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“Jamie, have dinner with me at the resort.”


Zack sounded tired. “We can discuss everything without disruption. I’m really not a morning person—I can be much more charming at night.”

“We don’t have anything to discuss and I have no interest in your ‘charm.’“ Jamie didn’t want to accept the invitation, but not doing so would likely only delay the inevitable. Zack wouldn’t give up until she made it clear it was pointless to pursue the land.

“Indulge me. At worst, it will cost you an evening, and you’ll get a gourmet meal out of it.” It seemed Zack intended to stand there as long as it took to convince her.

“Okay,” she agreed, and was amused by the surprise on his face.

“Excellent. Does Thursday work for you? I can pick you up at seven.”

There was no way she’d let herself be dependent upon him for transportation. “No, I’ll meet you there. This isn’t a date—it’s business.”

“Right. See you then.” And with a small nod, he got into his car.

Before he turned onto the paved road, she saw him halt and stare back at her, no doubt evaluating how he’d handled the encounter and what else he’d have to do. Well, too bad. She might not have his experience in the business arena, but she held the trump card; she owned the land, and no one could force her to sell.

That Summer at the Shore

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