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NOT ONLY WAS it not in Kyle’s nature to panic, the navy had honed his tactical response to one of logic and action. Granted, he’d never been in this specific situation before…unable to locate the woman he’d been hired to protect.

After breakfast with his family, he’d collected his stuff, which consisted of a backpack, a duffel bag, a suitcase and a cardboard box. The first two pieces he’d loaded into his vintage, someday-to-be-restored pickup. The remaining items he’d stowed at his mom’s apartment before driving to his new place of employment where he arrived a half hour before the agreed upon meeting time.

Kyle assessed Harper’s house again and approved of the fact that while spacious and well-kept, nothing about the older, two-story beachfront home screamed ostentatious. It was painted an attractive dove gray with frosty-white trim. The large lot provided privacy and plenty of space but not enough to draw undue attention. No one would guess the daughter of a billionaire lived here.

Harper had given him the key to his temporary residence the night before, so he let himself inside the guest cottage next door. With one spacious bedroom, and an open kitchen, dining, living area, the space reminded him of a swanky bungalow at a fancy resort. He was pleased to discover that it was fully stocked with household essentials.

To pass the time, he placed a shortcut to Harper’s cell phone on his home screen and then played with her security app. He made a list of topics to cover with her over the next few days. When 8:37 rolled around with no word from her, an uneasy feeling began to creep over him. He tapped the icon to call her phone; it went straight to voice mail. Five minutes later, he tried again. He left a message and followed that immediately with a text. After an additional five minutes passed without a response, he pulled up the app again and checked the security footage from that morning.

Within seconds, he was watching Harper leave her house via the back door, the time display glowing 6:21 a.m. Why hadn’t she called or texted to let him know she was going somewhere? More to the point, why hadn’t she called or texted to let him know she’d be late for their meeting? Why wasn’t she answering his calls now?

Kyle reviewed the footage carefully, looking for clues as to where she might have gone. The sun hadn’t yet risen, but the deck was lit with well-placed motion lights. A daypack was secured on her shoulders, visible when she turned and paused briefly outside the door, locking it, he assumed. She paused for a moment before turning away from the door, and then hurried toward the set of stairs leading down to the beach where she disappeared from sight.

None of these actions would be causing him much concern if she’d answer her phone. Because if she’d simply gone out for a morning stroll on the beach, why wouldn’t she pick up? He called again, and again it went straight to voice mail.

Internal alarm bells now ringing loudly, Kyle grabbed his sweatshirt and headed out the door. The air was thick with mist. Slipping the garment on while jogging down the steps, he quickly realized he should have worn his rain jacket. At the bottom, he discovered the thick fluffy sand littered with footprints. He could see that most of them appeared to be roughly the same size, suggesting they were Harper’s, but the varying age of the tracks told him this was the accumulation of days and days of excursions onto the beach. Toward the ocean, where the softer sand turned firmer, he could make out a fresh set of prints more distinctly outlined than the rest and heading south.

He followed the tracks. The unmistakable scent of the beach’s many tide-swept offerings drifted around him on the damp air, fish, seaweed and assorted moldering marine detritus. The combination was distinctive and familiar. The son of an ambitious navy officer meant his family had moved often, but they’d never lived far from the ocean. For most of his life, the beach had been his playground and his livelihood.

The wide expanse of sand appeared deserted. Jagged rocks jutted here and there, many the size of cars and larger. With the tide out, each monolith would now harbor tide pools, trapping marine animals and luring hungry seabirds looking for an easy catch. They were also a draw for curious tourists. And the perfect place for some ill-intentioned kidnapper to lurk around and snatch an unsuspecting billionaire’s daughter. Concern gathering rapidly now, Kyle took off running along the wave line, following the tracks.

Minutes into his search, he cursed himself for not bringing binoculars. It was bad enough that his very first morning on the job he’d lost his subject. Being unprepared was inexcusable. In the field, it could get you killed. In this case, it could get Harper killed, and that would be worse.

The mist had turned to drizzle and soaked his sweatshirt through. His blue jeans were already heavy with moisture and sticking to his skin. A swirling haze of light fog rolled in from the ocean, cutting the visibility. Water droplets trickled along his scalp and down the back of his neck. As a SEAL he was no stranger to cold and discomfort, but that didn’t mean he liked it.

Kyle estimated he’d jogged about a mile when the tracks veered off up the beach, ending at a rockier patch above the shoreline. He stopped to check his phone again. Then he turned a full circle before heading east toward the heavily wooded area between the beach and the highway. He decided to continue that way, although he knew she could have traversed the rocks before veering back down to the beach. She could have hiked into the forest. The coastline was littered with caves and rocky outcroppings. She could have ventured into one of those, as well.

Before reaching the tree line, he picked up her tracks again heading north on a distinct trail. As he started to jog, his phone rang in his hand. Harper’s name flashed on the display.

“Harper,” he answered, “where are you?”

“At home,” she said like there was no other place she could possibly be.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she answered hesitantly, sounding almost confused. “I’m fine.”

Kyle exhaled a relieved breath. “I called you. Why didn’t you answer?”

“Yeah…” she drawled, “I just now saw your calls and text. I was on the beach with my phone off. I keep it off when I’m working.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Um, I started doing it because the ringing disturbs wildlife. Even the sound of it on vibrate can startle an animal. A few years ago, I missed a shot of an osprey that still haunts me. Birds are called flighty for a reason,” she quipped. “It’s become a habit.”

That made sense. But they would have to figure out a better system than her turning her phone off. Until then, she needed to not take off without him.

“Where are you?” she asked. “I knocked on your door when I got back. Your pickup is here, but you’re not, are you?”

“I am not.”

“Oh, good.” She sounded relieved and completely clueless about what she’d just put him through. “I thought I was late. Would you like a cup of coffee when you get here? I don’t know if there’s any in the guesthouse.”

“Yes, I would like coffee. Harper, why did you sneak out of your house at six thirty in the morning without telling me where you’re going? Or at least letting me know you’d be late.”

A spark of surprised laughter crackled in his ear. “I didn’t sneak. And I left you a note.”

“A note?”

“I left a note on my door. You didn’t see it?”

A note? Not a good idea. Kyle silently added note writing to his list of topics to cover. “I did not.”

“Ah. That’s why it was still here. I thought you’d come to the door if you got here before I came back.”

A soaking wet, cold, extremely relieved and mildly exasperated Kyle stood in the rain, shaking his head. This really wasn’t her fault. He let out a small sigh. “I would have done that, but I didn’t want to wake you if you were still sleeping.”

“That’s very thoughtful. If I weren’t a photographer, I’d appreciate the gesture, but I’m usually up at the crack of dawn. You know, because of the morning light.”

Morning light. Sure. Unquestionably a learning curve here, for both of them. At this moment, mostly him. Memorizing her schedule would be a good place to start. “Don’t go anywhere else. I’ll be there in ten minutes or less.”

Kyle hung up, hurriedly picked his way across the rocks to the sand and started running in the direction from which he’d come.

ROUGHLY TEN MINUTES LATER, Kyle’s knock coincided with the sound of the back door opening.

“Harper?” he called. “It’s me, Kyle.”

Harper chuckled softly because who else would it be? “In here,” she called from the kitchen.

Kyle stepped into the room looking serious and gloomy, which was a little disappointing. She’d been hoping for the lighthearted guy she’d gotten a glimpse of the evening before.

Sweeping a hand toward the back door where he’d just entered, he said, “The door was unlocked.”

His shoes squeaked on the tile as he moved closer and that’s when she noticed his disheveled state. “You are soaking wet.” She eyed him up and down. “Where have you been?”

“Harper,” he said, ignoring her question, “you need to keep your doors locked at all times.”

“But I was expecting you. Were you on the beach? What were you doing out there with no jacket? Aren’t you cold? Do you need a towel?”

With a deliberate tone he answered, “Yes, I was on the beach. I have no jacket because I left in a hurry. No, I am not cold because I was running while searching for you.”

Opening her mouth to reply, she quickly closed it again as she realized what had just transpired. She breathed out an “Oh.” Then, squelching a chuckle, she added, “I’m sorry. That explains all the calls. I was thinking, wow, he is super impatient to start bodyguarding me.”

He didn’t laugh. But he did take another step closer, and she was able to get her best look yet at those dark brown eyes. Framed with inky black lashes, they weren’t quite as monochromatic as she’d initially thought. You just had to be close to see the subtle swirls of color. A droplet of water trickled down his cheek. She stared at the spot, a bit mesmerized by it, and maybe by him a little, too. Was he so numb he couldn’t feel it? He had to be freezing, and he’d ignored her towel question. A muscle twitched in his jaw. She wondered if he was cold or irritated. Both, she guessed from the tight lines along his face.

“I was worried. I didn’t see your note, which we will circle back to in a moment.”

Worried? A warm feeling radiated outward from her core. Of course, he was worried, Harper, that’s his job now. So why did hearing him say the words give her the feels? Ridiculous. Possibly she’d been living this semi-isolated existence for too long. Probably, she needed to make some friends, too.

“I should have kept my phone on, but I was taking photos and I…” Another drop rolled down his cheek, forming on his chin. She couldn’t take it. Reaching across the counter, she tore a wad of paper towels off the roll, hesitated for half a second before gently dabbing one on the spot and handing them over. “There, that had to be driving you crazy.” She gave him a tentative smile. “I can understand why you were concerned. I should probably tell you that I don’t really like my phone. I’m one of those people who wishes I didn’t have one even as I relish the convenience.” Pulling one shoulder up into a shrug, she added, “It’s hypocritical, I know. Instagram is good for my business.”

Paper towels in hand, he stared back, studying her, his sharp, impossibly dark eyes traveling over her face while his mouth formed a little frown above the sharp angles of his square jaw. Harper imagined that he probably hadn’t needed any other weapon in the military, that expression alone could scare the enemy to death. Fortunately for her, she wasn’t easily intimidated. Her upbringing had been good for that; her father’s work, notoriety and travels, his habit of bringing her along with him everywhere and all over the world, had subjected her to all types of people, including commanding military types like the one standing before her.

“Thank you,” he said softly, before dipping his head to mop his face. Then he looked at her again. “If you turn your phone off, then not only can you not be reached, it can’t be easily tracked if you get lost or hurt. Surely, you know that? Doesn’t it have a do not disturb option?”

“Yes, I do know that. I’ve been living here alone for a few months now, and I guess I’m a little out of practice.” She felt herself wincing. She needed to lay it all out on the line so that he could help her. “No, you know what? That’s not it. To be honest, I’ve never felt like I needed protection. Not personally, I mean. My dad is the one who’s in the spotlight.” She took a step forward. “Growing up, we always had a security system, and I went through the motions, you know so that I could get in the house.” She added a little laugh. He didn’t join in. She sighed. “But I probably didn’t take it as seriously as I should have. And this highly controversial stuff with my dad didn’t start until I was in college. That’s when he got a full-time security detail. During the last few years, I was overseas a lot.”

“I understand that.” He paused to nod, taking a couple of breaths while he was at it. “Let’s consider these lessons one and two.” He held out his thumb to count. “Cell phone on, number one. And number two is a habit you should never ever relinquish. I don’t care who you are. I’d tell my sister the same thing, and she’s not a billionaire’s daughter whose dad was almost assaulted.”

“You have a sister?”


“Is she—”

“Stay with me here,” he interrupted with an impatient shake of his head. “It doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with—you keep the door locked. And don’t answer the door if you don’t know who it is like you did for me yesterday, okay? I don’t care if you see the cable guy, the UPS man or a little old lady holding a giant bouquet of flowers.”

“Got it.”

“Not even if Santa Claus is standing out there on your porch do you open that door.”

Nodding, she set her tone to overly serious, “That fat guy can take his bag of gifts somewhere else. What a weirdo.” She swiped a careless hand through the air. “Who wants presents and flowers anyway?”

The chuckle that escaped his lips seemed to surprise him. He shook his head, but his mouth remained curled at the corners like he was fighting a grin. The struggle appeared real, and Harper felt an inordinate amount of satisfaction at causing it.

“I’m serious,” he said, his expression turning stern again.

“I know you are and so am I. Despite my…jokiness, I do want to know this stuff. I understand the value. I appreciate your efforts already, and I’m committed to changing my habits.”

“Good. Then we’re going to talk about your note-writing venture, as well. Why would you leave a note on your door letting everyone know where you are?”

Harper didn’t miss the implication. Holding up a finger, she countered, “I didn’t say where I was, only that I was gone and would be back in time for our meeting.”

“It wouldn’t be difficult to look in the garage and discover that your vehicle is here. Anyone could deduce that you were on the beach, wait here for you and—”

“Except,” Harper interrupted with another finger point, “the security system covers the entire property and would alert me that someone was on my property.” If she only knew how to use that feature, she was sure it would come in real handy. But Kyle didn’t know that she didn’t know.

“You didn’t have your phone on, so how would you get the alert?”

Busted. “If you were a bad guy, you wouldn’t know that.”


“Fine, I see your point. No more notes.”

Bobbing his head slowly, as if he wasn’t sure whether he could trust her sincerity, he said, “Talk to me directly, okay? Which brings up another point, we’ll figure out a code word or phrase when we’re talking or texting so that in a potential emergency situation, I know it’s you and you know it’s me and that you are, or aren’t, under duress. We’ll also come up with an ‘I’m okay’ wave or hand signal as well as distress signals.”

Yikes. “All right.”

“I’m going to go change. I’ll be right back.”

“Sounds good,” she said. “How do you like your coffee?”


He left, and Harper heaved out a breath, grateful for a moment to gather her wits. She retrieved a towel and wiped up the water Kyle had tracked inside. At the back door, she noticed her shoes had made a puddle, too, so she opened the door and set them outside. She headed back to the kitchen where she poured coffee into two mugs and wondered what she’d gotten herself into. She’d barely sat down in the living room when Kyle returned, scowling again, she noted with disappointment.

She’d just taken her first sip of coffee when he said, “The door was unlocked again.” He gestured in the general direction of the back door. “I locked it behind me.”

Harper choked on the liquid, and after a nice long cough, she wheezed, “You’re joking, right?”

“Absolutely not.”

“But you were coming right back!”

His response was another menacing stare.

“Wait, were you testing me somehow? Did you leave on purpose to see what I’d do?”

“No! I was soaking wet. Harper…” With a quick shake of his head, he took a seat across from her. Leaning forward, he placed his forearms on his thighs. “This is not a test. It’s a lifestyle.”

“All right. I get it. From now on, I will lock you out every single chance I get.”

“You can’t lock me out, I have a key, but I promise you I will relish using it.”

She chuckled, but he held fast to his serious face. Why did she take that as a challenge?

He said, “For today, let’s start with your schedule. Can you give me a copy of your weekly schedule?”

“No.” What did he think, she was a dentist or an accountant where she could list her hours and appointment times? At his frown, she explained, “That would literally be impossible. I’m a photographer. My schedule varies a lot. Right now, I’m taking photos for a book about the Oregon Coast so it’s all about the scenery and wildlife.”

“Right.” Kyle nodded, looking thoughtful. “Let’s do it day by day, then. Can you give me a schedule each morning? Write down what you’re going to do that day, and we’ll talk about all the ways we’re going to make sure you’re the safest you can be while you do them.”

“Uh, I can try, but it’s—”

“Great,” he interrupted. “Can you do that now? Give me your schedule for today, and we’ll get started?”

Taking care not to let her exasperation show, she answered, “Sure.” Better to show him anyway. She stood and walked into the kitchen where she scrawled a few lines on a notepad before tearing off the page. Back in the living room she handed it over and resumed her seat. “Here you go.”

Kyle bent his head and studied the words. Across the top, she’d written the date and underlined it. Underneath that she’d added, “Office Work—8:37 a.m.—until I get hungry (usually around 11:30).”

Keeping his chin down, he looked up at her, eyebrows raised in question. If Harper knew him better, she might describe the expression as sardonic. Possibly, he was amused.

“Like I was trying to explain earlier, my life is currently focused on the scenery and wildlife, which revolves around the weather. And I’m sure you know how unpredictable the weather is here on the coast. When the weather is good, I’m out taking photos in the mornings and again in the late afternoon and sometimes into the evening. Or I might be out all day.”

“Where is out, usually?”

“Oh, that varies, too. It can be right down here on the beach or hiking in the woods or the middle of town—or some other town or interesting location along the coast. Occasionally, people book me for photo shoots. I’ve been traveling to the various lighthouses and historic buildings and forts. I take an occasional boat trip up a river or out on the ocean. Today is simpler because of the rain. But if the weather clears, which it’s supposed to do this afternoon, then…” She broke off with a helpless shrug.

“Okay,” he answered, and Harper knew he was trying to absorb this information. She wondered if he was regretting taking the job at all. “We’ll just worry about today for now. What is office work, exactly?”

“Today, it’s editing photos, returning emails and bookkeeping.” She made a show of checking the time on her fitness tracker. “In fact, I better get going. It’s 9:22. Shoot, I’m late.”

His eyes lit with something she couldn’t quite identify while the left side of his mouth curved up. She already liked that side because she’d learned it was a sign that he was fighting a smile, elusive as it was. Harper decided she better cut her losses before he lectured her again about taking all this safety stuff seriously. Which she was, truly. She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to provoke him into lightening up like this.

He cleared his throat. “So, after lunch…?”

“I’ll update the schedule for you then, or even before that if it stops raining.” With that, she added a wink, pushed to her feet and took her coffee cup off the end table. Then she sauntered down the hall and into her office where she shut the door behind her with a soft click. Once safely ensconced within the room, she spun a circle and sighed a huge breath of relief. Despite her determination to not let Kyle Frasier intimidate her, he made her feel…something. Some things

Keeping Her Close

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