Читать книгу My Front Page Scandal - Carrie Alexander - Страница 2


It was time to embrace her inner wild child.

Brooke drained her cocktail and put the glass on their table. David dropped his face against her neck, scattering warm little pecks from her shoulder blade into the hairline at her nape.

“People are looking at us,” she whispered.

He put his mouth over her ear and she shivered. “Let them.”

“If you’re not careful, you’ll be in the gossip columns. ‘What Boston bad boy was seen canoodling with a scandalously underdressed blue blood?’”

He shrugged. “My cover’s already been blown.”

“How long are you…” She swallowed, not wanting to sound clingy.

“Staying?” He licked behind her ear. “I don’t know. Not long, I expect.”

Perfect. He was exactly what she needed right now. “So what you’re saying is this is a one-night stand.”

He paused in his exploration to look directly. “Are you OK with that?”

Oh, she was more than OK with this. “I’ll race you to the nearest bed.”

My Front Page Scandal

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