Читать книгу Gone Missing - Camy Tang - Страница 3


“I know you’re in there, Joslyn,” the man said through the door.

“We have Clay. Give yourself up and we won’t hurt him.”

She only had to stall them until the police arrived. But what if they killed Clay before that happened?

Then Clay’s voice sounded from behind the back door. “She’s not in there. I came alone.” They must have dragged him to the backyard, where there were fewer people to see.

“I know you’re lying,” the man said calmly to Clay.

Then Clay’s voice shot out in a cry of pain.

Joslyn forced herself to breathe, to relax. She had to stay calm, stay focused.

“Joslyn, come out or we’ll send Clay here to his stepdaddy in little pieces.”

Moving quietly and staying low, Joslyn crept from behind the table until she was behind the sink. She slowly rose until she could see outside the window that hung right over the sink.

The man shouted, “Joslyn, you come out right now, or I swear I’ll—”

Suddenly Clay snapped his head backward and clocked his captor full in the face. The man grunted, and Clay pulled free.

A gun went off.

Gone Missing

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