Читать книгу Lonesome Ryder - Carol Finch - Страница 7

“The last thing I wanted was to be laid up and have a woman under my roof!”


Laura regarded Wade through her narrowed gaze. “So, you’re saying that you’re afraid of women.”

“I’m saying nothing of the kind,” he said, highly affronted. “You’re all of five foot nothing and I’m six-three in my stocking feet. Whaddya gonna do? Break my other leg?”

“I’m not referring to physical fight,” she clarified. “I’m talking about emotional terror. You figured you couldn’t make a woman happy so why try, right? It’s easier to give up, to quit.” She turned toward him then, all fierce determination. “Well, I’m not a quitter, Mr. Ryder. Now, go take a load off while I whip up supper,” she ordered, shooing him on his way.

Wade was so surprised by the unexpected turn of events that he was halfway across the room before he realized he’d allowed her to boss him around. Hell!

He didn’t want to share his personal space with a female, especially one as tempting as Laura. He wanted her to vamoose—pronto. He’d push and prod until she lost her temper and spit out the four-letter Q word. Then he’d have her exactly where he wanted her…besides naked in his bed….

Lonesome Ryder

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