Читать книгу Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence - Cass Pennant - Страница 5




The production of this book is down to various people who will know who they are as they helped in the tracking down and introduction of many of the respected characters we’ve featured here. Our appreciation of help given also goes to those who for various reasons we were unable to feature. We also gratefully acknowledge the respect and hospitality shown by the one-time rival firms and their friends that we have met throughout the many interviews we conducted in various corners of the earth including Leeds, which may be another story, another chapter someday. And hey chaps that play-off weekend in Bristol involving three chapters could have been another storm but we rode that one out.

Moving closer to home it wouldn’t be right not to say a special thanks to Wendy Sanford, Julia Rowley, Mick Dandy, Shaun Colling, all at Blake Publishing and finally my family, Elaine, Marcus and Georgina plus my close friends and sponsors that support whatever I do.


Martin King would like to thank Martin Knight and John King, Tony Rivers and especially Pat Dolan for all their help in getting this book together; my wife Mandy and children Kortney and Rory -Ben for their love and support and for putting up with me disappearing for hours on end on my computer, and being uptight and permanently grumpy; also to all the fellas featured in these pages for having the bottle to appear and tell it how it really was: cheers, lads.

Terrace Legends - The Most Terrifying And Frightening Book Ever Written About Soccer Violence

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