Читать книгу The Vintons and the Karens - Calista V Luther - Страница 3
ОглавлениеThe following memoirs have been prepared at the earnest and repeated request of many who felt that the simple record of such devoted lives would be for the glory of God and the good of his Church. They are sent forth with the hope that they may inspire others to show a devotion and earnestness similar to those so markedly displayed in the consecrated lives of Justus H. and Calista Vinton.
The verses at the head of each chapter are selected from "Hymns of Faith and Hope" by Horatius Bonar, a little book which, during the last years of my mother's life, comforted and cheered her in many dark hours. Her own copy, purchased in George Muller's orphan-houses in Bristol, Eng., lies before me as I write. Its worn binding shows the evidences of the long voyage to India and the many jungle-journeys, during which it never left its owner's side. Marked in many pages, it seems to speak to us, with her own gentle voice, words of heavenly cheer.
I take this opportunity to thank those friends who have so kindly furnished me with letters and reminiscences of my beloved parents, from which many of the facts in the memoirs, especially with reference to the life of my parents in America, have been drawn.
I also wish to acknowledge with thankfulness the great assistance which my dear husband has rendered in every stage of the work. In the midst of the labors and cares attendant upon the charge of a large parish, he has cheerfully spent many days of patient work in arranging and making available the crude materials by the aid of which these memoirs have been written.
. Birth and Early Years of J. H. Vinton.--Conversion.--Call to Preach.--Licensed by the Ashford Church.--Enters the Institution at Hamilton, N.Y.--Decision to become a Missionary.--Revival Work,--Death of Belinda Vinton Calista Holman.--Bitter Experience.--Conversion.--Baptism.-First Communion.--Strange Recovery.--Consecration.--Goes to Hamilton.--Proficiency in the Languages.--Marriage.--First Studies in Karen.--Learning a Language by the Natural Method.--Mr. and Mrs. Vinton set sail for Burmah.--The Cashmere.--Labors for the Crew.--Anxiety of the Missionaries.--Many Conversions Landing at Maulmain.--Immediate Work in the Jungles.--Method of Labor.--The Karens.--Burmese Cruelty.--Jungle Labors.--Discouragements Mr. Vinton's Faith.--Elder Swan.--Visit to a Karen Prophet.--Unkind Reception.--Day of Fasting and Prayer.--Tenacity of Purpose.--Conversion of a Karen Chief.--The Cloud breaks.--The Prophet foiled.--Lakee Labors among English Residents in Burmah.--Sympathy of English Residents and Officers with Mission Work in India.--The Christian Heroes of the Indian Army.--Mr. Vinton's Sunny Disposition.--Amusing Description by Mrs. Vinton.--Rainy Days.--Indifference to Insults.--"Sister Miranda."--The Vinton Children.--Voyage to the Cape.--Death of Harvey Vinton.--Return to America Failure of the Missionary Spirit in America.--Mr. Vinton's Addresses and Singing.--The Missionary's Call, written by Dr. Nathan Brown.--The Five-Franc Piece.--Frank's Chapel.--Enthusiasm of Contributors.--Return to India.--Voyage interrupted at the Cape of Good Hope.--Continuation of the Story of Frank's Chapel.--English Contributors A New Field.--Rangoon.--The Desire for Education.--Cruel Oppression of the Karens by the Burmans.--Karen Martyrs.--Praying for War.--Demands for Compensation by the English Government.--Joy of the Karens.--The English Fleet returns.--Karen Spies.--Rousing the Villages.--A Nation's Deliverance.--Burmese Preparations for War.--Rangoon and other Posts captured.--Horrible Revenge of the Burmans.--Fearful Suffering of the Karens.--The Cry of the Churches to Mr. Vinton.--He takes the Responsibility, and goes to Rangoon.--Life in the Stockade.--Terrible Scenes among the Karens.--Hospitals.--Death of Pah-yah.--Dr. Kincaid's Letter.--Many Conversions.--Treaty of Peace.--The Government orders the Missionaries to remove.--Removal to Kemmendine A New Trial.--Famine.--Mr. Vinton distributes Rice to the Starving.--Generous Conduct of Rice Merchants to Mr. Vinton.--Anxiety of his Friends.--Fruits of Generosity.--Thousands converted.--The Vote of Censure by Brethren in America.--Mr. Vinton's Justification.--Separation from the Missionary Union.--Consecration Anew to the Work.--The Karen Home Mission Society.--Generosity of the Natives.--Completion of Frank's Chapel The Pegu High School.--Mrs. Vinton as a Teacher.--School Discipline.--Teaching Greek to her Children.--Their Surprising Discovery.--Parting from the Children.--The Children in America.--Kindness of Friends.--Abundant Labors.--Training Native Helpers.--A Happy Life Modes of Conveyance.--Romance and Reality.--An Elephant's Sagacity.--English Contributors to the Mission.--The Carriage.--Trials of Faith "A Crisis in Brother Vinton's Affairs."--The Shadow of the Cloud.--The Last Jungle Journey.--Illness.--Mrs. Vinton's Letter.--The Closing Scene.--Funeral Services.--Mr. Rose's Address.--Mr. Vinton's Last Letter Sympathy.--Shall She return Home?--Dr. Kincaid.--Decision to remain.--Fruits of the Maulmain Normal School.--The Work of Oversight.--Donations from Scholars.--Mrs. Vinton's Remarkable Dream Return of Mrs. Vinton's Daughter to Burmah.--She engages at once in the Work.--Travelling by Buffalo-Cart.--The Dismayed Cook.--The Kalah Cook as an Institution.--Arrival at the Village.--Mrs. Ingalls.--Travelling in state Milking a Buffalo.--Experientia docet.--Fermented Fish.--Foolish Questions.--Housekeeping under Difficulties.--The Solution.--Put Yourself in His Place.--Too Proud.--The Voice of Jesus.--Ignorance Training Servants.--Native Helpers.--George and Isabella.--Brainerd's Return.--Mrs. Vinton sails for England.--Cheltenham and London.--America.--Rev. R. M. Luther.--Home at Last Fruitful Labors in America.--Canada.--Philadelphia.--Return to Burmah.--Last Illness.--Arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Luther.--Closing Scenes.--Death of Mrs. Vinton Miranda Vinton.--Mrs. Binney's Letter.--Mrs. Stevens's Letter