Читать книгу The Tycoon's Instant Family - Caroline Anderson - Страница 2


“It’s a beautiful night, and I want to go up into the tower with you and look at the moonlight on the sea, and just be alone with you.”

Georgie’s heart bumped against her ribs. She didn’t reply, just slipped her hand over Nick’s and squeezed gently.

It was enough. She unlocked the house, and he took her by the hand and led her up the carpeted stairs to the room at the top. And there in the moonlight they sat on the windowsill, staring out over the smooth, lazy swell of the sea, their fingers entwined.

Her fingers tightened on his. “I love you,” her mouth said, and her heart joined in the desperate protests from her feeble mind. Oh, damn, why had she said that?

He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “I couldn’t have got through tonight without you. Thank you for being there for me.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, and wondered how long it would be before she came to regret those three little words that she’d never meant to say.

The Tycoon's Instant Family

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