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Dear Reader,

Do you have the slightest idea what we, the authors, subject ourselves to in the name of research? No, I don’t mean the love scenes! No, I don’t mean delightful, cozy dinners à deux. No, I don’t mean popping down to London for the Chelsea Flower Show and sniffing roses in a country garden.

I mean Fear. Terrifying, paralyzing, mind-numbing fear. Clammy hands. Cold sweat breaking out all over. Adrenaline like you wouldn’t believe. Nausea. For days. Invalidation of life insurance.

And why? Because it has to be Real. Because, in my infinite wisdom, I decided my hero would take my heroine up in a microlight. Hah! Foolish woman. It’s a mistake I won’t repeat, and I doubt she will, either! So, dear reader, please do me a favor. If you don’t suffer from a fear of heights, if you don’t mind sudden, unpredictable movements or handing control of your life to someone you’ve only just met, don’t get motion sick or suffer from panic attacks, spare a thought for those of us who do, and would suffer them anyway, for you, for the sake of authenticity!

I aged ten years the day I went up in a microlight and got to know my weaknesses in intimate detail. I hope you feel it was worth it! Enjoy the book, with my love.

Just Say Yes

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