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IT WAS like waking up to an adult Christmas.

The perfect morning, Bridgette thought as she stretched out in the wrinkled bed.

She must have slept through the alarm on her phone and he must have got up, for there was the smell of coffee in the air. If she thought there might be a little bit of embarrassment, that they both might be feeling a touch awkward this morning, she was wrong.

‘Morning.’ Dominic was delighted by her company, which was rare for him. He had the best job in the world to deal with situations such as this—in fact, since in Melbourne, he had a permanent alarm call set for eight a.m. at weekends. He would answer the phone to the recorded message, talk for a brief moment, and then hang up and apologise to the woman in his bed. He would explain that something had come up at work and that he had no choice but to go in.

It was a back-up plan that he often used, but he didn’t want to use it today. Today he’d woken up before his alarm call and had headed out to the kitchen, made two coffees and remembered from last night that she took sugar. He thought about breakfast in bed and perhaps another walk to the river, to share it in daylight this time. Sunday stretched out before him like a long, luxurious yawn, a gorgeous pause in his busy schedule.

‘What time is it?’ Bridgette yawned too.

‘Almost eight.’ He climbed back into bed and he was delicious. ‘I was thinking…’ He looked down at where she lay. ‘Do you want to go out somewhere nice for breakfast?’

‘In a silver dress?’ Bridgette grinned. ‘And high heels?’

‘Okay,’ he said. ‘Then I guess we’ve no option but to spend the day in bed.’ She reached for her coffee and, as she always did when Harry wasn’t with her, she reached for her phone to check for messages. Then she saw that it wasn’t turned on and a knot of dread tightened in her stomach as she pressed the button.

‘Is everything okay?’

‘Sure.’ Only it wasn’t. She hadn’t charged her phone yesterday; with Jasmine arriving and going out she hadn’t thought to plug it in. Her phone could have been off for hours—anything could have happened and she wouldn’t even know. She took a sip of her coffee and tried to calm herself down. Told herself she was being ridiculous, that she had to stop worrying herself sick, but it wasn’t quite so easy and after a moment she turned and forced a smile. ‘As much as I’d love to spend the day in bed, I really am going to have to get home.’

‘Everything okay?’ He checked again, because he could sense the change in her. One moment ago she’d been yawning and stretching; now she was as jumpy as a cat.

‘Of course,’ Bridgette said. ‘I’ve just got a lot on…’

She saw the flash of confusion in his eyes and it could have irritated her—in fact, she wanted it to irritate her. After all, why shouldn’t she have a busy day planned? Why should he just assume that she’d want a day with him? But that didn’t work, because somehow last night had not been as casual as she was now making it out to be. It needed to be, Bridgette reminded herself as she turned away from his black eyes—she felt far safer with their one-night rule, far safer not trusting him. ‘I’ll get a taxi,’ she said as she climbed out of bed and found her crumpled dress and then realised she’d have to go through the apartment to locate her underwear.

‘Don’t be ridiculous—I’ll drive you home,’ Dominic said, and he lay there as she padded out. He could hear her as she pulled on her panties and bra, and he tried not to think about last night and the wonderful time they’d had. Not just the sex, but before that, lying on the sofa watching clips on the computer, or the car ride home.

It wasn’t usually him getting sentimental. Normally it was entirely the other way round.

‘You really don’t have to give me a lift.’ She stood at the door, dressed now and holding her shoes in her hand, last night’s mascara smudged beneath her eyes, her hair wild and curly, and he wanted her back in his bed. ‘It’s no problem to get a taxi.’

‘I’ll get my keys.’

And she averted her eyes as he climbed out of the bed, as he did the same walk as her and located his clothes all crumpled on the floor. She wished the balloon would pop and he’d look awful all messed and unshaven. She could smell them in the room and the computer was still on and their photo was there on the screen and how they’d been smiling.

‘Bridgette…’ He so wasn’t used to this. ‘You haven’t even had your coffee.’

‘I really do need to get back.’


And talking was incredibly awkward, especially at the roundabout.

She wanted the indicator on, wanted him to turn the car around and take them back to bed, and, yes, she could maybe tell him about Harry.

About Courtney.

About the whole sorry mess.

End the dream badly.

After all, he was only here for two weeks, and even if he hadn’t been, she could hardly expect someone as glamorous and gorgeous as him to understand.

She didn’t want him to understand, she didn’t want him to know, so instead she blew out a breath and let the sat nav lead him to her door.

‘Good luck in Sydney.’ She really was terrible at this one-night thing.

‘Bridgette.’ He had broken so many rules for her and he did it again. ‘I know that you’re busy today, but maybe…’

‘Hey!’ She forced a smile, dragged it up from her guts and slathered it on her face and turned to him. ‘We’re not suited, remember?’

‘Completely incompatible.’ He forced a smile too.

He gave her a kiss but could sense her distraction.

She climbed out of the car and she didn’t say goodbye because she couldn’t bear to, didn’t turn around because she knew she’d head back to his arms, to his car, to escape.

But she couldn’t escape the niggle in her stomach that told her things were less than fine and it niggled louder as she made a half-hearted attempt at cleaning her room. By midday her answer came.

‘Can you have Harry tonight?’

‘I can’t,’ Bridgette said. ‘I’m on an early shift in the morning…’ Then she closed her eyes. She had reported her sister a couple of months ago to social services and finally voiced her concerns. Oh, there was nothing specific, but she could not simply stand by and do nothing. Since she’d asked Courtney to leave her flat, things had become increasingly chaotic and in the end she’d felt she had no choice but to speak out. Not to Jasmine or her friends—she didn’t want to burden them. Instead she had spoken to people who might help. Her concerns had been taken seriously, and anger had ripped through her family that she could do such a thing. Sour grapes, Courtney had called it, because of what had happened between her and Paul. And then Courtney had admitted that, yes, she did like to party, she was only eighteen, after all, but never when Harry was around. She always made sure that Harry was taken care of.

By Bridgette.

And as she stood holding the phone, Bridgette didn’t want to find out what might happen if she didn’t say yes.

‘I’ll ring the agency,’ Bridgette said. ‘See if I can change to a late shift.’

Even if it was awkward talking to her sister when she dropped him off, Bridgette really was delighted to see Harry. At eighteen months he grew more gorgeous each day. His long blond curls fell in ringlets now and he had huge grey eyes like his aunt’s.

Hers For One Night Only?

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