Читать книгу The Innocent's Secret Baby - Carol Marinelli - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

This is my 100th title for Mills & Boon!

Rather than use this space to tell you about Raul and Lydia, I would like to thank you.

Whether this is the first or the hundredth time you have read me, I am so grateful to my readers. Even if we haven’t met face to face, or online, hopefully we’ve shared some time through words on a page, and had a smile or three when one of my heroes misbehaves, or one of my heroines messes up. They tend to do that a lot.

I often cry when I’m writing, but I also laugh often too.

I hope, in some way, my stories let you do the same.

Happy reading, and love always,

Carol xxxx

The Innocent's Secret Baby

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