Читать книгу Historical Record of the Fifteenth, or, the Yorkshire East Riding, Regiment of Foot - Cannon Richard - Страница 3

Year Page
1685 Formation of the Regiment at Nottingham 1
1686 Establishment 2
1687 Encamped on Hounslow Heath 4
1688 Revolution in Great Britain 5
—— Marched to Scotland -
1689 Battle of Killicrankie 6
1690 ——–at Cromdale -
—— Marched to Inverlochy 8
1691 Submission of the Highlanders to King William and Queen Mary 9
1694 Embarked for Flanders -
—— Engaged in the capture of Huy 10
1695 ———– at Fort Kenoque
—— ———– at the surrender of Dixmude to the French 11
—— Colonel Sir James Lesley cashiered, and succeeded by Colonel Emanuel Howe 12
—— Garrison of Namur surrendered
—— Released from prisoners of war
1696 Marched to Bruges
1697 Proceeded to Brussels 13
—— Treaty of Peace at Ryswick
—— Embarked for England 14
—— Proceeded to Ireland
1701 Preparations for War with France
—— Re-embarked for Holland
—— Reviewed at Breda by King William III.
1702 Proceeded to Rosendael 15
—— Siege of Kayserswerth
—— Engaged at Nimeguen
—— War declared against France and Spain
—— The Earl of Marlborough assumed the command of the army in Flanders
—— Engaged at the siege of Venloo 16
—— —————————– Ruremonde
—— —————————– Liege
1703 Surrender of Bonn
—— Proceeded to Maestricht 17
—— Engaged at the capture of Huy
—— —————————— Limburg
1704 Proceeded from Holland to the Danube
—— Joined the Imperial Army 18
—— Battle of Schellenberg
—— ———– Blenheim 19
—— Marshal Tallard taken prisoner, and the French Army defeated 20
—— Siege of Landau 21
1705 Re-capture of Huy 22
—— Forced the French lines at Neer-Hespen and Helixem
1706 Battle of Ramilies
—— Many prisoners, with cannon, colours, &c. taken 23
—— Surrender of Brussels, Ghent, &c.
—— ———— of Ostend
—— ———— of Menin
—— ———— of Dendermond and Aeth
1708 Re-embarked for England to repel the invasion of the Pretender
—— Returned to Flanders 24
1708 Battle of Oudenarde
—— Engaged in the Siege of Lisle
—— Re-capture of Ghent and Bruges 25
1709 Siege and Capture of Tournay
—— Battle of Malplaquet 26
—— Siege and Capture of Mons
—— Marched into winter quarters at Ghent
1710 Forced the French lines at Pont-à-Vendin 27
—— Siege and Capture of Douay
—— Encamped at Villars-Brulin
—— Surrender of Bethune
—— ———— of Aix and St. Venant
—— Marched into quarters at Courtray
1711 Encamped at Warde and reviewed by the Duke of Marlborough
—— Forced the French lines at Arleux
—— Siege and surrender of Bouchain
1712 Negociations for peace commenced 28
—— Duke of Ormond assumed the command of the Army
—— Returned to Ghent
1713 Removed to Dunkirk
—— ———— to Nieuport
1714 Returned to England
—— Decease of Queen Anne, and accession of King George I.
1715 Employed against the rebels in Great Britain
1719 Employed in Scotland 29
—— Invasion of a Spanish force at Kintail
—— Defeat and surrender of the invaders at Glensheil
1728 Reviewed at Blackheath by King George II.
1740 Encamped in the Isle of Wight 30
—— Embarked for the West Indies
1741 Arrived at Jamaica
—— Sailed for Carthagena
1741 Attack and capture of Bocca-chica 31
—— Siege of the Castle of St. Lazar
—— Forts of Carthagena destroyed 32
—— Returned to Jamaica 33
1742 Re-embarked for England
1745 Embarked for Ostend
—— Ostend captured by the French
—— Recalled to England in consequence of the French invasion 34
1746 Battle of Culloden
—— Embarked for the coast of France, and proceeded against Port L'Orient and Quiberon
—— Returned to England 35
1748 Peace concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle
1749 Proceeded to Ireland
1751 Royal Warrant issued for regulating the clothing, colours, &c.
1755 War re-commenced with France 36
—— Returned to England
1756 Encamped at Blandford
1757 Encamped at Barham-downs
—— Embarked on an expedition against the coast of France
—— Capture of the Isle of Aix 37
—— Returned to England
1758 Embarked for North America
—— Formed part of an expedition against Louisbourg, and in the taking of the Island of Cape Breton, under Brigadier-General James Wolfe 38
—— The captured colours, &c. presented to the King, and publickly conveyed from Kensington Palace to St. Paul's Cathedral 39
—— Rewarded by the approbation of the Sovereign, and by the thanks of Parliament
1759 Embarked in an expedition against Quebec, under Major-General James Wolfe
—— Death of Major-General Wolfe 41
—— Surrender of Quebec 42
—— Approbation of the King of the conduct of the troops, thanks of Parliament, and public thanksgiving of the Nation
1760 Defence of Quebec against an attempt of the French to retake it 43
—— Joined in an attack on Montreal 44
—— Conquest of Canada
1761 Encamped at Staten Island 44
—— Embarked for Barbadoes
1762 Engaged on an expedition in the capture of Martinique
—— Embarked on an expedition to the Havannah 45
—— Capture of Moro Fort, nine ships of war, &c.
1763 Peace with Spain concluded
—— The Havannah restored to Spain
—— Embarked for New York, and proceeded to Canada 46
1768 Embarked for England
1770 Reviewed at Chatham by King George III.
1772 Marched to Scotland
1774 Embarked for Ireland
1776 War with North America
—— Embarked for America 47
—— Proceeded on an expedition against Charleston
—— Re-embarked and proceeded to Staten Island
—— Effected a landing at Long Island
—— Proceeded against New York 48
—— ———————White Plains
—— ———————Fort Washington
1777 ———————Peek's-Hill
—— ———————Danbury
1777 Arrived at Ridgefield 49
—— Engaged at the Hill of Compo
—— Embarked at New York
—— Proceeded on an expedition against Philadelphia 50
—— Engaged at Brandywine
—— Engaged at Germantown 51
—— ———– at Whitemarsh
1778 Marched from Philadelphia to New York 52
—— Embarked for the West Indies
—— Proceeded on an expedition against St. Lucia 53
1779 Embarked from St. Lucia and landed at St. Christopher's 54
1781 War declared against Holland
—— Capture of the Island of St. Eustatius
—— Recaptured by the French, and the 13th and 15th Regiments taken prisoners
1782 Island of St. Christopher's taken by the French 55
—— Regiment returned to England 56
—— Received the County title of "York East Riding"
1784 Embarked for Ireland
1790 ———— for Barbadoes
1793 Removed to Dominica
1794 Embarked on an expedition against Martinique and Guadaloupe 57
1795 Stationed at Martinique 58
1796 Re-embarked for England
1797 Proceeded to Scotland
1799 Returned to England
—— Received volunteers from the Militia and augmented to two battalions
1800 Embarked for Ireland
1802 Peace concluded with France
—— Establishment reduced, and the second battalion disbanded
1803 War recommenced against France
1804 Establishment again augmented, and second battalion added and formed in Yorkshire 59
1805 First battalion embarked for the West Indies
—— Embarked as Marines on board the Fleet under Admiral Lord Nelson
—— Relanded at Barbadoes
1807 Again embarked on board the fleet
—— Returned to Barbadoes, and embarked for Grenada
—— Engaged in an expedition against the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix 60
1809 —————————— against the island of Martinique
—— Capture of Martinique
—— Engaged in the reduction of the islands in the vicinity of Guadaloupe 61
—— Returned to Grenada
1810 Embarked in an expedition against Guadaloupe
—— Capture of Guadaloupe 62
1812 Removed to St. Christopher's 63
1814 General peace proclaimed
1815 War recommenced by the violation of the treaty of peace by Napoleon Buonaparte 64
—— The islands of Martinique and Guadaloupe again taken possession of
—— Re-embarked for Barbadoes
1816 Peace being restored, the second battalion disbanded 65
—— Removed to Martinique
—— Proceeded to Grenada
1817 Embarked for Nova Scotia
1819 ———— for Bermuda
1821 ———— for England
1822 ———— for Ireland
1827 Formed into six Service and four Depôt Companies 66
1827 Embarked for Canada
1832 Employed in aid of the civil power at Montreal
in suppressing a serious riot 67
—— Expressions of approbation of the conduct of the
regiment 68
—— Suffered severely from the effects of Asiatic cholera 73
1838 Engaged on active duties in consequence of rebellion among a portion of the inhabitants of the Canadas 75
1840 Returned to England 79
—— Disembarked at Portsmouth, and joined by the Depôt Companies
1841 Proceeded to Winchester, and thence to Woolwich
1842 Marched to Windsor
—— Reviewed by Her Majesty the Queen Victoria, and the Prince Albert
—— Proceeded to Chester 80
—— ———— to Manchester
1843 Embarked for Ireland
1845 Formed into six Service and four Depôt Companies
—— Service Companies embarked for Ceylon
1846 ———————— arrived at Ceylon 81
1847 Depôt Companies embarked from Ireland to England
1848 The Conclusion
Historical Record of the Fifteenth, or, the Yorkshire East Riding, Regiment of Foot

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