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This book is dedicated to my daughter. She gave me this title and reminded me to remind you that this is a book for grown folks. LOL. This book is not for the faint at heart. It may make you want to faint from the ecstasy that you just may experience from reading and thinking on the words and the different stories/fantasies/scenarios within its pages. For a long time I have wanted to get my sexy on with the whip of a pen or the tapping of the keys on my laptop's keyboard. And now I have that opportunity to share my thoughts with you. My imagination is that of a wild woman...untamed, unrestricted, untethered, unbothered by the rules man have put on my sexuality. I am able to be the me that I have been for so many years as a writer as I share a peep into the deeper most parts of my mind. There is a saying, "I wish I knew what was on your mind." Trust that this saying is a lovely one and I am going to share a small portion of the things that are on my mind in this book called SEXUAL DEMON.

Feel free to let your hair down and take off your clothes or not, LOL, get comfortable and look forward to becoming aroused emotionally and sexually by the content of SEXUAL DEMON. Not only that, but there is guaranteed to be a story filled with twists and turns from all over the place, that will keep you turning the pages looking for more. SEXUAL DEMON WILL TAKE YOU ANYWHERE YOU DESIRE TO GO! I am betting that there are going to be many orgasms that will take place during the reading of every chapter. So brace yourself and get ready to CUM all over the place as you enjoy my new book, SEXUAL DEMON.

A special thanks to my daughter, Ta-Risa McClinton. I could not have done this without your support. Thank you so much for being that for me!!! For none of my works would have gotten published if not for the support of you girl. I love you TEE-TEE!!!

Sexual Demon

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