Читать книгу Once Forbidden... - Carla Cassidy - Страница 2

Johnna turned to leave the courtroom. That was when she saw him.


He sat in the back row, the only person left in the room. Shock rocketed through Johnna as her mind worked to accept his presence here in Inferno, Arizona…here in this very courtroom.

“Hello, Johnna,” he said, and stood.

Her first impulse was to run, to shove past him and escape. The very sight of him, so tall…so handsome, stirred old memories and deep emotions.

“Hello, Jerrod….” Nice…civil…as if she were speaking to anyone on the street.

But this isn’t just anyone, her heart cried out. This is Jerrod McCain, the man who had once owned her heart…when she’d had a heart to own.

Once Forbidden...

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