Читать книгу You Knew Betta - Cachet Johnson - Страница 8

Chapter Three Naitaisha


I knew I would run into that bitch one day. I just didn't know it would be tonight at the club. I tried to knock that hoe's head clean off her body! Waltzing around the club like her shit don't stink. What the fuck ever! My lip's busted, I got a migraine out of this world, and a couple of scratches on my face--but it was well worth it. She fucked my do up--ole' hair-pulling-ass bitch! The only real thing that I'm salty about is the fact that I couldn't do her dirty like I really wanted to. That ole' none-fighting-ass hoe, gone slam me. What type of shit is that? Who the hell did she think she was, a fucking pro wrestler? Seeing that she couldn't go head-up with me, she had to try something different.

Those big dumb security guards put a damper on my plans. She was lucky I couldn't get to my knife quick enough, or she would've been sliced the fuck up! Yeah, they say you can't bring weapons inside the club, but they ain't as smart as they think they are, cause I damn sho did! All the perverted security guards do is check women's purses and run a hand-held metal detector across the front of our bodies, stopping a little too long on our titties. I'm so much smarter then they are, though, because I put my small knife in the crack of my ass-with it being so big, no one notices a thing.

It's funny, 'cause she has no clue who I am. I honestly don't give a fuck if she does; I'm tired of sharing. I've been playing second-fiddle to her for the past three and a half years, and I've grown sick of it. He at home with that bitch and their daughter every night. While I'm with our daughter, tucking her in by my damn self.

I bet that bitch really think she got something special, which I know for damn sure it ain't. What she don't know is that while her daughter just turned two, mine's was almost three.

Yep, that's right, I got his first child. My daughter's name is Raimona LaShawnte Ford, just like her daddy.

Ha-ha, bitch! You can look crazy all you want, but I don't give a damn! You don't know what the fuck I been though, so who are you to judge? You're probably sitting on yo' damn couch reading this, eating chips and shit without a care in the world.

Because you're gonna be all up in my business, I might as well be the person to share it with you. Just to make sure you get the right version of the story, and not the bullshit!

I am Naitaisha Latriese Bolen, and I am 22 years old. I'm 5'5", 120 pounds, and I consider myself a dime. I'm the color of butter, have small upslanted eyes, a slender nose, and thin lips. I have really small breasts, only wearing a 2B. But where I lack in one department, I make up for in another. Let me just put it like this, my measurements are 32-20-40. That's right, I have more than enough ass to go around and if you don't think that's good enough, I got some bomb-ass pussy! My best feature is my fire-red hair that hangs down the middle of my back; yes, I'm a bad bitch!

So why am I sharing a man, you say? I couldn't even begin to tell you. I guess I'm a fool for love, if that's even a real thing. Let me start from the beginning, so maybe you can see my position more clearly.

I met Raimone a little less than four years ago on a hot August day, at a basketball game in the hood. When I first saw him I really wasn't impressed. I mean he was a cutie and all, but I wasn't the type to fall all over no nigga. Well, anyways, when the game was over, he strolled over and asked me if he could talk to me for a minute. After I told him that he could, we chit-chatted for a while as he walks me to my car. He told me his name and a little bit about himself. I told him a couple of things also, and we decided to exchange phone numbers.

We talked on the phone a few times, getting to know each other a little bit more. I learned that he was a hustler, which I kinda figured anyways; I can spot one a mile away. Then he went on to tell me that he didn't need to get his hands dirty; he had other people to do that for him. He asked me out and I agreed to let him take me out for a bite to eat. Our first date consisted of us going to the Olive Garden. It was pretty nice, and he was a complete gentleman the whole time. After about two months I decided to go ahead and give him the goodies. Big mistake! After that night we would be forever connected.

It was a Friday night when he called me and told me to pack up a swimsuit and some overnight clothes.

He picked me up and took me to the Marriott on West 150th. We got our room key and headed up to the room, which was beautiful. Once in the room we changed into our swim gear and headed downstairs to the pool. It was so much fun; we played in the water and everything.

He totally ruined my fresh wrap by dunking me under the water. When he noticed that I was upset, he assured me not to worry because he would pay to get it done again. By the time we returned to the room, I was so fucking horny it was ridiculous. The room we had was equipped with a Jacuzzi, so I ran some water and placed the bottle of wine that he brought into the tub of ice. Not the least bit ashamed of my body, I stripped down to my bare ass and climbed in. Apparently Raimone felt the same way because he soon followed my lead; and boy, was I pleased.

When he was standing before me completely naked, I noticed that he had a nice muscular build and was cut in all the right places. I mean you could tell that he had a nice body with his clothes on, but not as nice as it looked with they were removed. My mouth watered as I looked down and saw that he was packing about 9 1/2 inches of chocolate that I couldn't wait to taste. After he climbed in, I went to touch the scar that he had on his chest, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a deep kiss. I didn't stop him, because I wanted it just as bad as he did, if not more. I pushed him back into a sitting position and mounted him, never once breaking the kiss.

We fucked hard until the water turned cold, and neither one of us thought about using protection. I don't think we got a wink of sleep the whole night; we were too busy doing the nasty. The next morning came and went, and we ended up staying at the hotel for another night. Most of the morning was spent sleeping, because we were both so tired from the night before. Raimone only left my side for a split second, and that was when he went into the hallway to make a phone call, which he told me was important business. I didn't trip, because the damn thing had been ringing all day and night. I had my thoughts that maybe it was his girlfriend or something, but I didn't ask and he didn't tell.

I honestly didn't give two shits if he did a girlfriend; it was none of my concern. If he did, that was her problem, because at that point in time, he was with me.

It was a day filled with banging-ass sex, and I wasn't complaining. After about ten minutes on the phone he returned, and we finished were we left off. We ordered room service, and after we were done eating, we were back at it. We sucked and fucked each other for the remainder of the day; I was hooked.

The next morning he dropped me off at my apartment, and told me to call him later. As promised, he gave me some money to get my hair done; well, to be exact, he handed me $00. I walked all the way to my front door with a smile on my face; I had found my new Boo.

After that weekend he came over all of the time, and it was like a fairy tale. He'd come over every weekday morning and stay until the mid-afternoon. He told me he did this because on the weekends he was tied up handling business. We'd sometimes catch an early movie or go out to breakfast. He made sure I had everything that I needed without me having to ask; which was a big bonus in my eyes. He was so nice and sweet, nothing like the other guys that I fucked around with. Back then I was used to niggas only coming around when they wanted to fuck, never spending time or taking me anywhere. It didn't bother me, though; as long as they made sure my pockets were laced, it was fine. Raimone was different.

I kinda thought that maybe he had a girlfriend, because after the first time we hooked up, he could never spend the night. He didn't really come over late in the evening and if he did, he didn't stay long. I talked to him a little bit on Saturdays; but on Sundays I didn't get so much as a phone call, because he told me that Sunday that was his busiest day. Once again, I didn't trip. I figured he was spending so much time with me, what time could he give someone else? If he did have someone at home, she was stupid as hell, because there was no way my man would be gone every morning with no damn job. We were doing so well for a good two months! That was, until I noticed that I had missed my period. After heading to my doctor's office and confirming what I already knew, I was in a tight spot.

Once I got back home, I immediately called Raimone, and told him the news.

"Hello," Raimone answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Mone, it's me, Naitaisha," I said nervously.

"Boo, I know who you are. What's up?"

"I'm pregnant!" I blurted out, without thinking. Shit, I didn't have time to beat around the bush. It had to be done.

"What!" he yelled.

"I said I'm pregnant, seven weeks to be exact." All I heard was silence. "Hello," I asked again.

"Yeah, I'm here man, how much do you need?" I was crushed. I mean, I know he wasn't my man, but he'd been acting like it for the past few months; what the fuck!

"What do you mean, how much do I need? Who said I was getting an abortion?" I asked, getting heated. Who the fuck did he think he was? This was my got damn body.

"But--" he blurted out.

"But what?" I asked.

"I got a girl; and if she finds out, she gonna kill me,"

he admitted.

I remember my throat being dry after hearing that, so I went into the kitchen to get a bottled water. "You picked a fine time to tell me that shit! How long have y'all been together?"

"Come on now, Taisha, with that bullshit," Raimone said, " 'cause you know you ain't never asked me. If you assumed, then that's yo' fault; but miss me with all that loud talking. We been together for six years and I can't risk her leaving me; I love her."

Ain't that a bitch? It's crazy how men will wine and dine you, spend time with you, fuck yo' pussy until it's dry and then want to tell you that they love their girl. It's like, where the fuck was all that love for her when you was all up in my guts, you nasty bastard!

I wanted to cry, but he was right. I never asked him if he had a woman, because at the time I didn't care.

Even then, it was one thing to think he had a woman, but it's a whole different story now that I knew he had one. Then for him to sit on the phone and tell me that he can't risk her leaving him only made me feel worse.

I usually don't mind when dudes tell me that they have somebody at home, because with me it's all about the cast; I like Raimone.

I took a deep breath and said to him, "I'm having my baby and it really don't matter if you want me to or not."

I wasn't changing my mind.

"I'm saying, you don't need no baby right now,"

Raimone argued.

I flipped out. "You don't know what the fuck I need, so please spare me with the bullshit! You're not looking out for me, you're looking out for your damn self. So don't sit on this phone acting like you're oh-so-worried about my well being!" I cried into the phone; my feelings were hurt.

"Man, I ain't ready for no kids," he wailed.

"You ain't ready for no kids? Did you think about that when you was sliding yo' dick up in me raw? Did you say that when you didn't even attempt to pull out?

Instead, you busted all up in me. No, you didn't. So don't say the shit now." He was really getting on my fucking nerves, playing the victim.

"You right, you're absolutely right. I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't care about you, because I do. I actually care about you a lot." That brought a smile to my face.

"I care about you too, but I'm having my baby," I said emphatically.

"The deal is this," Raimone countered. "You have the baby, and I will provide everything both of you need.

After the baby is born, I'll move you into a house and out of that small apartment. You just have to promise me that you won't let this get back to my girl. Do we have a deal?"

"So basically, you want us to be your secret family, that you take care of?" I asked, making sure that I completely understood what he was saying.

"Don't think of it as being my secret family. Think of it as kind of like my extended family." He was playing word games like I was stupid. I knew what the hell he meant, but I agreed to it anyway. What he didn't know was, that in the back of my mind, I was sure that I was going to win him over, and take him from the bitch that he claimed to love.

I called myself being the perfect "side line." I fucked him when he wanted to be fucked, and I sucked his dick at the drop of the dime. Doing everything he asked me to, just to prove myself. I never questioned him about what he was doing, and I very rarely called to ask for any of his time. I acted like I really didn't give a fuck, when in fact I was dying inside. I went through all of the important stages of my pregnancy alone, even giving birth with just my mother in the delivery room. I cried many nights thinking about him lying in the bed with her, while I was alone. Just the thought of him touching her made me sick to my stomach; but what could I do?

After awhile I just got used to it and completely started to ignore him. I wouldn't call him at all and when he called me, I made myself unavailable; I was tired of playing by his rules.

Seeing that I wasn't studding his ass, he made a change for the better. He started coming around a lot more and telling me how much he cared for me; once again, I was sucked back in. I thought that eventually we would be a happy family, but that day has yet to come. That was two years ago and nothing has changed.

I've been in this fucked-up situation ever since! The part that screwed me up the most is the fact that he up and married this bitch; that broke my fucking heart!

Here I am being the ride-or-die bitch that you want me to be, but you up and put a ring on this hoe's finger?

Was there something wrong with me that I didn't know about? If so, please tell me.

I'm a soldier, though, 'cause Raimone loves me.

I know he does. It's just that bitch who is in the way.

Without her, it'll be him, me, and Raimona--a happy family, and I know this. Now don't get me wrong, he provides for the both of us, so I can't complain. He did just as he said he would and moved us out of my low-income apartment and into a three-bedroom house off of W. 130th in Bellaire, on Tyler street. He bought me a new Chevy Tahoe, and he keeps me and Moni laced in the flyest shit. He always comes over and gives us a lot of his time, but not the amount of time I want. I love him with all my heart and I know that one day he will come around. I just have to wait it out, even though I'm not sure how much longer it will be. Realizing that I haven't talked to him all day, I stretch my arm toward my nightstand to grab the phone. I'm going to call him and see if he'll come over tonight, because I really need some dick right about now.

"Hey baby, it's me. Call me when you get a chance.

Moni and I miss you; we haven't seen you all week. I love you, bye." But I was only speaking to his voicemail, because he didn't answer. Yeah, he'll come around. I just have to sit and wait. Until then, I'm going to make that bitch's life as miserable as I possibly can.

You Knew Betta

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