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Chapter 2

“I’ll call you next week about that,” Steven promised, shaking his associate’s hand as he tried to move away from the crowd of people that were beginning to form around him. His eyes couldn’t tear away from Megan’s lovely face. He was quite surprised to see her when he entered the ballroom for just some moments ago he’d taken a cold shower as he thought of her. Of course he told himself the cold shower was to cool down his temperature after changing her tire in the blazing evening sun, but he knew that was a lie.

He hadn’t been in the mood to attend the fund-raiser, but considering it was in the same building he lived in, all he had to do was ride the elevator down to the first floor. Plus, his best friend and campaign manager, Shawn Bennett suggested Steven at least should show his face, shake hands and give a considerable donation. But most importantly stay away from the ladies. His reputation couldn’t handle any more bad press considering he had been on local blogs and news channels with a different woman nearly every week. And considering Steven’s father wanted him to eventually run for the U.S. Senate seat he was retiring from at the end of the year, Steven needed to first clean up his image. While he would be a shoo-in to win the nomination because of his intellect, clean political slate and charismatic nature, the Monroe campaign team was more concerned that Steven’s playboy image would cost him the opportunity to win.

So he’d made a promise to stay low-key and out of the limelight with the ladies and therefore opted not to have a date that evening. However, there was something about Megan that was drawing him to her like a magnetic force. When he entered the room earlier, he sensed the same calming peace he had when he’d initially met her. Was it her perfume in the atmosphere or her cute giggle that made him turn her way, only to find her inquisitive eyes on him? She bestowed her beautiful smile as she had when he’d changed her tire, but this one was accompanied with a look of promise that he couldn’t explain. He had a feeling his smile matched hers.

Steven continued to nod and shake hands with people who approached him all the while keeping his eyes glued to Megan and her table. He briefly glanced on either side of her to make sure she didn’t have a date. On her left was a woman who looked just like her, which must’ve been the twin sister she’d mentioned. And the other lady at the table, while drop-dead gorgeous, did nothing for him, either. There weren’t any men in their presence, and he was grateful. “Hello, Megan,” he said casually. “And ladies.” He nodded at them but kept his eyes on Megan. “Nice to see you here. I was hoping to run into someone I know.”

She chuckled with a head tilt. “Weren’t you just bombarded with people you know? We just met an hour ago.”

“Hmm...I know, yet we keep running into each other. Maybe we’re supposed to be in each other’s lives.”

She released her signature cute giggle again, and he was glad when her friends excused themselves but not before the both of them winked at Megan. He sat in the chair across from her and dismissed his bodyguards who were actually his campaign manager and his brother, Bryce. They’d tagged along to make sure he stayed out of trouble. And he sensed their hesitancy before they strode away.

“I must say, I’m quite glad to see you. You drove away without me getting any of your information. I don’t even know your last name.”

“It’s Chase. Megan Chase...Senator Monroe,” she stated knowingly with a grin.

He threw his head back in laughter. “Does that bother you?”

“Nope. I’m forever grateful. Could you imagine me changing a tire in heels and in this dress?”

His eyes traveled over her body settling on her shapely legs and a glimpse of the side of her exquisite thighs peeking out from her dress.

No, but I can imagine you only in those heels with your legs over my shoulders. He blinked his eyes a few times and cleared the frog in his throat. At first he thought he’d spoken his private thoughts out loud.

“So that means I have your vote in the next election?”

“I don’t know,” she said in a teasing manner. “What makes you the perfect candidate?”

“I’m a regular down-to-earth guy who likes to help people less fortunate than myself and ultimately make a difference in my community.”

“I’m sold. When does your current term end?”

“I just started my second term as a senator for Georgia so not for another two years. However, I’m considering running for a U.S. Senate seat within the next year or so, but let’s keep that between us for now. It’s my father’s seat, and I’m sure there’re a few people who would love to have it if they caught wind of my dad retiring.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” she said sincerely.

Steven couldn’t believe he’d told her such secret information so easily. Only he, his father, brother and best friend were aware of Senator Robert Monroe’s retirement plans. But for some reason he trusted the lady sitting in front of him.

“So how long have you been in the interior-design business?”

“Well unofficially since I was seven years old.” She paused to laugh. “I redesigned my side of my childhood room by using watercolors and markers on the wall. I also cut up some old drapes my mother was going to toss to make throw pillows and a duvet cover. I loved it but much to my mother’s dismay, she wasn’t pleased with the mural on the wall. But officially when I graduated with my undergraduate degree, so six years.”

“I currently live in a penthouse here at Twelve, but it was already furnished. However, I’m looking into buying a home soon and would love to hire a professional decorator.”

“I’m always looking for new clients, which is one of the reasons why I’m here. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

She opened her evening bag and handed him a business card.

He knew it would be months before he would close on a home. He wasn’t even officially looking for a house yet although he had an agent. It was just something he was considering, but he couldn’t let months go by without seeing her.

“Well, do you have any appointments available this Monday? I would love to see your portfolio and talk to you about some of my ideas.”

She nodded and pulled her cell phone out of her purse. “I have Monday around noon available. Is that a good time for you? If not... Friday.”

He actually had an appointment on Monday at the exact same time, but he couldn’t possibly wait until Friday. He didn’t know if he could wait the two days until Monday. “Noon will be fine. How about we meet at a restaurant and have a business lunch?”

“That sounds good. My office is located in the Buckhead area. How about Café Love Jones? It’s a jazz club, but they’re open for lunch, as well. I have business meetings there quite often.”

“That’s a great spot. Delicious food and atmosphere.”

“Glad you think so. My big brother Braxton is the owner.”

“Cool. I don’t know him personally, but I met him briefly at an event there a few years ago. Brother can play the hell out of a piano.”

Steven then unconsciously glanced up to see Shawn tapping his watch which meant it was time to move on. He was supposed to stay focused, mixing and mingling with the crowd, not flirting with the most beautiful woman at the fund-raiser. But he remembered his promise, and reluctantly stood as the smile on Megan’s soft face sank a little.

“It was nice seeing you again, Megan. I look forward to our meeting on Monday.”

“Me, too.” She held out her hand to shake his, but instead he raised it to his lips and kissed it tenderly. The feel of her silky, warm skin on his lips and the scent of her perfume on her wrist shook him to the core. He let his mouth linger on her hand longer than he should have, as he stared into her cinnamon eyes. She let out a soft sigh and slowly withdrew her hand from his. He regained his composure and tried to remember where he was before he did something impulsive like pull her into his arms and kiss her until her knees buckled.

Steven cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets to restrain them. “I’ll see you later.”

For the rest of the evening he socialized with the other guests, discussing politics all while keeping his eyes on Megan. Every now and then he’d catch her glance in his direction as Chelsea Benton escorted her and her friend around. He assumed Chelsea was introducing the women to possible clients since they were eagerly handing out business cards.

An hour later he felt a tap on his shoulder and was pleasantly surprised to look down into Megan’s adorable face.

“Hey, pretty lady.” He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Having fun? I saw quite a few gentlemen trying to get to know you better.”

“Um...yes, but I’m not trying to date at the present moment. However, I met some potential clients. I just wanted to say thank you again for changing my tire, and I look forward to our meeting on Monday.”

“Me, too. Why are you cutting out so early?”

“I’m not really one for social events even though I should be. However, Chelsea insisted that I come.”

“How do you know Chelsea Benton?”

“She’s one of my mother’s best friends from college. And you?”

“Her husband is golf buddies with my father, and she did some fashion consulting for me both times I ran for the state senate.”

“She’s the best.” Megan then let out a yawn, which caused him to yawn, as well. They both laughed, and he stepped closer toward her.

“Good night, Ms. Chase.” His voice was low. Serious. He hoped the stir in his manhood stayed at bay. He wasn’t in the mood for any more cold showers that evening.

If she was any other woman, he would’ve invited her upstairs to his place, but he knew Megan wasn’t the type to say yes to that and he was glad she wasn’t. Out of all the young women at the fund-raiser aside from her twin and girlfriend, Megan was the only one that hadn’t either batted her eyelashes and twirled her hair or slipped her phone number in the front of his pants’ pocket.

“Good night, Senator Monroe.”

He hesitated to leave, but just then her sister arrived to let her know the valet had pulled their cars around, and the two ladies walked away.

“Who was that?” he heard Shawn say as he approached from the side as they both stood in place staring after Megan and her sister.

“The one woman who could possibly make me settle down.”

* * *

The next morning Megan awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside the window ledge of her loft apartment and a splitting headache. Usually the echoes of birds soothed her nerves, but not this morning. She wasn’t able to sleep last night. Every time she closed her eyes, she fantasized about the handsome Steven Monroe and his strong hands roaming over her figure. Or his lips moving from her hand and wandering over every inch of her body until she passed out from pure ecstasy. She’d almost swooned last night when the caress of his warm lips pressed against her skin sent her to a point of oblivion while she tried to remain composed on the outside. No man had ever stirred her like that before. But she knew getting involved with a politician was out of the question. Or any man for that matter. Right now her focus was her career and a serious relationship was out of the question.

After tossing and turning, Megan had gotten up in the middle of the night and spent a few hours online researching Steven. She’d heard of him before but because she wasn’t all that interested in politics, she never paid him much attention, and she didn’t read the gossip blogs. She discovered he was divorced but with no children. No mention of a dog, but it was a possibility. Men like him usually had a dog for companionship.

As Megan continued her research, she learned that Steven was a politician that believed that his constituents should be able to voice their opinions. He based his platforms on their concerns as well as his own moral and personal beliefs. As a state senator, he held monthly meetings with the citizens of his district to discuss their needs in the community. Steven had opened a children’s after-school center, organized community gardens and raised funds for new roads in poverty stricken areas as well as more funding for the schools in his district. He wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, which made him well liked by his constituents though frowned upon by some of his fellow politicians.

The only negative news Megan discovered was that he was dating several different women at the same time. The media labeled him as both an eligible bachelor and playboy. She found that hard to believe considering he was a perfect gentleman the night before and paid no attention to other gorgeous women who threw sexy smiles his way and dirty looks at her. However, there were plenty of pictures of him and beautiful women on the gossip blogs so apparently it was true.

Megan rose from her bed to put on a pot of coffee. Percy, her Persian cat, was staring at her from his heated cat bed on the floor. She was surprised that he wasn’t in the bed with her, but sometimes Percy needed his own space. Just like a male. She laughed.

Megan sipped on hazelnut-flavored coffee seated at her kitchen’s island and reviewed paint colors for her latest project for Chelsea. Chelsea was her role model and mentor. It was because of her that Megan had a steady flow of clients lately. She was supposed to meet Chelsea to look at fabrics in the next hour. Luckily, the store was only within ten minutes of both her loft and office. She decided since it was a lovely April day, she would walk and clear her brain.

After her shower, she threw on some jeans with a fuchsia T-shirt and pulled her hair into a bouncy ponytail. She glanced at the clock and realized she was ahead of schedule. Grabbing her cell phone, she was surprised to see over twenty missed phone calls and text messages from her cousin Tiffani Chase, Sydney and Jade all within a span of ten minutes. The phone then rang while it was still in her hand. It was Sydney.

“What’s up Syd?”

“Wow, don’t you sound calm.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I guess you haven’t seen today’s paper or the local gossip blogs this morning.”

“I just got up. Haven’t been online yet.”

“Turn on your computer and go to the Atlanta Social website.

Megan went into her living room where her tablet sat on the coffee table. She opened the website Syd mentioned and almost dropped her tablet on the hardwood floor. On the screen were pictures from the fund-raiser last night, but the main picture of the article was of her and Steven when he kissed her hand. The accompanying caption read, “Who’s the senator’s new lady of the week?”

“Oh, no.” Megan sighed and sank onto the couch. “This can’t be happening.” She scrolled through some more of the event pictures, and there were four more of them laughing and having a good time.

“Girl, those aren’t the only pictures of you two. I’m at the GBI office and one of the agents just brought me the social section of the newspaper. There’s another one where Steven is leaning over whispering in your ear, and you’re staring at him like a lovesick puppy with your eyes half closed.”

“We were just talking. I’m not dating the senator. Why would they print this?”

“Calm down, sis. This happens to him all the time. You just don’t keep up. It’ll all blow over I’m sure. He’ll be on the same blog tomorrow with a different woman, and no one will give you a second thought.”

“But this has never happened to me before. I don’t want my reputation ruined with my clients because they think I’m dating a playboy politician. No, wait. It says ‘lady of the week.’ That’s even worse.” Megan looked at a few more local blogs she found through Google, and the same pictures with similar captions popped up.

“Try not to worry about it,” Sydney said in a sincere tone. “They don’t even know your name.”

Megan’s phone beeped with another phone call. Perfect.

“Our mother is calling me on the other line.”

“Now you can worry. Don’t answer.”

“I’m not. I can only imagine what she’s going to say.”

“Chin up, sis. I have a meeting, but call me if you need to.”

After hanging up, the phone rang again but this time from a number she didn’t recognize. She decided to answer it anyway just in case it was a potential client.

“Hello?” she answered cautiously.

“Hey, Megan this is Steven.”

“Oh, joy. It’s the playboy politician,” she said sarcastically as she walked to her bedroom that was separated from the living room with a sliding wall. She grabbed her purse and keys from the bench in front of the bed. She needed to head out soon to meet Chelsea.

“I guess you saw the blogs this morning.”

“Yes, I did, and I’m not amused at all. I don’t even know you! We just met yesterday.”

“I’m so sorry this has happened. Trust me last night I was supposed to mix and mingle and not flirt. I’m trying to clean up my image if I’m going to run for my dad’s seat, but whenever the media sees me with a woman they assume I’m seeing her...which sometimes I am.”

“Maybe if you stop kissing women’s hands and whispering in their ears, your photo won’t get taken as much,” she snapped.

He chuckled, and her breath caught in her throat. She was supposed to be mad, but how could she when his seductive voice was in her ear reminding her of the tossing and turning she did last night over him?

“You have a point, but my team sent a statement to all of the blogs and news outlets that have the pictures that we aren’t dating, and that you’re an interior decorator who will be working on some projects for me in the future, all of which is true.”

She let out a sigh of relief. She knew it wasn’t his fault that this had happened. He was a politician from a very prestigious family so naturally he would be in the limelight. Too bad his playboy past was getting him in trouble even when the situation was innocent. While she had just met him, he seemed like a cool, down-to-earth guy. Maybe the media blew his reputation out of proportion.

“Thank you for releasing the statement. I know it’s not your fault, but it did shake me up because I live a simple, drama-free life. And I like to keep it that way.”

“I completely understand. I wish my life was simple at times. So, are we still on for this Monday?”

“Yes, of course. Remember, I’m not really the lady of the week, I’m the interior decorator you’ll be working with.” She laughed.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Besides, you aren’t ‘lady of the week’ material. More like the lady forever, and I would hate for anyone to think otherwise.”

The heat in her cheeks began to rise, and she had a feeling they would be burning red if she looked in a mirror.

“Thank you. I hate to cut this conversation short, but I have a meeting in a few minutes.”

“On a Saturday?”

“Normally I wouldn’t schedule a meeting on a Saturday, but it’s Chelsea.”

“Cool. Give her my best.”

After saying their goodbyes, Megan grabbed her tablet and purse and headed out the door. She felt somewhat better since Steven called.

While browsing through material in the fabric store, Sydney sent her a text that a statement had been released about her and Steven’s platonic relationship and the blogs had been updated. She decided she wasn’t going to worry about it. Like her sister said, it would all blow over, and some other woman would be in a picture with him tomorrow. The thought of that made her a little sad, but she knew he was the last man she should be involved with even if the very thought of him caused her to go weak.

Her main focus was expanding her business and taking it to the next level. Her and Jade were in the process of landing a guest spot on the famed show Decorator’s Dream on the Fabulous Living Channel. They’d sent in pictures of all of their decorating jobs over the past few years and their audition video. Now they were on pins and needles waiting to hear back. Plus, much to her family and friends’ dismay, Megan actually enjoyed being single at this time in her life. She shook her head to wipe the thought of dating Steven out of her mind. From now on, she would think of him as a potential client. Nothing more.

Her Perfect Candidate

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