Читать книгу NYC Angels: Redeeming The Playboy - Carol Marinelli, Carol Marinelli - Страница 6


Dear Reader

New York City is my favourite place on earth. I love it, and one day want to spend a decent amount of time there. For that reason I was especially thrilled to be involved in a Medical Romance continuity set there.

I have loved working with wonderful authors and helping to create a series I really hope you enjoy.

Angel’s Hospital is as busy as the city it is located in, and Jack and Nina kick the series off. I felt as if I knew Jack the second he came into my mind’s eye, but Nina simply refused to conform to any preconceived image I had of her—which is rather how she is. Nina gave me a few surprises in the process of getting to know her.

She gave Jack a few too.

Happy reading!


NYC Angels: Redeeming The Playboy

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