Читать книгу The Gathering - Carl Read - Страница 9



Over the centuries Telluric continued to prosper, with Antares returning home every ten years. Her input to Telluric’s development was substantial; they now relied solely on crystals for their energy supplies. Although Telluric was a technological society, the four clans of man opted for a slower lifestyle living close to the land.

As the years passed the four clans intermingled and lived in harmony together. Small groups broke away from their people and moved to occupy the fifteen large islands scattered about the four continents, setting up their own governments. Many of Telluric’s populace had travelled throughout the known galaxies and beyond.

Eight hundred years had passed since the rebel Cadbiens’ exile and many of the populace had forgotten why their forbears were forced to vacate their home world. However, two families had not. Matthew Phillips and Terence Conway were two shrewd businessmen from the Redskin Clan who formed a company called Phillcon Enterprises. They were the wealthiest families to colonise the new world of Telluric. Their corporation acquired all the prime waterfront properties and by utilising all their connections, trade along the river became lucrative. The community grew and expanded outward towards the hills.

The countryside was heavily forested back then so Phillcon Enterprises went into the logging business. Several sections of forest were unique in that strange events took place, terrifying the locals. Logging in those sections was virtually impossible. The outcry was so great that the government of that time intended to burn the forest to the ground.

Phillips and Conway decided to investigate. Upon their return, Phillcon Enterprises subsequently submitted a bid to the government for that particular forest and a dozen other properties. The government was not overly financial back then and jumped at the opportunity to make some quick money. It also removed them from any responsibility for the land. The purchase almost bankrupted Phillcon Enterprises.

Phillips and Conway called that particular forest, ‘Woodlands’. They erected a fence around the perimeter to protect the people, and, where the path from the town met the fence, a gaslight was placed.

Many years later, Phillcon Enterprises amalgamated several of their smaller companies into Woodlands Incorporated, which subsequently purchased all the forests and parklands originally owned by Phillcon Enterprises. Mr Conway then designed a structure consisting of offices and warehouses for Phillcon Enterprises that completely encircled the Woodlands. One night the gaslight mysteriously exploded, burning the encircling buildings to the ground. Woodlands Incorporated had the rubble removed and spent a considerable amount of money having a special wall built to enclose the Woodlands.

Mr Phillips was worried that after his death someone might try to gain control over Woodlands Incorporated. Being a genius in legal matters, he tied everything up legally so no one could ever lay claim to it. Both Phillips and Conway were adamant that nobody was ever permitted entrance into the Woodlands without a personal invitation from the Keeper. Over the years, the reasons for the isolation of the Woodlands and the purpose of the gaslight were forgotten.

The Gathering

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