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Chapter 3


Alyssa’s first view of the city literally stole the breath from her lungs. It was more beautiful than she’d ever imagined. And she knew this place. Her entire life, she’d thrived inside her own imagination and this had been her dream world. Only now, it was real.

Her gaze traced the gleaming white towers and parapets, which elegantly sliced into the cerulean blue sky. Deep purple flags, emblazoned with a curved sword crisscrossed with a red rose, flew from each turret, flapping in the gentle breeze. Almost eclipsed by the castle’s beauty, smaller white stone buildings spread in a pleasing arrangement between large waterfalls and lush green parks. The gurgling of gently falling water sounded all around her and she breathed deep, enjoying the clean crisp air.

Stone stepped behind her, and pulled her back against him. “Wait until you see it at night, Princess. The view from your room is spectacular.” His breath feathered against her neck, making her shiver.

Smiling, she closed her eyes and pictured the room from her dreams. It had a large four-poster bed with purple sheets and spreads, with several fluffy pillows. There was a white stone dressing table with pink crystal seams running through it, a large sitting area with floor to ceiling bookshelves, overflowing with books, a bathroom bigger than her apartment, and a veranda, which overlooked the main bathing pools. She would wait and see if reality again matched her dreams. She turned in his arms and twined her arms around his neck before brushing a kiss over his lips. “I’m ready to see more.”

They walked hand in hand and within minutes, began to see people. People who looked very much like she and Stone. All of them with dark wavy hair and lavender eyes—the women voluptuous and the men muscular. Even though each was individual, she’d never felt more like she stuck out. Everyone dressed scantily in comfortable-looking light cotton clothes and all were barefoot, while she was wrapped in oversized denim and a baggy T-shirt. Alyssa cringed at the thought of showing as much of herself as these people did in public.

When they reached the main grassy pathway, she heard a gasp and turned to see a young woman staring at her wide eyed. “Princess Alyssandra!” The woman bowed her head and dipped into a curtsy before raising her gaze.

“Stone,” she whispered, feeling very much like an imposter about to be unmasked. “How do they know who I am?”

He raised her hand to his lips, and brushed a kiss on the back before answering. “You look very much like your mother. And of course, you’re with me. The entire kingdom knows I’ve been looking for you. They’ve all eagerly awaited the return of the First Princess of Klatch.”

Before Alyssa could reply, several other people caught sight of her. A loud chatter rose around her, her name murmured through the crowd like a living thing. Dozens of men and women bowed and then studied her with friendly and open curiosity.

Stone placed a protective hand on her shoulder and borrowed energy flowed through her body as his deep voice rang out over the noise of the crowd. “The princess must rest and recover before meeting the king and queen. There will be time enough for everyone to meet her later.” As if by magic, the crowd bowed again toward Stone and then parted, allowing them to pass.

“Wow,” she murmured. “I didn’t really buy the whole princess thing until just now.”

His rich laugh flowed over her body like an erotic caress. “I have a feeling all your doubts will be erased very soon.” He chuckled as he led her toward the largest of the white buildings that sat at the foot of the castle.

She swallowed her disappointment—after all, didn’t the princess live at the castle? Her childhood fantasies always revolved around her own room just across the hall from parents who loved her and would comfort her when she had nightmares. So far, this world was everything she’d always hoped, so why did that one difference make her sad? She was a grown woman now, who didn’t need such things as comfort from bad dreams. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Is this where my room is?” she asked tentatively.

“This is where your bath is.” He squeezed her hand as they stepped through the doors into a large open area with corridors leading off to each side and a large fountain in the middle. “Don’t worry, after we take our baths, I’ll meet you at the dressing room and take you up to the castle.”

Maybe her dream room at the castle was a reality. For some reason, that made her feel better, like the parents part of her dreams would come true too. She smiled at the thought. “You’d better not forget to come back. I don’t know anyone here but you.” She looked around at the smooth white walls. They resembled the creamy marble she’d only seen at museums, but these had lines of soft pink crystals running through them—like the dressing table she’d imagined inside her room. She stepped close to the wall to run her hand over them. When her fingers brushed against the pink vein, warmth pulsed against her skin, where the white parts of the wall were cool as she expected.

“I could never forget about you, Princess. I’ve waited far too long to have you by my side. Just wait, by the end of the day, your pretty head will be swimming with the names of people you’ve met. All of them, happy to see you safe and finally home.” He brushed his lips across hers and energy flowed through their connection, zinging down to each of her nipples then making a beeline for her pussy. Moaning, she melted against him, pulling him closer and tracing his lips with her tongue until he opened for her so she could delve inside. Heat sizzled between them and flashed as she ground her body against his erection.

Stone pulled her away, firmly holding her at arm’s length, his breath coming in labored pants. “I think we both need a bath before I endanger you by fucking you here on the floor and pumping my seed deep inside you.”

Smiling, she enjoyed the pure feminine power of being able to push him beyond the limits of his control. But after her earlier blackout from just a taste of his pre come, she would trust his judgment that tempting him too far would be dangerous. Exciting and erotic as hell, but still dangerous. “How soon is this ceremony?” She couldn’t wait to have all restrictions gone between them.

He smiled and leaned his forehead against hers as if still fighting his urges. “It is on the eve of your birthday.”

A rush of relief flowed through her. Surely she could survive one week. She hoped.

Alyssa stepped through the archway on the left and followed the corridor toward the sound of a waterfall. The sharp click of her cowboy boots against the stone floor echoed around her. Erotic paintings of couples and even groups in varying stages of copulation graced the walls on both sides. All were naked and uninhibited. Totally unlike the world she knew. I wonder how different I would be if I’d grown up here, around these people. There was even a painting of several naked women in a pool, pleasuring each other.

It had always been a deep dark fantasy of hers to have sex with another woman, but not one she’d ever admit aloud. She’d never been tempted by Debbie or any of the other Cunts she knew. Her fantasy had always revolved around curvy voluptuous women with dark hair and full lips, not the too thin and trim body of her roommate. She stepped closer to study the painting. Women with full breasts, rounded hips, curvy stomachs and lush thighs open and waiting taunted her from the wall causing her clit to swell and ache.

“Welcome, Princess,” a sultry feminine voice said from behind her.

Alyssa jumped, her cheeks burning at being caught studying the erotic painting. She whirled to see a young woman about her own age with hair so long, it brushed the ground. Her dark hair cascaded around her with small braids sprinkled throughout, each adorned with multi-colored beads. She wore nothing but a white gauzy half top and string bikini underwear. Her coral nipples poked against the thin cloth and the creamy bottom curve of her breasts were visible just underneath the short top. Alyssa couldn’t help but stare. The woman stood the same height as Alyssa and had the same full hips, rounded stomach and thighs that she looked at in the mirror every day. Yet, this exotic woman looked sexy, enticing and comfortable with her body. Something Alyssa had wished for all her life.

There was more. The woman’s aura was electrifying and drew Alyssa in like a moth. A breath caught in her throat. She wanted this woman to touch her. Wanted to feel her petite hands on her body. Wanted to try out every fantasy.

Must be the effect of that damned painting!

“I’m Sasha, your lady’s maid. I’ve waited a long time to be able to fulfill my duties.” She bowed and then stepped forward to link her arm with Alyssa’s as if they were lifelong friends. “Come this way and I’ll show you the pool. I’m sure you’re exhausted and in need of some energy before meeting your parents.”

Alyssa walked with her willingly, instantly comfortable with this beautiful woman, even despite the sudden attraction. “I’m actually a little hungry,” she admitted, noticing her growling stomach for the first time all day.

Sasha frowned. “The prince knows to take better care of you than that. You are precious to all the Klatch.” She led Alyssa into an open room with only a chair and dressing table. Its gleaming white stone surface was covered with brushes, beads, combs, perfumes and assorted makeup.

“Stone took very good care of me,” she said, suddenly defensive. She wanted to defend the man who’d saved her from her previous life.

Sasha laughed. “Believe me, I know the prince would not be able to keep his hands off you after all this time. But if you are hungry, he let you orgasm, which means you lost energy. Until the ceremony, he’ll have to exercise more restraint.”

Alyssa’s mouth dropped open and her cheeks burned. Did everyone know she and Stone had been fooling around?

“Don’t mistake my meaning, Princess. I know from personal experience what a good man Prince Stone is, and how honorable his intentions. But until the ascension, he needs to have a care with you.”

Sasha’s words caused a trickle of ice down her spine as jealousy spurted through her. The exotic woman obviously knew Stone quite well. Alyssa couldn’t help but wonder how well. She tried to keep her voice nonchalant as she studied the maid, ready for her reaction. “What type of personal experience…if you don’t mind me asking?” She held her breath while she waited for an answer.

Laughter filled the room and Sasha’s eyes danced with amusement. “Oh, Princess. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything like that.” Sasha’s features suddenly seemed strained as if she were thinking of unhappy memories. “When I was but twelve years old, my mother and I had gone to an outlying village while the queen was there visiting. I wandered away chasing a kitten, as young children do.”

A sudden flash of pain filled her eyes before she masked it. “Several Cunt warriors came through a portal in front of me and well…They would’ve raped me if Prince Stone hadn’t stopped them. As it was, I was merely bruised and frightened. He was severely injured from the encounter, and could have died. The fact that he was willing to risk his life for mine, a mere daughter of a lady’s maid, has always stayed with me. He will always have my complete trust and loyalty.”

Alyssa could picture a younger version of Sasha, frightened and alone until Stone put himself at risk to save her. It explained why Stone was so bitter toward the Cunts and also why he was so protective of her. This new insight about Stone gave Alyssa a greater understanding of the man she’d only known through dreams for the past decade. She promised herself it wouldn’t be the last she found out about her mysterious betrothed. “Thank you for telling me, Sasha. I’m sure it’s something Stone would never tell me, but I’m glad you did. I still don’t know very much about him.”

Sasha’s gaze softened and a small smile tugged at her lips. “Don’t worry, Princess. Now that you are back where you belong, the two of you have a lifetime to get to know one another. I know it’s difficult to put your trust in new people after what you’ve been through, but Prince Stone won’t let you down.”

Alyssa returned her mind to their previous conversation and curiosity pushed her to ask, “You said that Stone let me orgasm and it made me lose energy. You don’t mean that all Klatch women have to forego orgasm before their coming-of-age ceremony?”

Sasha turned to face Alyssa with a sexy half smile that made her pulse jump. “Not at all. It just means they must eat more to maintain their sustenance. Think of sexual energy as another food group, but the most important one for our people. While we need water and food, sex can cover for both of them for a time.” Her kohl-lined lavender eyes sparked with amusement. “I have a feeling many of our human sisters wish it were the same way for them.”

Alyssa thought about all the women she knew who either complained about not getting enough sex or went without it altogether. “I think you have a very good point.” She smiled at Sasha, who grinned in return. “I feel completely out of my element here, so you’ll have to tell me what I’m supposed to do.”

“As your lady’s maid, I’m here to be your companion, your confidant and your friend. Not to mention, I’ve always been curious about the human world. How about you answer my questions and I’ll answer yours?” She smiled, her pink tongue darting out to moisten her bottom lip.

Alyssa found herself fascinated with the small action and longed to feel the woman’s pink tongue exploring inside her mouth.

“Let’s get you out of these clothes and into a bath.” She pulled Alyssa’s shirt up and after a moment of shock, Alyssa raised her arms, so the shirt could continue its path over her head.

She opened her eyes in time to see Sasha fold it carefully and lay it on the chair. She raised each leg dutifully as Sasha pulled off her boots and placed them on the floor next to the chair.

“I understand humans are modest. But here on Tador, where sex is a needed staple, modesty only gets in the way of your well-being. I will try to keep your discomfort in mind and explain what’s happening, since I know this is all new to you.” Sasha stood and faced her. “How did you keep up your sexual energy among the humans—besides your dreams with the prince?”

Alyssa swallowed hard. She’d spent her whole life trying to hide her body, and now it looked like it was expected that she show it freely. Resisting the sudden urge to grab for her shirt, she balled her hands at her sides. This is my real home. I need to get used to who I am supposed to be. “I didn’t know I needed the sexual energy, but I did, uh, take care of things myself quite a bit.”

“You’re a Klatch. That’s perfectly normal.” Sasha stepped forward and reached both arms around Alyssa’s waist to unfasten the button and zipper of her jean skirt, their full breasts brushing against each other. Heat coiled in her stomach and she wondered how it would feel to have this woman’s soft breasts pressed against hers with nothing between them but skin. At the thought, a rush of energy flowed through Alyssa’s body and she bit back a moan.

Now that she was paying attention to it, she could see the energy as a direct result of the sexual stimulation. No wonder I always felt as if my energy drained away when I had my sessions with the showerhead!

Sasha slowly unzipped the skirt, her breath feathering against the side of Alyssa’s neck, causing her to gasp as another shudder of pure lust and energy flowed through her veins.

The maid turned her face into Alyssa’s neck and whispered, “Remember, Princess, sexual energy is like food here. There are very few things forbidden.” Before Alyssa could react, Sasha hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the skirt and slid it down over her hips, until it fell to the floor in a puddle of material. The maid’s hard nipples teased against her own. Only then did she step back and offer her hand, so Alyssa could step out of the skirt.

Alyssa’s heart pounded in her chest and her brain scrambled for something intelligible to say. “What sorts of things are forbidden?” she croaked and then cleared her throat.

Sasha’s lips curved as if she knew exactly what effect her proximity had. “Anything is permissible that is consensual between adults who have completed their ceremony. It is death to force anyone, especially those uninitiated with the ceremony, or to copulate with the dead or animals. Beyond that, Klatch is a very open society. Even those who have yet to undergo the ceremony are permitted to indulge where they please without putting themselves in danger.”

“Well, that sounds pretty straightforward.” Alyssa mentally kicked herself for the lame comment. “Since there are certain dangers in indulging with the opposite sex before a coming-of-age, are there lots of same sex…uh…”

Sasha shrugged. The motion caused the exposed bottom curves of her full breasts to jiggle enticingly, mesmerizing Alyssa. “As I said, Princess, Klatch is a very open society. Sex is a part of our nature, there is nothing shameful about it. People may choose to indulge wherever the arousal takes them, as long as they are not married. Then both partners must consent to activities involving others.”

“So monogamy is prized here inside a marriage?” Somehow, it made Alyssa feel better to know that she wouldn’t have to worry about Stone fucking other women.

“Not in the same way humans term it, but yes. However, there are married couples who consent to group activities quite often and have no barriers beyond that as long as both parties are in full agreement.”

The implications flashed through Alyssa’s mind and she shoved them away to study later. Worrying about Stone wanting to have orgies after their marriage seemed a little premature, although she made a mental note to talk to Stone about his preferences before the ceremony.

“Would you like to bathe in the public pool, where there will be several dozen young women at any one time, or would you like this first bath to be private until you are more…comfortable with our ways?” Sasha’s voice held no note of censure, only a real desire to put Alyssa at ease. She appreciated it.

“Will…will the bath involve…sustenance?” she asked hesitantly. Her pussy and breasts throbbed at the thought of this woman giving her sexual energy as Stone had. She could admit, if only to herself, that the thought of several women at the same time turned her on too. But she didn’t think she was that comfortable yet. Better to start slow. Tackle one thing at a time. Or one woman, in this case…

She’d seen women kiss in a few movies and was curious how different it would feel to have a woman touch her the way Stone’s wonderfully callused hands had.

Sasha nodded and stepped forward again, reaching around her to unhook her bra. Again, her full breasts pressed against Sasha’s and her warm breath danced across the side of Alyssa’s neck as she spoke. “Sexual energy giving and taking is very much a part of our bathing rituals.”

The bra loosened and Sasha stepped back, pulling the straps off Alyssa’s shoulders before she set it aside on the chair. Then the maid dropped to her knees in front of Alyssa, her gaze hungry as she took in Alyssa’s gently rounded stomach and very full breasts. Alyssa squirmed under the frank scrutiny and covered her chest with her hands.

“There is no need for that, Princess. You are most beautiful. In fact, you look so much like your mother, the queen, it surprises me.”

A lump formed in Alyssa’s throat. The thought of looking like her mother both excited and confused her. Would she find her mother beautiful when she met her, or would she be disappointed that she looked like Alyssa did?

Sasha interrupted her musings by pulling down Alyssa’s white cotton granny panties. Alyssa’s cheeks burned and she wished she’d worn some better underwear—not that she owned any other kind. Debbie had always reminded her that sexy lingerie was for attractive women—not fat ones. She squeezed her eyes shut against the tears that threatened.

The betrayal of her “family” and her roommate burned through her. She promised herself she’d never be so foolish again. But she had given her trust to Stone and to Sasha. Was she headed for more betrayal?

Nimble fingers sifted through her pubic hair causing her to jump. Looking down, she saw Sasha grinning up at her. Alyssa’s heart pounded in her chest as her blood flooded her pussy causing it to tingle and throb.

“My apologies, Princess. The women of Klatch stay clean-shaven, so I’ve never seen a mound with full hair. I just wanted to see what it felt like. It almost reminds me of men’s crispy chest hair.”

Alyssa’s clit throbbed with the proximity of the hand that still rested lightly against her, just a hairsbreadth away from her swollen nub. She knew she should be shocked or push Sasha’s hand away, but she’d spent so many years convincing herself to be something she was not. It was time she made her own decisions. As hard as it was to admit—she wanted Sasha to touch her, to show her how those petite hands felt against her sensitive skin.

She swallowed hard before she could speak. “If the culture here is shaved, I’d like to do that too.” It was another thing she’d thought about doing back home, but Debbie had talked her out of it, saying that the upkeep wasn’t worth it if no one was going to be looking.

Sasha grinned and sifted her fingers through the curly dark hair again, the side of her hand brushed against the swollen tip of her clit and caused Alyssa to gasp. “Your wish is my command, Princess.”

The maid stood and stripped off her own gauzy half shirt, her rounded breasts bounced invitingly with the motion. Then she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her string bikini underwear, sliding them off until she stood naked as well. “Shall we head out to the bathing pool?” Not waiting for an answer, she hooked her arm with Alyssa’s and led the way, the silky skin of her breast rubbed teasingly against Alyssa’s bare arm.

Alyssa took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her own breasts were heavy and sensitive, her slit slick and ready. If she didn’t come soon, she was going to lose her mind. This was almost worse than when Stone left her horny and wanting every night for ten years!

They stepped through a curtain and entered a semidark alcove, lit only by flickering candles, which painted red and gold designs on the shadows of the walls. There was a large pool inset in the middle of the floor with seats and raised platforms visible just under the water in the shallow end. The water churned and gurgled and a small waterfall fell into the pool against the side, so people could enjoy it both from the shallow and deep ends.

Grabbing a small basket from an inset ledge along the wall, Sasha led her toward the pool. “We’ll get you shaved first,” she said as she started down the steps leading into the water.

Alyssa followed her, enjoying the way the warm water swirled and fizzed around her already heated skin. Several jets of water shot currents out from the walls, which kept the water in constant motion. She was tempted to lean her clit against one and end her torment. But even as much as she masturbated at home, she couldn’t do it in front of someone she’d just met. Doing it with Stone had been a first. Besides, having erotic dreams with the man for ten years surely put him in the category of non-stranger.

Allowing herself to be led to one of the raised platforms, she couldn’t help but notice how Sasha’s breasts bobbed just on top of the water, the ripe tips cutting a current as she moved. She resisted a sudden urge to pull one of the ripe nipples between her lips and explore the texture with her tongue.

“Lie back,” Sasha said, her voice husky and low. “And relax. I promise to be gentle.”

To Alyssa’s surprise, the platforms were soft, like lying on a gel mattress and the head was raised and cushioned enough that it was as if a pillow cradled her. She pulled her hair out from under her shoulders, letting it flow around the platform into the swirling water. An inch of water lapped against her body, leaving most of her exposed, but since the cavern was warm, she didn’t shiver as she’d expected. The motion and sound of the water relaxed her, making her feel as if she were at one of the day spas her mother and sisters frequented.

Warm fingers gripped under her knees, raising them so her legs were bent, her thighs spread wide to give the maid better access. At the first tentative touch against her mound, she jumped and Sasha’s musical laughter echoed around her like an intimate caress. “Relax and hold very still, Princess. I’ll have you smooth and perfect for the prince in no time.”

Gripping the sides of the platform, Alyssa willed herself to relax, or at the very least hold still. When the warm fingers touched her again and then traced through her pubic hair, she didn’t jump, but had to bite back a moan. This felt forbidden, wicked…naughty, and she wanted to enjoy every minute. She heard the “snip-snip” of scissors, and decided talking would keep her from embarrassing herself further.

“How did you become a lady’s maid?” she asked, trying to both enjoy and ignore the slender fingers touching her mound.

“Being a lady’s maid is in my line. My mother, mother’s mother and so on, were all maids to the royal family. It is an honored position.”

Glancing down, she saw Sasha take a small purple fruit from the basket and peel off the skin. The scent of musky lavender rose around her. The purple flesh of the fruit looked fluffy like whipped cream. Scooping some of the flesh with her fingers, Sasha slathered it onto Alyssa’s throbbing mound.

Alyssa’s skin immediately began to tingle and she fought the urge to buck her hips against the wonderful new sensation. Clearing her throat, she said, “What if you didn’t want to be a lady’s maid? Do you have a choice?” Her voice sounded breathy and low.

The maid’s laugh bubbled around her, causing heat to coil in her stomach and she looked down to see a long straight blade pulled across her mound, shaving off a perfect line of dark hair. Then Sasha rinsed it in a small basin floating next to her.

The sight of Sasha standing naked between her open thighs made her release a shaky breath. And the cold pull of the blade across her skin sent lava and energy spiraling throughout her entire body.

“I could have chosen another path, but I’m proud of my family’s tradition. I’m a strong supporter of the royal family.” She rinsed the blade in the basin again and closed her hand around Alyssa’s ankle, raising her leg to rest on top of her shoulder. “I need to be able to reach everything, to fully shave you,” she explained as she spread on more purple fruit flesh and then drew the blade gently across Alyssa’s swollen pussy lips.

Sasha’s smooth fingers rubbing over her already-engorged flesh sent a series of small energy tremors through her thighs and tightened her arousal. Despite her best efforts, a gasp followed by a low moan ripped from her throat. Realizing what she’d done, heat blazed into her face and she screwed her eyes shut, wishing she could disappear.

“Do not be embarrassed,” Sasha whispered. “The ponga fruit enhances arousal. It helps with shaving and brings sexual energy, which you are much in need of. Not to mention, it has a sweet fluffy taste and is often used in foreplay.”

Alyssa slitted open her eyes to see Sasha’s smiling face. “What does it taste like?” she asked softly. She gasped as Sasha stepped forward between her legs, leaning her own smooth mound against Alyssa’s swollen folds, and reached up to rub some of the ponga flesh across her lips and then down across both her nipples. Alyssa licked her bottom lip, and a sweet nutty flavor spread over her tongue. Immediately, her lips, nipples and even the inside of her mouth tingled, sending shockwaves of energy through her body, causing a rush of liquid heat to her aching pussy.

Sasha stepped back to finish shaving her and then splashed water against her mound to fully rinse her. “The ponga is never used in nonsexual meals because of its unique properties. But is always associated with summoning energy.” The maid reached into the basket again and pulled out a bar of soap, which she dipped into the water and began to lather between her hands.

“Does that have some sort of aphrodisiac powers as well?” Alyssa asked nodding toward the soap.

The maid’s lavender eyes darkened with desire and Alyssa’s breath caught in her throat. “Not by itself. But soap is used both before and after lovemaking, so it does come in several pleasing scents.” Her last words fell away to whispers as she reached down to spread her soapy hands over Alyssa’s stomach and then farther up, to cover her aching breasts.

Sensations, erotic and compelling, washed through her. Sasha’s hands were soft and gentle and her touch felt much different than Stone’s. His touches were rougher and more demanding, even when he was being gentle. Where Sasha’s touch was nurturing and sensual, probably how she herself liked to be touched.

Alyssa sat up and faced the woman, taking the soap from her and dipping it into the swirling water, lathering it between her hands. She reached out slowly to run her soapy hand over Sasha’s coral tipped breasts. When the nipples pebbled to hard peaks beneath her hand, her pussy tightened and throbbed.

Sasha arched into her touch, so Alyssa became braver and cupped and kneaded the full breast in her hands, enjoying the feel of the silky smooth skin and the moans and gasps coming from Sasha. Her lips were parted, her gaze boring into Alyssa. Before she could think about it, she allowed her body free reign and she leaned forward to brush her lips across Sasha’s. A sound of approval spilled from the back of Sasha’s throat as she ran a wet line across Alyssa’s bottom lip with her tongue, causing a new wave of energy as Alyssa’s nipples ripened further.

Throwing aside her caution, she dipped her tongue inside the maid’s mouth and reveled in the soft, lush taste of her. The ponga on her tongue tingled as tongue met tongue and the sweet nutty flavor sharpened inside her mouth. Pulling Sasha closer, so the hardened peaks of their breasts rubbed deliciously against each other, she explored and plundered the woman’s mouth. Their tongues tangled, but whereas with Stone, it had been rough and exciting, with Sasha, it was silky smooth and erotic—a slow burn that would incinerate them both.

Tracing a path between them with her fingers, she found Sasha’s mound partly submerged in the water. When her finger caressed the seam of the swollen lips, the maid moaned into her mouth and widened her stance to allow better access. Alyssa swallowed the sound and dipped her fingers between the hot petals to find the swollen nub beneath.

She’d never touched another woman’s body and she found the sensations so soft and so vastly different than when she’d touched Stone. She wondered briefly what it would feel like to have both Stone and Sasha giving her sustenance at the same time. She bit back a moan as her fingers traced Sasha’s clit.

I want to make her come against my fingers while I watch. She dipped her finger deep inside Sasha’s pussy to pull some of the creamy juices up to caress the swollen clit. When her finger feathered a slow path along the silky underside of Sasha’s clit, the maid arched against her hand and thrust her tongue against Alyssa’s with more urgency. She wound her arms around Alyssa’s neck, burying her fingers in her hair, their mouths still fused, their tongues dueling and mating, while Sasha’s hips ground against Alyssa’s hand.

“Please, Princess,” Sasha begged in an urgent whisper against her lips. “Make me come…”

Energy poured into Alyssa like she had become the vacuum focal point. She pulled Sasha’s body full against hers before rolling Sasha’s clit between her thumb and forefinger and allowing the built up power to flow through their connection straight into Sasha’s most sensitive erogenous zone. The maid shuddered against her and immediately screamed out her release. Enjoying the way Sasha’s nipples pulsed with her orgasm, Alyssa ground her mound against the maid’s until all her spasms stopped.

When she finally pulled back and spoke, Sasha’s voice was deep and breathy. “You are starting to gain your powers, my lady.”

Trapped power still zoomed through Alyssa like gunshots infinitely ricocheting through her system. “I’ve got to get rid of some of this power.” Her words sounded distant as she whispered through the tightest arousal she’d ever experienced.

“It is my turn to help you. Lie back, Princess, and allow me to attend you.”

Her maid stepped between her raised knees and ground her mound against Alyssa’s. She slathered more fruit flesh on Alyssa’s nipples and leaned over to take one of the ponga-covered tips deep into her mouth. Alyssa’s moan echoed around them as sensations assaulted her. Sasha’s skin was soft as silk against her own and the smooth rub of smooth pelvis against hers was unlike anything she’d ever felt. She reached down to trace her fingers down the maid’s arms and then around to cup her breasts. They were warm and full, the nipples ripening again under her touch.

When Sasha had laved all of the ponga from one breast, she turned her attention to the other, being just as thorough as with the first. Then finally, she traced a wet line down Alyssa’s stomach to her mound and then down to her aching clit. Alyssa widened her legs, offering herself. “Please, Sasha. I have to come now.”

Sasha parted the swollen folds with her fingers and Alyssa shuddered as warm breath feathered against her slit. When a silky tongue traced her nub before soft lips closed around it, sucking it inside a delicious heat, she moaned and bucked against Sasha’s face.

Sasha sucked hard, while still feathering her tongue against the tip. Alyssa found her own nipples with her fingers, and pinched and pulled as heat coiled tighter and tighter inside her. When Sasha gently scraped her teeth against the swollen bud, Alyssa’s world shattered. Her pussy clenched and convulsed while ripples of energy flowed around her like a maelstrom. Bright colors danced in front of her eyes and small static shocks of electricity danced along her skin.

After what seemed like an eternity, Alyssa’s body and mind settled back together. She took stock and was surprised to find herself refreshed and alert. Sitting up, she faced Sasha. “That’s the best I’ve ever felt after an orgasm.”

Sasha smiled, her hands still resting on Alyssa’s thighs. “You tapped energy from Tador as a true queen would. It is the renewable energy source that all share. That was but a small preview of your power. It will be infinitely stronger once your ceremony is complete.” Sasha smiled. “We need to get you cleaned up and dressed before you are presented to your parents.”

“Presented? I feel like a package.”

“You’re the First Princess of Klatch and heir to the throne.” She handed Alyssa a bumpy yellow fruit that smelled like almonds. “Of course you’ll need to be presented.” She nodded toward the fruit. “Bite into it, it’s good. Even though you have plenty of energy, not even Klatch can live on sex alone.” She winked.

Alyssa bit into the soft yellow fruit and closed her eyes in ecstasy as the sweet juices slid across her tongue and down her chin. “Wow, I was never big on fruit, but what is this?”

“It’s called salda.” Sasha reached for the basket of fruit, taking her own snack.

Tentatively, Alyssa rubbed Sasha’s braid between her thumb and first two fingers, the multicolored beads glinting in the candlelight. The hair felt like velvet silk under her touch. Who would I be and what would I look like if I weren’t stolen? “Do you think you could do something like this in my hair?” she asked, her voice sounding sad and distant in her own ears.

A smile bloomed across Sasha’s face. “I’ll make you look every inch the stunning Klatch Princess.”

For the first time, Alyssa actually felt like a princess. She might as well go all the way. “I’m all yours, Sasha. Turn me into the Klatch I should’ve been.”

Ceremony Of Seduction

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