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Chapter 3

Check-in at the Magnolia Palace started at noon. Thanks to the fact that there had been no more turbulence, Will and Zoe were able to land practically in the backyard of Southwood, Georgia, and arrive in town extra early. Dominic Crowne had moved his business, Crowne Motors Restoration, here because he wanted a quiet place in the country. Dominic restored classic cars and test-drove them on his private track; he imported foreign vehicles, as well. Dominic and Will had pledged together at Stanford. They were friends as freshmen, but brothers by graduation.

When Will had played in Germany with the Teufels, Dominic came to every match when he was in town. After Will returned to the States with the Texas Raiders, Dominic had come to his matches whenever he was close enough. In fact, Dominic was at the game when Will had failed to qualify for the World Cup team. The limp was faint, the scar healed, but the painful disappointment of his lifelong dream being taken away from him would remain.

Will’s thoughts turned to the passenger seated comfortably next to him in the shiny black 1963 Maserati 3500 Vignale Spyder, loaned to him by Dominic. Ever since Zoe had plopped down on his lap during the turbulence, Will couldn’t get her out from under his skin. Even while teasing him, she dazzled him with her smile. It was too early to tell if the smile she offered was from the woman he met at the elevator or the woman who wanted the position.

“And you’re telling me you don’t come from a privileged background?” Zoe was saying, apparently oblivious to the way she made him feel. Her arms were folded across her chest, making her cleavage more noticeable in her V-neck T-shirt.

Will glanced over and felt the tension in his shoulders leave at the sight of her easy smile. “Hey, membership has its privileges.”

Zoe’s lashes fluttered against her high cheekbones. The sun spilled through the windshield and highlighted the gold tones of her dark skin. A pair of gold earrings highlighted her cheekbones. “I guess I can’t complain too much. I might still be sitting on the plane in coach if it weren’t for you.”

“A compliment?” Will clutched his heart with his left hand before flicking the left turn signal to turn into the Magnolia Palace, as the voice from the GPS on his phone instructed.

“You’re funny.”

“I’m hoping you will get the chance to see I am a fun guy,” Will said.

“What does it matter?”

Will slowed the vehicle down. “I am not crazy for thinking about the moment we first met at the elevator, Zoe.”

“Well...” Zoe’s voice was slow and hesitant. She chewed her bottom lip and cut her eyes toward the passenger-side window. “Maybe not completely crazy.”

“How about I save you the trouble of trying to impress me with your work? I have major plans for Ravens Cosmetics and after our interview I believe your work is what I’m looking for. Why let our creative differences get in the way?” Will asked, and Zoe’s mouth gaped open once again. A jolt of energy streamed through him. He was not his brothers, but he sure did sound like them. He didn’t like the idea of mixing business and pleasure for a night or two. Will differed from his brothers that way. He wanted permanent, but was it possible Zoe was the one? “Okay, I’ll back off. I’m the crazy person.”

The tires crunched over the unpaved red clay driveway. Blooming magnolia trees lined the way up to the hotel.

“Please don’t take this the wrong way,” Zoe finally said. “But when I met you that morning, we probably could have made a go of things. Honestly, I thought you were a model and I was willing to give up my rule about dating clients.”

“And now?”

Zoe shook her head from left to right. “Now, no way. You’re going to be my boss.”

“You don’t have the job yet,” Will said, raising his brows. He was turned on by her confidence.

“I will.” Zoe sighed. “It was meant for me to work at Ravens Cosmetics.”

“Oh, really now?” Will drawled and shook his head. “Did you see us together in your crystal ball?”

“The comedian again,” Zoe retorted with a bored yawn. “I may tell you about it one day. Until I decide to share with you, you need to get used to the idea of us being nothing more than employer and employee.”

That idea didn’t appeal to Will. The hour and a half they’d been together already hadn’t been enough. Maybe he should have flown into Atlanta to give them more time to get to know each other on the way down to Southwood. On the other hand, if by any miracle Will changed his mind about Zoe’s work, they would end up working together. The last thing he needed was future tension between the two of them over a fling. With half the cousins tired of the business, and Donovan’s trysts, Will didn’t need the hassle. “Think you can at least settle on us being professional friends?”

There had been many times over the last month when Will resented having this CEO position. Now was one. But if Zoe only wanted to remain friends, he’d respect that. Hopefully there’d be plenty of cold water in this Magnolia Palace.

The Magnolia Palace sat on ten acres of lush green land, embraced by thick weeping willows in the back and strong magnolia trees that lined the paved circular driveway, which ended in front of the steps of the white plantation-style home. Four white columns reached from the wraparound porch to the second floor and up to where there seemed to be a balcony at the top of the roof. Someone stood at either of the long slit glass panes on both sides of the massive black double front doors.

It amazed Will how quickly the business mentality switched on in his mind. As a businessman realizing that the majority of his cosmetics were used in magazine editorial pieces, Will immediately thought this place would be the perfect background for a print layout. He scolded himself for thinking of work. Finally he understood what his parents meant by not letting it consume him. After seeing what the business did to his siblings, his father had tried to dissuade his children out of participating in the company. But it was in their blood. And when Will’s brothers and sisters learned of their stake in the company, wild horses couldn’t have kept them away. His parents might have sent him away to special soccer camps and facilities, but eventually, Will ended up at Ravens Cosmetics. And, yes, it was consuming his life. At least there was a bit of a break right now—sort of. He liked loud noise and the busy life. But he guessed for one week he’d be able to tough it out.

From the way his cousins described what his time in Southwood would be like, he’d assumed he would be stuck in a room watching pageants on television to get caught up. One look at the sprawling grounds and Will longed to stretch out in one of the hammocks and read a book. Although Will hated to admit it, he was looking forward to spending a week here and discovering all about the South. Even though Miami was in the south of Florida, it was not the South.

Relaxation called his name. As he thought about sleeping in, his attention turned toward the passenger beside him who was wiggling in her seat with anticipation. How was he supposed to relax with her near him? Hopefully she’d hang out with her friends and stay out of his hair, although he fully expected her to wear him down about his decision. Zoe was out of the car before he placed the car in Park.

The massive doors of the B and B opened. Will expected a tuxedo-wearing butler to step out of the doors, but instead, a tall African American woman with long blond hair stepped onto the wraparound porch carrying two mason jars of a brown iced beverage.

The moment the woman and Zoe locked eyes, Zoe squealed and, out of the corner of his eye, he was sure she pawed the ground like a bull and ran toward the other woman. The woman turned to give the man standing behind her the glasses and met Zoe at the bottom step. The two embraced in a screaming hug. Clearly they knew each other, Will thought to himself. He’d grown up with sisters and knew how overly excited they were to see their friends. Will also knew it was best to stand back and wait until the lovefest ended. He clasped his hands behind his back and waited. The man now holding the glasses stepped off the porch with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

“I never get this kind of greeting when I come home,” he said, pushing one of the glasses into Will’s left hand.

The frosted glass cooled Will’s palm. He stepped forward and for a shake. “Will Ravens,” he said.

“Hey, Will,” said the man with the firm grip. “Stephen Reyes, husband of this squealing ball.”

The squealing ceasing, the blonde woman stepped to the side, and that’s when Will noticed a very round belly. Given the fact his sister had kids, Will guessed the woman was seven months along. She stood with her hand on her hip and glared at her husband. “Did you just call me a ball?”

“No, dear.” Stephen winked before giving his wife his undivided attention. “Why would I say something like that?”

Zoe linked her arm with her friend’s and dragged her over to where the two men stood. Stephen handed Zoe the other glass. “Will, this is one of my oldest friends, Lexi Pendergrass.”

“Lexi Pendergrass Reyes,” interjected Stephen with a dramatic roll of his R. “And why does she get to call you her oldest friend but I can’t?”

“Because I know things.” Zoe laughed. Will liked her laugh. It was light, bubbly and friendly. Zoe reached over and gave Stephen a hug. “As I was saying, this is Will Ravens.”

Stephen leaned forward and whispered, loudly enough for Will to hear, “We’ll have to have a real drink later, Zoe, so you can tell me what you know.”

“Will Ravens?” Playfully, Lexi stepped between the pair and, instead of a handshake, gave Will a hug. “How on Earth did the two of you manage to arrive together?”

“I would have been here much later had Mr. Ravens not offered me a seat on his plane.”

“The company’s plane,” Will clarified. “I spotted Miss Baldwin at the airport seconds before she was harassed by a...” He turned his attention to Zoe for a moment. “What would you call a wannabe LL Cool J?”

Zoe’s eyes widened. A set of dimples popped up on her cheeks. “Exactly.”

“Aren’t you the superhero?” Stephen inquired with a humorous chuckle.

Lexi elbowed her husband in the ribs and kept talking to Will. “I cannot thank you enough for everything Ravens Cosmetics has done for the pageant. And for taking the time out of your schedule. I can’t imagine coming into your position, you wanted to leave so quickly.”

“Well, I’m sure you know how it is when Naomi and Joyce ask a favor,” Will began with a chuckle. He took a sip of his beverage. The thick syrup coated his throat and he realized it was sweetened tea.

“Asked, or more or less forced you?” Lexi joked, hitting the nail on the head. “I know how they can be, so I have to apologize. I’m sure you’re out of your element.”

Beside him, Zoe snickered.

“I want to learn every nook and cranny of Ravens Cosmetics. If coming to your lovely city is one of the tasks, well, it’s worth it.” Will cleared his throat. “Besides, I’m always up for a challenge.”

Lexi offered one last hug and pulled away. “Good. Let me show you guys to your rooms. Stephen’s cousin just bought and renovated the place. I’ve got everyone working on the pageant sequestered here for the week, so I’m playing hostess today.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to ask if that was necessary, but any words were lost as they followed Stephen and Lexi into the foyer of the Magnolia Palace. The black hardwood floors absorbed their footsteps. Adorning the walls were old pictures of a family—perhaps the people who originally owned the home. There were two large rooms, one on either side of the hallway. One appeared to be a sitting room, the other a library filled with shelves of leather-bound books. They traveled farther toward the wide-set staircase, which curled and broke off in two different directions. Light spilled in from the upstairs balcony over the crystal chandelier, creating a prism effect against the white walls.

Will’s room was upstairs near the back of the house. The ceilings were high and the walls painted a pale blue. More portraits hung from the walls in gold frames. He went inside to decompress, but got caught up in the view from the balcony. The lush green backyard was neatly trimmed. A wooden path led to the docks, which jutted into the deep blue water of a round lake surrounded by more trees. Off to the side, on land, Will spotted a hammock and visualized himself in it with his shoes off and curled up with Zoe.

Will scolded himself for his obsession with Zoe. She’d made it clear she did not want to get involved with him. And she was right. Will needed to focus on the future of the company. He willed himself not to fall for the pretty smiles. Pretty faces were a dime a dozen and usually accompanied by a motive. Zoe was no different. Still, though, the confidence she’d exuded in the car was impressive as well as a turn-on.

This was not Will at all. He expected this lustful behavior from Marcus and Donovan. Will prided himself on being in control, but with Zoe, common sense went out the window. Did he dare hurt her feelings and let her know he did not see her in the future of Raven Cosmetics? Would it make her feel better to know he at least saw her in his future?

Thinking of her made him stiffen all over. He needed to splash some water over his face. Will moved over to the door he assumed would lead to the bathroom and yanked it open; a scream came from the other side. Upon further inspection he groaned. There stood Zoe with a fluffy blue-flowered towel wrapped around her silky dark brown skin. The sun filtering through the white-lace curtains highlighted the gold undertones of every curve.

“I guess Lexi forgot to mention the shared bathroom.” Zoe recovered with an airy laugh.

Damn, this was going to be the longest week ever.

* * *

No amount of hot water could wash off the humiliation of her potential boss walking in on her almost naked body. How was she going to look him in the eyes now in a potential board meeting? After a disastrous moment before her after-travel shower, Zoe changed into black leggings and a black-and-white-checkered T-shirt long enough to cover her behind. She headed downstairs to the patio with her tablet in hand, hoping to take some amazing photographs of the setting sun. Because she and Will had gotten there early, the other guests hadn’t arrived yet. Dinner was in an hour and a half, giving Zoe much-needed time to get reacquainted with the pier. She trotted barefoot across the grass to the dock, where the afternoon sun warmed the wooden planks.

Bright shades of orange, red and yellow smeared the horizon. With her breath caught in her throat, Zoe stood at the curve of the railing, in the same spot her father had knelt to propose to her mother. With the Magnolia Palace reopened, this would be the perfect spot for her father to re-propose to her mother. Zoe smiled at the horizon with excitement. She snapped a few pictures before deciding to return to the back porch.

The oversize white swings—and the fact that a producer friend had just sent her an advance copy of a superhero movie she’d worked on—helped put pep in her step. There was nothing better than the good people winning.

Zoe turned to head back to the porch, but she careened into a hard body. As she bounced backward with a prolific apology, the wooden rails creaked. The last thing she needed to do was fall into the water with her tablet. She hadn’t even sent any of the files to her Cloud. She welcomed the strong arm around her waist and reached for the impeccably muscled arms.

The Beauty And The Ceo

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