Читать книгу Beautiful Chaos - Carey Perloff - Страница 11

Chapter 7 The Geary Campaign


If the struggle to rebuild the damaged Geary Theater were a play, its lead characters would be FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Authority) and SHPO (State Historic Preservation Authority), and the title would be Waiting for Compromise. When it is your fate to own a landmark building in the state of California, nothing is simple. Everything the federal government tells you to do to prepare for another earthquake is contradicted by the historic preservationists, who don’t want a brick of the nondescript side wall of the theater to be touched, even in the name of seismic stability. Add to this the prerogatives of the donors, who rightly long to inject some new ideas and contemporary panache into the building, and you risk a constant state of stalemate.

Beautiful Chaos

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