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Spence was so near to her that she could feel his heat

Thea tried another tactic. “Let’s just agree on two things. We won’t squabble. And there will be no unnecessary touching. No kissing. Nothing.”

“Well, that’s hardly fair, Thea, after you spent the gondola ride groping me.”

“I was not groping! I—”

The corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile. “Okay.” He relented. “Call it holding on. I just think I ought to have the chance to return that favor.”

“Don’t…” His blue eyes warmed as he gazed confidently into her face, and she felt herself responding, wanting to smile back at him. “Don’t even think about it, Spence.”

“I’ve got a few conditions of my own,” he said. “Number one—we stay in the present and not dwell on the past. Number two—we both keep our minds open. Number three…” He obliterated the distance between them in a single step. She should have pushed him away, but her arms went around him and she wanted the taste of his lips against hers.

Wedding Captives

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