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She looked at the cypress tree again, a single tall pillar of green in the middle of an acre of asphalt.

A lonely pillar. “I wish I was as good as you are at imagining that everything will work out okay.”

He turned toward her, laying his arm along the back of the bench. She was aware that his hand rested on the bench just behind her shoulder blades, right behind her spine, the very spine she needed to stiffen.

“Is everything not okay with you?” he asked.

She didn’t want to have a spine of steel. She wanted to melt into his arms. “Isn’t everything not okay with everyone? We all have our little troubles, right? Everyone’s fighting their own battle.”

She was babbling, fighting the desire to lean into him, into Alex Gregory, MD, according to the embroidery on his coat. Can I call you Alex? Tell you all my worries?

“Grace, you can talk to me.”

Okay, that was a little scary. He was like the perfect guy.

But he was studying her again. She didn’t know when anyone else had ever looked at her so closely. She was only an assistant, for goodness’ sake. Keeper of the lipstick and the schedule. What was there for him to see?

* * *

Texas Rescue: Rescuing hearts...one Texan at a time!

Her Texas Rescue Doctor

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