Читать книгу Supernova - Caleb Purnell - Страница 4

Enough Talk, Let's Fight



Hey, it’s not my problem. He was asking for it anyway. Bruce just needs to learn how to keep his BIG, STUPID, NO GOOD, DIRTY BODY AWAY FROM ME!!! Okay, now that I got that out of my system… I’m going to return to my happy, carefree self. Man, I hope that Melanie is alright (and Warren too). It seems like her grammar class is creating a lot of ruckus. And is that roaring I hear? I thought about raising my hand and asking to investigate. I would do anything to get out of this music lab. Then I realized I didn’t need too, the answer was right outside.

Although I have never seen a troll walking the school halls before, it was pretty exciting for me, since I could actually fight. Sadly, I can’t say the same for the rest of the school. It was in literal chaos. Students were running around, screaming. Bruce was screaming so loudly, you could mistake him for someone’s newborn baby sister. What I don’t understand is why the teachers are scared. They’re the ones who are supposed to protect us teenagers. I mean really, I don’t think “girl power” should mean I have to do everything! While I’m staring through the door at the hallway troll, he slowly swivels his head towards me. It makes a sound like an old teacher screaming some Chinese while gargling mouthwash. Well, time to move! I jump out of my seat and run for the door on the other side of the band room. This troll, I guess it’s a troll, was huge! It was over seven feet tall, with small beady eyes and had dark leathery skin. Add in the scraggly patches of fur, the horns on its head and shoulders, and that horrid smell, now I understand why those wimpy teachers were freaking out!

“Hey big ugly! Can you please leave my school alone?!” I yelled while charging the troll and unleashing a flying kick, aimed for the side of its head. As you may have guessed, it didn’t turn out exactly as I would’ve hoped. It was just like attacking Jell-o. Hitting a troll in the stomach- I obviously need to work on my flying kick- feels like that. The monster didn’t even do anything! It just stood there like I wasn’t even a challenge. Meanwhile, the blow from my foot knocked me all the way back to the other end of the hallway. Fortunately, I landed on something soft before I hit the lockers in the next hall. I didn’t know what it was at first, but when I figured it out, I almost slapped him. I was in Warren’s arms.

“Warren! What are you doing?!” I exclaimed. He had a strange look on his face.

“Don’t worry my-lady. You’re safe in my arms.” Warren replied with a nervous smile. Ugh… Boys.

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“I said ‘You’re the most beautiful thing ev-’ Wait, that’s not what I said! I said ‘Why are you fighting that-that thing all by yourself?’”

“It’s a troll, genius. And to answer the last part, it’s because nobody else is tough enough to do it!”

At that moment, Melanie and Jeremy came running up beside us. “Oh great. Now it’s a party! What are you two doing here? Don’t you see the troll headed this way?”

Jeremy replied, “You appeared in the periphery of my eyesight, when you were rocketed away by the blubber on the troll’s abdomen. I communicated to Melanie about what I had just witnessed and she requested to follow me on my journey to aid you.” Warren and I looked at Melanie. She translated, “Jeremy and I came to help you.” That made more sense. Okay, let’s recap:

1 There is a giant monster headed our way,

2 My body is still aching from the kick,

3 And my troll-slaying army is a dumb boy who is madly in love with me (Why am I so amazing?), a ten-year-old boy (too young for us to let him get eaten), and a Canadian girly-girl (I bet she didn’t know America even had trolls.)

No problem, we are so going to handle this. The troll started growling and running- yes, I said running- towards us. The floor was shaking so much, I almost had a heart attack.

“Guys, look!” I shouted, pointing at the old creepy broom closet down the other hall away from the troll.

“No way I’m going in there!” said Warren.

“Is that the closet--” started Melanie.

“Yep!” Warren shouted at her.

“--where they say those people disappeared and the janitor puts the… you-know-what, eh?” Melanie said.

“Do you want to be covered in… you-know-what, or be eaten by a troll?” I asked. Nobody had an answer. That’s how bad we consider you-know-what.

“Jeremy, how about you?” Warren asked.

“This does not compute. Trolls are fictitious creatures. Nevertheless, I would go to you-know-what.” He said. We all looked at each other.

“The brainiac has spoken.” I said.

A sound like thunder broke my thoughts. It was the troll’s footsteps. My mind was racing and I would’ve stayed there, petrified by fear, if Melanie hadn’t yelled, “I think it’s best if we get moving, eh?!”

We bolted around the corner and approached the closet. I hope trolls are either stupid or easily distracted and he doesn’t look too hard for us. Melanie opens the door, with the rest of us pushing and shoving, and we all jumble into the closet. Warren slams the door and stumbles, causing all of us to fall backwards. But instead of slamming onto the concrete floor, I feel myself continue to fall, past the floor and into darkness. Yeah, this is a huge problem.


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