Читать книгу Empire of Secrets: British Intelligence, the Cold War and the Twilight of Empire - Calder Walton - Страница 8

Abbreviations and Glossary


Abwehr – German espionage service

ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation – Australian domestic intelligence service

ASIS Australian Secret Intelligence Service – Australian foreign intelligence service

CIA Central Intelligence Agency – American foreign-intelligence-gathering agency

CID Criminal Investigation Department – Department of regular police force

CPGB Communist Party of Great Britain

DIB Delhi Intelligence Bureau – Pre-independence Indian intelligence agency

DSO Defence Security Officer – MI5 liaison officer in a colonial or Commonwealth country

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation – US law-enforcement agency

GC&CS Government Code & Cypher School – Pre-war and wartime British SIGINT service

GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters – Renamed post-war British SIGINT service

HOW Home Office Warrant – MI5’s mechanism for mail and telephone interception

HUMINT Human intelligence

IB Intelligence Bureau – Indian intelligence service, another name for DIB

IPI Indian Political Intelligence – Pre-independence agency in London responsible for intelligence on Indian affairs

JIC Joint Intelligence Committee – ‘High table’ of British intelligence community

KGB Committee for State Security – Soviet foreign intelligence-gathering agency

LIC Local Intelligence Committee – Regional colonial intelligence set up in colonies on MI5’s advice in early Cold War

MI5 – British intelligence service responsible for counter-espionage, counter-subversion and counter-sabotage in British territory

MI6 – Secret intelligence service responsible for gathering HUMINT from non-British territories

NSA National Security Agency – US SIGINT agency

RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police – Canadian law-enforcement agency

SAS Special Air Service – British special forces

Security Service – MI5

SIFE Security Intelligence Far East – MI5 inter-service intelligence outfit in the Far East

SIGINT Signals intelligence

SIME Security Intelligence Middle East – MI5 inter-service intelligence outfit in the Middle East

SIS Secret Intelligence Service – British foreign-intelligence-gathering service

SLO Security Liaison Officer – MI5 liaison officer in a colonial or Commonwealth country

Empire of Secrets: British Intelligence, the Cold War and the Twilight of Empire

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