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I was in the prime of my youth, strong as a lion and felt that nothing could stop me. One day a roommate asked me if I wanted to party a little. I said, “What? Go get a couple of beers?” “No,” he said. “Just sniff this little bit of powder. It’s China White, and it will make you feel so good.” I said, “No way. I have heard of that stuff. It’s dangerous.” However, over the next few months, he kept offering it to me, and one day I thought, what could it hurt one time? I took about a match head of it, sniffed it up my nose, and went into a dream-like euphoria that I did not want to come back from. Before that first “high” was over, I wanted more.

Over the next several months, I scored some of my own heroin and got high, stopping before I got any withdrawals from not having the drug. I also met a dealer who was in the Air Force. He asked me if I wanted to go to Thailand where they make the drug, the poppies are grown, the heroin is extracted, and the product is sold. About $200.00 over there in Thailand will buy someone about $20,000 worth of the drug’s street value here in the U.S. Yet don’t get caught; the law calls for execution by firing squad for smuggling drugs.

Needless to say, I did not have to spend any money for awhile on my own habit. I had the extremely addictive, very powerful, pure China White heroin. A person can overdose and die by sniffing just a match head size too much. Suddenly, I was deep into the drug culture and still a Naval security police officer. This put me in a difficult situation a number of times, to say the least. One time we arrested another Navy man for the sale and possession of heroin. The “evidence” was sitting on the desk in the security office, and I took some of it for my own use when no one was looking. Later the security officer, a lieutenant, questioned me about it. I told him I had taken some to try. He said to just keep it quiet and that no one else had better find out.

Guam had a lot of drug traffic geographically because of its vicinity. Located close to the Philippines and China, Guam is a convenient stopover for smugglers using boats. One time as part of my police training, I was instructed to attend a seminar that was put on by a new federal organization (at that time) called the D.E.A. (Drug Enforcement Agency). I went to the seminar with officers from our base and all the other law enforcement agencies on the island. The D.E.A. was bringing us all up-to-date on some of the work they were doing, and letting us know they had officers on the island, in case we ever encountered one of them in an undercover situation. I was nervous because I was frequently at one or two of the dealers’ houses. I hoped that one of their undercover agents would not remember me if they saw me around a dealer’s house. Things were getting crazy. I had a daily habit going now; if I did not have a fix my body started to go into withdrawals. For me, it was like getting the flu ten times over, and just continued to get worse. After a few hours I couldn’t even walk. I would curl up and shiver, then sweat, then shiver, feeling as if my bones were exposed. The addict will do anything it takes to get more of the drug because withdrawal from heroin is so terrible.

The Ultimate Pursuit

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