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“I would love to spend a year in a foreign country, but I don’t have much money!” I hear this all the time from people interested in hearing more about au pair programs. The au pair experience is different from other trips abroad. It is relatively inexpensive as the basic thought behind these programs is a balanced “give and take” approach. The term “au pair” is French for “reciprocity”. The host family that takes you in and welcomes you into their family gives you the opportunity to experience the wonders of a foreign country, integrate into a new culture and make new friends along the way.
It sounds really simple, but leaving family and friends behind and adjusting to a new family marks the beginning of a new chapter in one’s life. If you want to have a successful and enjoyable time abroad, you will need to be ready to try new things, leave familiar things behind and be open to change.
Preparing for Your Au Pair Experience
The preparations for your stay abroad as an au pair begin long before you leave home. It is best to start planning the basics of your trip about a year in advance. This time is used to mentally prepare for the upcoming trip. Think about what language you would like to learn and which countries you are interested in. Gather information on the culture, language, politics and history of your top 3 or so favorite countries. By familiarizing yourself with the history of a country, you will have a much easier time understanding certain traditions and customs. Consider how long you would like your stay to be. The longer your stay, the deeper and more familiar you will become with your host country’s culture, language and overall lifestyle. Generally, an au pair program lasts for at least six months and most last a whole year. In the US, the guidelines are clearly defined and an au pair stay lasts at least 12 months. Other countries allow for shorter stays, such as a few months over the summer, but this depends on the respective country’s entry requirements.
General Requirements
Single and childless
At least 18 years old
Adequate language skills (sometimes only English skills are required – even in countries with different official languages)
Valid ID and/or passport (validity should extend at least a few months beyond your planned return date)
Physical and mental fitness
Childcare experience
Reliable and responsible character
Clean criminal record certificate
Message from John:
An Au Pair in Germany
John from South Africa tells of his experience:
I can still remember it like it was yesterday: The dream of travelling to a foreign land. For me it didn’t matter where it was – I just wanted to be out there, exploring the world and seeing how people live on the other side of the earth. The first time I heard about the au pair program in Germany, I jumped at the opportunity. I didn’t even hesitate for a moment. I knew that this was my chance and I dove in head first.
Childcare experience can be gathered through internships at childcare facilities, babysitting work or tutoring as well as assisting or leading at a children’s camp or sports center. This is a very important requirement, as childcare will be among your main tasks as an au pair and should not be overlooked. Your experience will need to be backed up with references. Practical experiences within your own family or references from relatives are generally inadequate.
Country-specific Requirements
Some countries have very specific requirements for au pair programs set by the government. For example, au pairs travelling to Australia or New Zealand need to show proof of sufficient finances for room and board and a return flight when entering the country. This assures the country that it will not have to financially support the incoming traveler. Australia also has a rule that limits an au pair to a maximum of six months per host family. Those wishing to stay longer have to switch to a new host family after six months. The US government stipulates that au pairs can only be placed by approved agencies. Private arrangements are therefore illegal in the US.
Depending on the host country, a visa may be required for entering and working in the country. Visa applications are only approved if one meets the host country’s specific requirements. These can include the applicant’s nationality, age, language skills, financial situation and health. This means that it may not be possible to be an au pair in your country of choice. The entry requirements and work provisions regarding your job as an au pair must be carefully followed. More specific information can be requested from the embassy of the respective country or an experienced au pair agency.
Points to consider: Language, country, length of stay, entry requirements