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JAMES MCGUIRE ROSE as his daughter threaded her way through the packed restaurant. The crowd was a lively one, and the noise level nearly succeeded in muting the tinny-sounding Christmas carols that poured through the speakers. He’d arrived half an hour early and tipped the hostess to find him a table.

This wasn’t the type of place hewould have chosen, but he’d learned years ago to pick his battles with his daughter. And a pretty little waitress named Colleen had informed him that the Mulligan’s stewhere had been written up in the Zagat’s guide.

A rush of love moved through him when Cat wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug. When he drew back, he held on to her for a moment and studied her face. Just as he’d suspected, there were circles under her eyes. Even as a child, she’d always given every project she worked on her all. It was high time she had something in her life besides that toy store. “It’s been too long, little girl. You have to get away from that store sometimes. I miss you.”

“You could always come down to this end of town and visit me in the Cheshire Cat,” she said.

McGuire winced a little. “Touché. One guilt trip deserves another. Sit down. I ordered you a glass of your favorite wine. Pouilly-Fuissé, right?”


“Colleen here recommended the Mulligan’s stew, so I took the liberty of ordering that, too. I’ll bet you didn’t take time for lunch today.”

Cat narrowed her eyes on her father. “You want something. Why don’t you just come out with it?”

“Now, Cat, can’t you believe your dad just wanted to see you?”

Her eyes narrowed even more. “Maybe when pigs fly.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “Never could put one over on you, could I?”

“Maybe when I was six.”

He raised his glass. “At least take a sip of that wine. It costs the earth.”

Cat’s brows shot up as she reached for her wine. “And that single malt Scotch you’re drinking doesn’t?”

He merely smiled as he touched his glass to hers. “To a very happy holiday season.”

Cat sipped her wine. “You’ve got that gleam in your eyes. You’re up to something. If you came all the way down here to make sure I’m going to Gianna’s big charity ball on Thursday, I’ll be there. I also bought tickets for Adelaide, Josie and Matt. He should be back from Mexico by then.”

“Mexico?” He had to tread carefully. He wasn’t supposed to know much about her store.

She smiled as she took another sip of wine. “He’s in this little village. I’ve told you about Paxco, haven’t I?”

“Remind me,” he said. She actually started to glow when she talked about her business. It was something she rarely spoke of when the family gathered because of Gianna’s preference that she get out of retail. His wife had even gone so far as to offer her a job at Merceri Bank.

“Matt had to fly down there yesterday because this one shipment of dolls has been delayed. If it doesn’t get here, there are going to be twenty-four little girls who won’t get what they want from Santa.”

No wonder she was worried, McGuire thought. Her mother had died on Christmas Eve, and ever since then, Cat had put a lot of effort into making sure that everything was perfect at Christmastime. He’d done the same for her. But he couldn’t read any sign that she suspected something other than dollmaking was going on in Paxco. He placed a hand over hers. “Don’t worry, little girl. They’ll get here.”

She lifted her chin. “I know that, and that’s exactly what I told my worried customers. I’m hoping they shipped today and they’ll arrive tomorrow or Thursday. Friday at the latest.”

She sipped more wine. “Still, I’ll feel better when Matt calls back and gives me a tracking number. The connection I had with him was very bad.”

McGuire studied his daughter. He didn’t like it one bit that one of the shipments from Paxco was delayed. If something happened to prevent the drugs from arriving, or even worse, if someone at the other end had gotten greedy, it might very well increase the danger to Cat.

Thank heavens, Dino Angelis would be at her side beginning tomorrow morning.

“About Gianna’s ball…”

Cat met his eyes. “I told you I’ll be there.”

“But you don’t have a date.”

“And just how do you know that?”

Hearing the thread of annoyance in her tone, he took a drink of his Scotch. “A smart army man never reveals his sources.”

Cat regarded him steadily as she took another taste of wine.

“All I want is a favor. I’d look upon it as your Christmas gift to me. And you can check Gianna off your list at the same time. I’m offering you a two-for-the-price-of-one deal.”

She still said nothing. McGuire wondered not for the first time why she couldn’t have taken more after Nancy than him.

“C’mon, Cat. Your daddy shouldn’t have to beg.”

Cat threw up both of her hands. “Okay. I’m not agreeing to anything yet. Just what is it that you want me to do?”

“Just get engaged for Christmas.”

CAT STARED at her father. She sincerely hoped that her mouth hadn’t dropped open because she knew that was just the reaction he was hoping for. Her mom and dad had always played chess together, and after her mother had died, she’d asked her father to teach her the game. But even after she’d joined the chess team at school, she’d never been able to beat him. He was a master strategist. Just what was he up to? “You’re joking.”

“I couldn’t be more serious.”

She glanced at his drink. “How many of those did you have while you were waiting for me?”

He shook his head sadly. “Is that anything for a respectful daughter to ask her father?”

She sipped her wine and leaned back in her chair. “Are you going to tell me what you’re up to?”

“Thought you’d never ask. Gianna has gotten herself into a little scrape.” He told her the same story he’d told Dino Angelis and watched her eyes widen. Unlike the navy captain, she’d had the experience of meeting Lucia Merceri.

“So the Queen of Hearts is going to arrive tomorrow and catch her daughter in a lie?”

“Unless I solve the problem.”


“It’s simple. I’ve hired you a fiancé for Christmas.”

“You’ve what?”

Several people in the immediate area sent glances her way, so Cat clamped down on her emotions and hissed, “You’ve hired me a fiancé? And where, pray tell, did you get him—some kind of escort service?”

Colleen appeared at their table and set down two bowls of Mulligan’s stew. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

Cat managed a tight smile. “No.” But she would have liked to order a bucket of cold icewater to pour over her father’s head.

As if sensing the tension at the table, Colleen’s bright smile wavered. “Enjoy your meal.” Then she scurried away.

“You’ve scared that poor little waitress.”

Keeping her voice pitched low, Cat leaned forward. “Don’t you put that on me. If you don’t tell me what you’re up to, you may end up wearing what’s left of my very expensive wine.”

He spread his hands, palms outward. “I’m just trying to make everyone happy for Christmas.”

He wasn’t lying about that. If anyone had ever captured the essence of the spirit of Saint Nick, Colonel James T. McGuire had. From the time she was little, even before her mother’s death, he’d always tried to figure out what she wanted most and then he’d put all his efforts into getting it for her. Within reason, of course. But since he’d married Gianna, he’d shifted his focus to his wife.

“I thought Gianna already had her Christmas wish. Lucy is due to deliver little Merry any day now.”

“She’s trying to hold off until after the charity ball.”

That didn’t surprise Cat. If Lucy managed to pull it off, her stepmother would have all her family around her at the ball and still have her first granddaughter by Christmas.

Her father laid his hand over hers. “Lucia Merceri will only be in town until New Year’s Day. And as soon as little Merry arrives, her attention will be diverted.”

She managed not to grit her teeth. “And how is Lucia Merceri going to react when she discovers the whole thing was a trick?” Cat jabbed a finger in his direction. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when she figures out we lied to her.” She frowned. “Matter of fact, I wouldn’t want to be in my shoes.”

“Not to worry.” Her father picked up a fork and dug into his stew. “We’ve got that all worked out. Gianna will just weave her mother another story. A month from now, you’re going to have a falling-out with Navy Captain Dino Angelis.”

Cat had scooped up a bite of her stew, but the fork slipped from her fingers and clattered back into the bowl. “A month? You can’t expect me to carry on this masquerade for a month. I won’t.”

Her father wiggled his fork at her. “Relax. You’ll get through the month just the way you got through the last month—the secret dating and engagement part.”

Cat’s hands fisted on the table. “The secret dating and engagement part?”

Her father took a manila envelope out of his pocket and pushed it toward her. “The back story is all in there—exactly what Gianna told her mother—from the first time you met to your romantic trysts at the Waldorf right up to when he popped the question on the skating rink at Rockefeller Center.”

Cat’s eyes narrowed. Her father knew her weaknesses. She loved to skate, but she barely had time for it anymore. “He doesn’t skate.”

Her father beamed a triumphant smile at her. “He was captain of his hockey team in high school.”

She wanted to bang her head on the table. He was outmaneuvering her at every turn. “And just where did you dig up this navy captain who skates?”

“Captain Angelis works for your godfather, Admiral Maxwell. I’ve already filled the captain in on his back story.”

“And he agreed to go along with this charade?”

“Your godfather persuaded him.”

Bribed him, Cat thought. Though she’d experienced firsthand just how persuasive Uncle Bobby could be. He was almost as gifted as her father was at making people dance to his tune. She could feel herself weakening.

“Captain Angelis has a two-week leave which he intends to spend with you meeting your family. But who knows? Something might come up, and Bobby could call him back early. The important thing is that we get through the Christmas season and send Lucia Merceri happily back to Rome.”

Cat liked Gianna, and she could fully understand the desire to placate Lucia. The woman was scary. She reached for her wine, took another sip, and gave up. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Atta girl. I knew you’d come through for your old dad.” Her father dug into his stew. “Eat up. You’re wasting away.”

Cat ate a carrot, then said, “When do I get to meet Navy Captain Dino Angelis?”

“Tomorrow morning. He’s scheduled to arrive at The Cheshire Cat no later than eleven hundred hours.”

Cat shifted her attention from her stew to her father. “The store is going to be packed with customers. Shouldn’t we meet privately first?”


Cat sighed. He was right of course.

“Besides,” he continued, “you’ll have plenty of time to talk. I’ve arranged for him to stay in the apartment next to yours.”

“He’s staying in my building? What about the Waldorf? Isn’t that where you said we had our little romantic trysts?”

Her father’s brows shot up. “That was when you were keeping your relationship a secret. There’s no need for that anymore. Now your job is to convince everyone that your relationship is real. He’ll be able to walk you home at night. To all outward appearances, he’ll be staying with you.” He cleared his throat. “Which is what I assume would be happening if he were your real fiancé.”

He reached over and patted her hand. “Besides, with your busy schedule, you wouldn’t have any time to go uptown anyway.You couldn’t even meetmefor drinks at theAlgonquin.”

Cat mulled it over in her mind.

“The two of you are going to have to spend time together. Lucia Merceri is a sharp woman. She’ll be grilling you separately on how you met, when you first fell in love.”

Cat stifled an inward sigh.

“Spending time together will give you time to get your stories straight. Make sure you’re on the same page. And think of the upside.”

Cat’s tone was dry. “If there’s an upside to this, don’t keep me in the dark.”

Her father grinned at her. “You’ll have an extra person to help out in your store just when you need it the most.”

For the second time in as many minutes, Cat badly wanted to bang her head on the table. But she didn’t. Her father was right, of course. She could use some help in the store. But he wasn’t going to have it all his way. “This navy captain can move in for eleven days. That will get us to New Year’s Day. Then Uncle Bobby is calling him back to the Pentagon.”


James McGuire held out his hand, and Cat shook it.

Come Toy with Me

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