Читать книгу Rootabaga Pigeons - Carl Sandburg Sandburg - Страница 2

Table of Contents


Rootabaga Pigeons

The Skyscraper to the Moon and How the Green Rat with the Rheumatism Ran a Thousand Miles Twice

Slipfoot and How He Nearly Always Never Gets What He Goes After

Many, Many Weddings in One Corner House

Shush Shush, the Big Buff Banty Hen Who Laid an Egg in the Postmaster's Hat

How Ragbag Mammy Kept Her Secret While the Wind Blew Away the Village of Hat Pins

How Six Pigeons Came Back to Hatrack the Horse After Many Accidents and Six Telegrams

How the Three Wild Babylonian Baboons Went Away in the Rain Eating Bread and Butter

How Six Umbrellas Took Off Their Straw Hats to Show Respect to the One Big Umbrella

How Bozo the Button Buster Busted All His Buttons When a Mouse Came

How Googler and Gaggler, the Two Christmas Babies, Came Home with Monkey Wrenches

How Johnny the Wham Sleeps in Money All the Time and Joe the Wimp Shines and Sees Things

How Deep Red Roses Goes Back and Forth Between the Clock and the Looking Glass

How Pink Peony Sent Spuds, the Ballplayer, Up to Pick Four Moons

How Dippy the Wisp and Slip Me Liz Came in the Moonshine Where the Potato Face Blind Man Sat with His Accordion

How Hot Balloons and His Pigeon Daughters Crossed Over into the Rootabaga Country

How Two Sweetheart Dippies Sat in the Moonlight on a Lumber Yard Fence and Heard About the Sooners and the Boomers

The Haystack Cricket and How Things Are Different Up in the Moon Towns

Why the Big Ball Game Between Hot Grounders and the Grand Standers Was a Hot Game

The Huckabuck Family and How They Raised Pop Corn in Nebraska and Quit and Came Back

Yang Yang and Hoo Hoo, or the Song of the Left Foot of the Shadow of the Goose

How a Skyscraper and a Railroad Train Got Picked Up and Carried Away from Pig's Eye Valley Far in the Pickax Mountains

Pig Wisps

Kiss Me

Blue Silver

Rootabaga Pigeons

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