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Dear Reader,

My mother is a retired RN. She worked full-time through her first three pregnancies. When I came along (the last of four and the only girl) she stopped working, as raising four children required full-time hours. When I was in seventh grade, my mom decided to go back to nursing. A few weeks into her return to work, she came home and told me that she was considering quitting. She’d been out of the medical field for a while and the learning curve had increased over those years.

My mom says that I told her that she wasn’t allowed to quit. That she wouldn’t let us quit something until we’d given it a year, or a full season if it was a sports team. I also added if she gave up, she’d be teaching me that it was okay to give up, too. I don’t remember this conversation, but I love the memory my mom gave me. My mom never quit all those years ago and just like my mom, I knew I couldn’t give up on my dream of writing because I didn’t want my daughters to ever give up on their dreams. I have her to thank for that childhood lesson that has stuck with me.

I love to connect with readers. Check my website to learn more about my upcoming books, sign up for my mailing list, or chat with me on Facebook (carilynnwebb) or Twitter (@carilynnwebb). If you know someone in the medical field, give them a hug today and tell them thanks for all they do.

Cari Lynn Webb

The Doctor's Recovery

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