Читать книгу Manual of Equine Nutrition and Feeding Management - Carol Z. Buckhout - Страница 9
ОглавлениеThe authors wish to express their sincere appreciation and admiration to the many students of equine nutrition that over the past decades have provided inspiration for the creation of this manual. Their interest and feedback have proved to be invaluable. A special acknowledgement goes to Dr. Sara Tanner Mastellar for her patience and expertise with the numerous re-writes, changes in format and in her spearheading of the Instructors’ Companion. The artwork provided by former Cazenovia College students Rachel Monticelli-Turner, Risa Kent, and Carmel Keeley not only enhance the document, but display the versatile talents of Cazenovia College students. Last and most importantly, credit must be given to the beloved horse for, without this magnificent animal, none of our lives would be the same.
Carol Z. Buckhout
Barbara E. Lindberg