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I am very grateful for the Leighton Colony at The Banff Centre, the excellent Banff Library and librarians, and especially Carol Holmes, Jeff Stewart, Fred Truck, and Debbie Rosen for their moral and technical support when my computer crashed repeatedly. I’d also like to thank Verity Purdy and Alanna Matthew, dancers and writers both, for “Ginger” inspiration, Sheila Candy for her Willow Point cottage, Jennie Ash for her roses, Sylvia Dorling, Barb Cruikshank, Linda Cutting, Chris Majka, Joan Webb, Sheilagh Phillips, Meaghan Baxter, Margot Vanderham, Kalene Louise, Rita Moir, and Paulette Jiles for helpful readings, advice, and lively friendship, Mi Woodward for her superb Whitehorse hospitality, Donna MacDonald for her perceptive and encouraging initial editing of this manuscript, Suzanne Bastedo for her careful and caring final edit, Julian Ross and Michelle Benjamin for believing in Mercy’s journey, and Kate Walker and Lost Moose for reviving the long-lost travels of Mercy Brown and her canine side-kick! Celestial and actual milk bones to Sadie Brown, Izzy, Beano, Connor, Annie, Skulker, Gator, Pada, Brody, Jessie, Marley, Sam, Taffy, and Harpo for being their doggy selves. And last, but never least, my most grateful thanks to Seamus and Jeff for being patient housemates during a novel.

Alaska Highway Two-Step

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