the bow, stretching in the sunshine. He had been driving for at least half an hour before she finally took pity on him and slipped off the clothes to reveal a tiny blue bikini. She had laughed out loud when he had suddenly grinned. She had stuck her tongue out at him and then grinned back.

“Lech!” she accused.

“Guilty!” he quickly agreed. His eyes never left her curves as she settled herself on the seat, his mind filled with possibilities. He would let her enjoy the ride for a little while longer.

Blake guided the boat smoothly over the waves, enjoying the sight of Emma relaxing in the bow. The sun was shining brightly and she had removed her top to soak up the rays. The boat was deep enough that she was safe from the eyes of other boaters but not so deep that Blake couldn’t see her, watching her skin as it turned a golden brown. The little tease had waited until he was busy watching the water for the many people out enjoying the day before she had casually remarked that she thought she would get a little sun. He had nearly run aground when she reached behind her, unfastening the top of her bikini. He had been fighting with the fit of his shorts ever since, unable to find a comfortable position sitting until he had finally just given up, standing up to steer. It was a little better but he knew relief wouldn’t be had until he sank deep within her, feeling the clasp of her strong thighs around him. He searched for a private spot to anchor the boat. It didn’t matter how many times he had her, he only wanted her more. He tried not to think about his personal situation; right now all he could think about was Emma.

She opened her eyes when she felt the boat slowing.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

Blake smiled as he killed the motor. He dropped the anchor over the side and made his way to where she lay. He dropped to his knees beside her and reached for her small bikini bottom.

“How about you let that hair down like you promised?”

Jeffrey stood in the boat he had rented for the day to follow Blake and Emma. It had been child’s play to keep up with them. Blake had picked Emma up at her house and they had driven down to Kemah where Blake kept a private boat in a rented slip, all under a false name. He had been on the job for almost three weeks and he had plenty of pictures of the two of them together but none that could be indicative of anything besides friendship. The only time he had seen them kissing, he was reloading his film and Blake had been quick to break away. Maybe today would be the day and he would be through with this. He didn’t have the stomach for it but he owed Alicia more than he could ever repay her. If a young husband wanted to tap a little something on the side it was none of his business. Hell, he really couldn’t blame him. If he was married to someone Jessica’s age, it wouldn’t matter how much money she had; money didn’t get him up. But the guy knew what he was getting into when he put on the shackle so he could see where it was wrong. He zoomed in when he saw a motion in the front of the boat, the powerful lens making it seem as if he were right there in the boat with them. Jesus! Emma was naked! He snapped picture after picture as he watched them. Yeah, this was his lucky day. This job was done.

Jessica knew something was terribly wrong when she opened the door and saw Alicia’s face. When she grabbed her, hugging her tightly, Jessica got scared. When she led her to the study and told her to sit down after closing the door, Jessica started shaking.

“Alicia, please,” she begged. “What is going on?!”

Alicia got up and walked to the window, unable to sit still. How did you find the words that you knew were going to destroy your dearest friend’s life? She had agonized for a week after Jeffrey had brought her the pictures. Finally she faced the fact that it had to be Jessica’s decision whether or not to believe the evidence so here she was. She took several deep breaths and walked back over to the sofa. She sat down, reaching for her bag and pulled out a large envelope. She laid it in Jessica’s lap and took her hands in hers, squeezing them.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up. “I’m sorry, Jessica. Please understand that I found this out purely by accident.”

Jessica’s hands were shaking as she pulled away and picked up the envelope. Please don’t let this be what she thought it was, she prayed. Please let it be pictures of an employee stealing her blind. Please let it be pictures of her neighbors using drugs. Anything but what she feared the most. She slowly pulled out the sheath of papers and had barely cleared the brown envelope when she dropped them and ran for the bathroom, the sound of her retching filling the room. Alicia ran after her, holding her as she vomited over and over. Tears flowed freely down her face as she whispered over and over.

“I’m so sorry, Jessica, I’m so sorry.”

Jessica shoved her away, pulling herself to her feet using the edge of the sink. She wiped her face with her arm, snarling at the woman who had been her friend for as long as she could remember.

“You bitch!” she screamed. “You just couldn’t stand it, could you?! You can’t get a man like Blake, so you have to destroy what I have!”

Alicia looked at her in horror. “No, Jessica!” she cried. “That’s not true! I told you I found out by accident and I couldn’t just pretend that I didn’t know! I love you too much to keep something like that away from you!”

Jessica swept the crystal soap dish from the sink, enraged.

“Love?” she said, her face twisted with anger.

Alicia backed away in fear. She had never seen Jessica like this. Jessica followed her, her voice vibrating with hatred.

“Get out! I never want to see you again! Never, do you hear me?! I don’t need your kind of love!!”

By the time Alicia reached the study door, Jessica was screaming. She had just crossed the threshold when the soap dish hit the wall beside her head with a thud. She ran for the front door, afraid to stop long enough to get her bag and it flew through the open passenger window of her car just as she managed to shut the driver’s door. Jessica stood in the driveway, still screaming profanities as she accelerated, slinging gravel up. Jessica didn’t feel the sting as the small rocks hit her legs, some cutting deep enough to draw blood. She watched until Alicia had gone through the gates and then turned, running back up the stairs and into the study, slamming the door behind her with enough force to rattle the pictures on the wall. She stopped abruptly in front of the couch and fell to her knees, slowly picking up the scattered photographs. If she had ever doubted it could be true, these damning photos erased any hope. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at them. Listlessly, she turned them one by one, her anger now turned to despair. It was Blake all right; there was no mistaking his face, harsh in the sunlight as he held the woman. No mistaking what the two were doing.

She was almost halfway through them before she finally realized who the woman was. Her eyes widened with disbelief and she snatched the photo from the pile, bringing it up for a closer look. Dear God, it was Emma! She flipped frantically through the rest of them, scattering photos everywhere. Alicia had obviously placed the ones of them having sex on the top for shock value, not realizing that Jessica wouldn’t be able to immediately identify the woman he was with. It was only in the photos of the two of them getting out of the car that she could clearly see her face. And there were many more of them, taken before that day, engaged in innocent activities that would not have been as damning if the ones in the boat hadn’t been taken. Walking together down the sidewalk, eating ice cream. Riding together in Blake’s beloved jaguar convertible. Getting off Blake’s motorcycle, laughing together. Jessica began to sob as she felt her world begin to crumble around her. She had truly loved Blake. She had known the odds were against her when she married someone so much younger but he had seemed so different. He hadn’t wanted her money; he had taken a job in one of her companies and earned his own, quickly improving things and moving on to the next, doing the same over and over until she was even richer than she had been before. True, their love life had been infrequent but Blake was often out of town. She had heard rumors in the past but had been able to dismiss them as just that, turning a blind eye to what she now realized she hadn’t wanted to see. But Emma was the ultimate betrayal. She had taken the young woman under her wing, giving her career her blessing, making her a star in the design world. It didn’t matter that she would have eventually reached the pinnacle on her own. Jessica had made sure of it. The older woman collapsed, falling forward onto the floor and the pictures laying there, her body wracked with grief.

Emma rushed through her makeup, watching the clock with one eye and the mirror with the other. Blake hated to be late and he had promised her a whole weekend alone, just the two of them. She wondered where they would be going this time. Her mother was once again safely tucked in at her sister’s house. She was so happy when Emma had finally told her that she was seeing someone, she had actually offered to move in with her permanently to give Emma more privacy. Emma had laughed at that, reassuring her mother that it wouldn’t be an issue because Blake preferred to stay out of town when they went out. Her mother had looked at her sideways when she said that, asking if she didn’t consider that just a bit strange. Emma had explained that Blake was a prize target for the gossip columnists of Houston and they both liked to stay well under the radar. Nothing like wealth and connections to get you on the front page. She hadn’t given it a second thought as she kissed her mother goodbye and helped her into the car but now it was back, scratching at the edge of her mind. Come to think of it, it was a bit strange. Maybe she would ask him about it, tonight. She had just grabbed her overnight bag when Blake pulled up the driveway. She skipped down the stairs, excited at the thought of so much time alone with him. He grabbed her bag out of midair, grinning as she threw it and had time to drop it into the back seat before he grabbed her, twirling her around and kissing her soundly.

“Do we really get the whole weekend?” she asked teasingly.

He slapped her on the rear as she got into the car, and then leaned in to kiss her again, tilting his head to reach her as he slid his hand up her thigh and under her skirt. She gasped as he molded his hand to her, loving the feel of her heat and moisture. He released her slowly, drawing both his hand and his mouth away with obvious reluctance.

“Just wait until I get you on that plane,” he promised against her lips.

He shut her door and vaulted across the hood of the small sports car, laughing at her look of surprise. He pressed the button to let the top down and as soon as it slid into its compartment, he shifted into reverse, intending to back down the driveway, eager to get the trip started. Emma reached into the back to get her purse and suddenly screamed loudly for Blake to stop. He slammed on the brake, skidding on the loose gravel. He barely stopped in time to miss the woman standing in the middle of the drive. They both stared in disbelief at Jessica, almost not recognizing her. She was disheveled, her hair matted, her makeup smeared across her face. He reached for the door handled then stopped abruptly when Emma screamed again, this time with pure terror.

“Blake, she’s got a gun!!”

He watched Jessica warily as she walked toward them, holding a gun firmly with both hands. She moved until she was even with them then stopped. He could see her eyes were swollen from crying. He held up his hand, reaching toward her.

“Jessica, what’s going on?” he asked calmly, trying to ignore Emma’s sobs of fear.

Jessica raised the gun higher, aiming directly at his head.

“What’s going on?” she repeated softly. “I’ll tell you what’s going on.

I saw some very interesting pictures today. My best friend Alicia brought them by. She thought I might like to know my husband was fucking my designer!!” Her voice rose with each word until she was screaming, her voice cracking on the last words.

Emma grew pale, covering her mouth with her hand. Oh dear God! Blake was married? To Jessica?!

Jessica laughed shrilly as she saw Emma’s reaction.

“That’s right, bitch, he’s my husband! Surely you knew that when you crawled into bed with him!!!

Emma shook her head. “I swear, Jessica! I had no idea,” she whispered.

“She didn’t know, Jessica,” Blake tried to explain, trying to calm her. “I only told her I lived there. I didn’t tell her I was your husband.”

“SHUT UP!!” she screamed. “JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!! She tightened her finger on the trigger, tears pouring down her face now. “Damn you,” she whispered. “I loved you, you bastard.”

She smiled sadly as she pulled the trigger.

Blake realized what was about to happen and twisted, desperately trying to shield Emma. His muscular body suddenly began jerking, falling toward her. It was only a split second before he was gone but in that short span of time he had a look of shock on his face, feeling the bullets tearing into his body as Jessica kept pulling the trigger.

The sound of the powerful handgun echoed through the small clearing. Shock at what was happening had paralyzed Emma. She was still trying to process what had been said when Jessica began shooting. When Blake fell across the seat, pinning her under him, Emma realized that Jessica intended to kill her too. Emma struggled to push his heavy weight away, screaming. Grabbing for the door handle, she pulled at it frantically, her hands slipping from the blood covering her. She finally managed to get the door open and slid from under Blake’s lifeless body, stumbling from the car, not looking back, running for her life. Jessica was screaming profanities at her when Emma felt the searing pain in her shoulder quickly followed by a second one in her back. She stumbled from the force of the impact and fell face forward onto the gravel. She lay very still, barely breathing; praying Jessica would think she was dead, too. A few minutes later the sound of one more single gunshot made her jerk. She wondered why she didn’t feel the pain of that shot, too.

The silence that followed was unbearable in the seclusion of Emma’s driveway, shocking after the violence that had just happened. She held her breath, finally looking around slowly, moving as little as possible. Blake was still in the car but Jessica was nowhere to be seen. She waited, the seconds passing like hours as she waited for her to reappear. She could feel the blood flowing from her wounds making her wonder how much blood she was losing internally. She began praying that she would live long enough to see her mother one more time and tell her how much she loved her and how sorry she was for being so stupid. Her vision blurred, her eyes filling with tears.

Finally, she thought enough time had passed and she could feel herself getting weaker so it was now or never. She moved slowly, rolling to her back. She sat up, trying to see just how bad her wounds were. She couldn’t see her shoulder but when she felt around she couldn’t find a hole in the front. The pain in her back and stomach was quickly becoming unbearable. Her shirt was saturated with blood and she struggled to pull it off, nearly passing out from the pain of moving her injured shoulder. Finally succeeding, she gathered her courage and looked at the lower wound; it was much worse than she had imagined. The bullet had passed through her, leaving the flesh ragged and bleeding profusely. Gagging, Emma forced herself to wad her shirt into a bundle, pressing it against the gaping hole in her torso. It was underneath her breast so she slipped her bra straps off and pulled the band of the bra down to try and hold the makeshift bandage in place. She sat there for a few minutes, trying to catch her breath, praying for the strength she knew she would need. There was no chance of anyone finding her in time; her house was too isolated. The shirt seemed to have slowed the bleeding slightly but she knew she was still losing blood. Gathering her last bit of strength, she managed to get to her knees and started to crawl toward the car. Her cell phone was in there. She knew she would never make it to the house so it was her only hope. Her breathing was becoming more labored, flecks of blood on her lips. Not much farther, she told herself, moving one leg at a time. She had left her door open in her mad run and she reached for the seat with both hands, pulling herself up slowly, not looking at Blake’s body, knowing he was dead. Focusing only on her own survival, she pushed the horror away to be dealt with later. Right now, she had to save herself. She fumbled with her handbag, dumping the contents out as she dug inside. She could have cried in relief when she saw the tiny phone. She dialed 911, smearing the keypad with blood. Luckily it was only two rings before a bored sounding dispatcher answered.

“911. What’s your emergency?”

Emma could barely whisper. “I need help. I’ve been shot.”

A Place to Heal

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