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Coyotes are the largest animal you’re most likely to encounter in the park. Coyotes have had a negative stigma for generations, but these expert survivors have adapted well to the urban landscape of Griffith Park. They will generally leave you alone, but take care with small children and dogs—there’s a reason dogs are required to be on leash everywhere inside the park!

A coyote (Canis latrans) searches among California sagebrush and buckwheat. (photo by Sarah Brewer)

P-22 has a solid claim on being the most famous mountain lion (Puma concolor) in the world. (photo by Miguel Ordeñana)

If you encounter a coyote or pack of coyotes and they don’t seem to be moving away on their own, the advice is the same as for most larger animals—stand your ground and make a lot of noise. They’ll usually look at you oddly and duck back into the brush.

Discovering Griffith Park

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