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Chapter 2


The sting remained with Joss long after Eric fled the inn. Deep-rooted pain emanated from him when he’d first entered, and his palm against her arm sent an electric shock straight to her bones. The poor man. Grief kept him its prisoner. Joss understood how easy it was to fall into that dark trap. The way he’d held her, he sought escape. Comfort.

He awakened deep-seated sensations in her. In the few moments with him, she’d felt more alive than she had in three years.

So strange. Normally, one look allowed her to see the person inside. With Eric Hendricks, her receptivity went into overload. His soul, pent up for years, stirred to life and churned up love, fear, joy, hopelessness, yearning, jumbled and shifting faster than light. He displayed great strength in his firm stance and gentle touch. Beneath a hard veneer of sheer pain, one other trait came through clearly—purity of spirit, and integrity enough for many men.

The arrival of more guests drew Joss to the foyer again. Another matronly witch and an older man wearing a checked flannel shirt, jeans, and boots stepped inside, followed by a princess and a boy in a fabric turtle shell.

Joss recognized the girl as one of the riders whose horse was boarded at the inn’s stable. After greeting them and pointing them toward refreshments, she returned to Lydia. “Sorry about Dr. Hendricks.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s wonderful you have so many guests.” Lydia fingered the flowers in the vase on the table.

One woman stood in the archway to the front room, her bright-eyed glare directed at Joss. Wearing a short white shift adorned with large red hearts, the woman held a wand topped with a glittering red heart.

Confused by the woman’s malevolence, Joss approached and fought to overcome the negativity oozing from her. “Did you try some of the booscotti?”

The woman tilted up her chin. “I’m not hungry, Mrs. Gibson,” came her familiar nasal reply.

Recognition finally hit. Of course—the girl who worked at the diner in town. “Sheree?”

At her curt nod, Joss forced a smile. “I love your costume.”

Sheree’s gaze darted her length. “Likewise.”

What could be her problem? The woman wielded her wand like a weapon, ready to strike. “Please have a drink and make yourself at home.”

“Thank you.” Her narrowed eyes swept the room as if suspecting an ambush, and then she moved stiffly away.

Joss crossed the room to Lydia. “That was weird.”

Lydia whispered, “Be careful of her.”

“Sheree? I can’t imagine why.” Could she be nervous the inn would take away some of the diner’s business? Though Joss would have liked to think it was the cause of her strange behavior, Sheree’s vibes told Joss otherwise. Business had nothing to do with it. The waitress directed her bad juju at Joss personally. Had Joss unintentionally insulted Sheree? She’d barely met the woman.

Leaning close, her aunt spoke sternly, “I warned you to watch for others who seek the power of this place.”

Sheree? Her aunt must be mistaken. The woman’s terrible attitude resulted from something. Maybe an imagined slight? Joss would find a way to put Sheree at ease.

More guests entered, and Joss excused herself. She left Lydia deeply inhaling the air. Joss couldn’t deny the charged atmosphere was one of the reasons she’d bought the place. Not to tap into any lines of power for herself, but maybe to enhance the lavender field she planned. Joss needed the garden to thrive so the inn would as well.

Waving to the costumed guests arriving, she recognized Tom Larsen in his jodhpurs and riding jacket. The stable manager set her nerves on edge. He spoke too harshly to the horses, and they rebelled at his touch by tossing their heads and pinning their ears. Unfortunately, her opinion about Tom held no weight. The boarders chose their trainer based on their personal needs.

“Welcome.” Joss extended her hand. “I’m glad you could come.”

He grunted. “Where’s the bar? Drinks are free, right?”

She pointed him toward the refreshments table. “Of course.” Tonight they wouldn’t make any money to cover their expenses. The value would be in gaining recognition for the great food. Already, Annie’s werewolf cupcakes, booscotti and goblin cheese balls had practically vanished.

To her relief, the arrival of a cowboy and cowgirl nudged Tom ahead. Following, Joss welcomed a princess and prince, a jester and wench, and two clowns.

“Jocelyn.” Down the hall, Aunt Lydia waved furiously.

“What is it? Shh, Taz.” The fur on his neck stood up, and the dog growled beside her. What had gotten into him tonight? Maybe the same thing that had bothered Eric Hendricks. She sent a rueful glance toward the door the veterinarian had slammed on his way out earlier.

“The question is who,” Lydia said. “The man standing with the Queen of Hearts. Or princess, whatever she is.”

Following her aunt’s gaze, Joss froze in skin-crawling fear. “I don’t know who he is. And I don’t want to.”

He moved like a shadow, furtive and with the dizzying illusion he was underwater. Beneath his black face mask, red flashed in his eyes. When his gaze passed over her, so did a wave of nausea. Her heart flipped, and her stomach churned as if she rode a roller coaster through the dark, not knowing where the turns lay ahead.

The dog growled more fiercely. Grabbing hold of his collar, Joss gasped. “I wish that…person would just leave.” Maybe not a person at all, but something much darker.

She reached deep inside for the force of her heart. Go!

A deep rumble shook the ground. The windows rattled in their frames. Guests cried oh! and clutched at their chairs or one another.

“Not again.” Joss wished the disturbance would stop, and it faded away.

Lydia rushed toward Sheree, now standing alone. “Where did he go?”

Hot on her aunt’s heels, Joss wondered the same thing.

“I have no idea.” Sheree held a hand to her head. “I don’t feel well.”

Taz sniffed at the waitress tentatively, cringing as if she might strike him.

Arching a brow, Lydia said, “I imagine you wouldn’t. You should not dabble in darkness until you understand the risk. What did it say to you?”

“It?” Joss asked in alarm, and searched the crowd to be sure the man didn’t linger there.

Sheree held a hand to her stomach. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

“You should leave.” Lydia pointed to the door. “Now.”

“Yes. I need to go home.” Sheree headed for the foyer.

“Please Lydia, she was a guest.” Joss knew the man with her wasn’t. Her aunt had confirmed he wasn’t a town resident, nor even of this world. “What’s going on?”

Tugging her to the end of the hall, Lydia said, “You could be in danger, my dear.”

“I don’t understand.” Yet somehow, she knew it was true.

Lydia’s shoulders slumped. “I must call your grandmother. It’s time you knew.”

“Knew what?” What was her aunt going on about?

“Your family heritage.” Taking out her cell, Lydia’s nails clicked the screen.

* * * *

Driving down Yellow Breeches Road, Sheree cursed. I hate this town. Why don’t they put street lights on these back roads? Her head still spun, and so did her stomach. The gusty wind blew so many leaves against her windshield, she switched on the wipers. “I want to move someplace warm.”

A man’s deep chuckle echoed. “We can arrange it.” The voice came clear and distinct, but who the heck had spoken?

Screeching, Sheree hit the brakes and skidded to a stop. “Who’s there?” Pain pulsed through her head. Had she imagined the whole thing?

A black figure materialized outside the car, barely discernible in the darkness.

The man she’d spoken to earlier slipped inside. “Tsk. Forgot me already?”

She’d like to. Tiny pinpricks crawled across her skin, and she shuddered. She’d never seen a costume make a person appear to shift through the shadows. He probably wasted a fortune on the thing.

“Hold on there, bud. Do you think you can just invade someone’s car?” Sheesh. Talk to a guy for one minute at a party, and he assumed he could take liberties.

As if bored, he sighed. “The question is, how badly do you want your veterinarian friend?”

She should demand this guy vamoose. He seriously gave her the creeps. “What do you care?” How did he know anyway?

He hooked an elbow behind the seat. “I don’t. Except I might be able to help you. If you help me.”

Sure, there was always a catch. She could never get a break, not unless she forced one. “Help how?”

“Which? Help you or help me?” he prodded.

“Both.” Her patience waned. Tired and queasy, she wanted to go to bed. This guy frightened her, but if he could help her get Eric, she’d at least hear him out.

“The gentleman for whom I work is interested in the property we visited. If you could distract Dr. Hendricks, my employer would have a better chance at gaining control.”

Would Mrs. Gibson sell so soon? Oh…she might, if the situation grew too uncomfortable. Sheree had noticed the gleam in Joss’s eyes when she looked at Eric. A gleam Sheree wanted to turn to ice. “Control? You mean buy the inn?”

With a smug smile, the man said, “Something like that.”

Get to the fine print. “So what would I need to do?”

He spoke with a casual air. “Become our ally. Report to us on the goings-on of the town. Especially the inn and its proprietress.”

No harm in spying on her, right? Somehow it sounded too easy. “What’s it have to do with me and Eric?”

When the man smiled, the air in the car grew hot. And smelled like something burning. Something awful, like rotten eggs.

“Let’s leave that to my employer and me, shall we?” he sneered, easing closer.

Sheree’s vision blurred. She fought to murmur, “I don’t know.”

Red flashed in his eyes like flames. “Of course you do. You want Eric so badly, you’ll do anything. Won’t you?”

An urge came over her, compelling her to answer. “Anything.”

“I thought so.” His voice trailed into a hiss.

Gripping the steering wheel, Sheree touched her forehead to it. “Anything.”

“Excellent. One note of caution. If anyone asks, never mention me or my employer or this agreement.”

She snapped her head up. “Who’d care? Other than Mrs. Gibson?”

“If the need for you to know arises, you will.”

Sheree didn’t even care. She just wanted this guy out of her car sooner rather than later. She imagined walking hand-in-hand with Eric, him stopping to pull her close, bending to touch his lips to hers.

A knock on the window startled her.

A state trooper stood outside.

“Great.” She opened the window, her mind racing with possible excuses.

His grimace filled with suspicion. “Everything all right, miss?”

“Yes, officer. I’m a bit dizzy. Nothing serious.” Stupid! Now he’d think she was drunk.

Straightening, he sighed. “Right. Step out of the car please.”

“Both of us?” How would she explain this guy to a policeman? Her passenger’s appearance went way beyond any Halloween costume. She didn’t even know his name, for crying out loud.

The officer crouched again and scanned the interior. “Pardon?”

“Do you want us both to get out?” She gestured to the passenger side and froze.

The seat was empty.

* * * *

A knock echoed through the hall. Joss rushed to the front door. Another great gust of wind ruffled the scarf of the woman standing on the threshold. Diminutive, yet she projected a force to reckon with, her sapphire eyes sparkling as she assessed Joss with a loving smile. Short hair framed her face in layers, mostly gray but still a hint of blond.

“Gram. How did you get here so quickly?” Delighted, Joss hugged her.

The last party guest departed minutes earlier, followed by Annie. Her grandmother must have left her Solebury home immediately after speaking to Lydia. A two and a half hour drive, and one she’d rarely endeavored during Joss’s marriage due to John’s disapproval of the family’s magical practices.

Now Gram stepped inside without hesitation. “I needed to see for myself if Lydia exaggerated about this wonderful inn.” Her authoritative tone clipped the air.

“And? What do you think?” Expectation hung thick as Joss waited.

“Her description didn’t quite capture its splendor.” A gleam lit Gram’s eyes. “Or its intensity. I’ve never experienced such powerful vibrations.”

“Neither have I.” Every day, its undercurrent infused her consciousness more. Life had grown dark after her husband John died three years ago. Every day, the sunlight had dimmed, and every night, the shadows blacker. Their silky depths had beckoned. Bits of her soul had wanted to follow John, to pass through the dark curtain and into his arms again. If not for Taz, Joss might have allowed herself to melt into those murky shadows.

After moving to the inn, her haze of grief dissipated to unveil colors more vivid than she’d remembered. Their brilliance breathed new life into her too. Gram would call it a good sign. Before coming here, her life ran short of those. Joss finally had turned that around.

Removing her coat, Gram said, “Certainly explains your uninvited guests tonight.”

“Yes, the biggest surprise of the evening.” She caught Lydia’s wide-eyed glance at Gram. “Lydia says you have more to tell me.”

Gram came to her side, her hazel eyes clear. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

Probably not, but putting things off never helped. “Yes.”

Gram winked at Lydia. “I think we need margaritas.”

“I sure do.” Lydia headed for the kitchen.

“That must be why I bought fresh limes today.” At the farmer’s market earlier, Joss had picked some up automatically, as she sometimes did when intuition kicked in.

“Excellent.” Linking her arm through Joss’s, Gram led her on.

Not that Joss needed further encouragement. “Please, Gram. I can’t bear to wait.”

Her grandmother patted Joss’s arm. “Do you remember when you were seven?”

“Vaguely.” Her childhood came back in a blur, fantasy mixed with reality. Her dolls had been fairy princesses riding unicorns. Dogs and cats weren’t mere family pets but dignified servants of fae royalty.

Gram smiled. “You were a special girl. You still are exceptional, of course, but as a child, your innocence was pure, and you believed without questioning.”

Believing. Joss knew where this was headed. “Yes, I had quite the imagination.”

“Call it what you will. You were favored, and still are. Because of your heritage.”

Casting a skeptical glance, Joss sat on the kitchen stool. “Oh, Gram.”

With a wicked grin, Lydia dropped the last of the ice cubes into the blender. “It’s high time you acknowledged it, Jocelyn.” Pressing the machine’s button eliminated the opportunity to argue over the loud whir. Once the mixer reduced the ice to shards, Lydia added the triple sec and tequila.

“What does it mean, exactly?” Joss asked. “I’m some sort of fairy princess?”

Rimming a glass with salt, Lydia tilted her head. “Not a princess.”

“Not even a half-blood.” Gram filled the glass and handed it to Joss.

For fortitude, she sipped. “All right. Let’s have it.”

Gram clinked her glass to Joss’s. “Do you remember the stories about Iris?”

“Yes, those were always my favorites.” Strange, Iris featured so prominently in the family history even though she lived centuries ago. “I thought she died in her mid-thirties.” Younger than Joss by almost a decade.

Lydia settled on the bar stool beside her. “The family fudged her story to cover up the truth.”

After sipping, Gram said, “Iris left the mortal world to fulfill her duty.”

The mortal world? It sounded more like a fairy tale. “Which was?”

Gram and Lydia exchanged a serious look before Gram said, “To act as a bridge between earth and the other realm.”

“What about her mortal marriage?” Joss couldn’t believe the ease with which the strange words slipped from her mouth.

Lydia sighed. “Her family never recognized the union.”

“Didn’t Iris love her husband?” She couldn’t recall his name. Must be the tequila kicking in. Not enough, so she sipped more.

“Very much,” Gram said. “She was bound by duty and left him to raise their daughter alone.”

“She left her child?” The thought astounded her. How tragic. She could relate, having only been nineteen years old when Mom left. Joss had married the year before at the tender age of eighteen, but still felt abandoned. Especially since her dad had died soon after.

“Because of Iris’s lineage,” Gram continued, “her descendants rightfully deserved certain privileges. Protection, for one.”

Lydia tapped a nail on the counter. “Their protection has carried down through generations.”

“To me?” Joss couldn’t quite grasp the concept.

Gram swept her hand in the air. “To every member of our family.”

“What about Mom?” Joss gasped. “Where did she disappear to?”

“She didn’t want to leave you,” Gram said. “I assured her we would look after you.” She leveled a serious look at Joss. “You understand she had no other option. They’d already killed your father.”

Joss’s breath escaped her. “What? No. Dad died after a massive heart attack. Everyone said so. Every one of you.” They’d lied. Betrayed her.

“We couldn’t tell you then.” Gram’s voice strained with emotion.

Lydia grew more somber. “Your mother left this world to draw focus away from you. She hoped your mundane, non-magical lifestyle would deter any would-be assassin from The Underworld.”

She couldn’t have heard right. Anger welled up. “Who murdered Dad?” What gave them the right to tear her family’s lives apart? “And why?” The last word came out as a whisper.

“A certain group of demons bears a grudge against us. We’d hoped they’d satisfied their need for revenge, but unfortunately not.”

The Underworld. Demons. Dread crept over her like footsteps across a grave. “Do you mean John? They killed him too?” It couldn’t be.

“We couldn’t stop them.” Sorrow filled Gram’s face. “I’m sorry, Jocelyn.” Gram laid her hand atop Joss’s and squeezed. “I came tonight to warn you. You may be in terrible danger.”

She gulped her drink. It would take awhile to process all this.

“I can’t believe it.” An ironic laugh escaped Joss. “Guess I chose the right costume.” A golden goddess. What a joke. Too bad the joke was on her. What if she were to fall in love again? Now that the demons who’d murdered her family had set sights on her, would they target him too? Her head swam, drowning in what-ifs and fear.

Leaning forward, Gram set her gaze on Joss. “Do you recall the night you stole away from home at midnight? To dance with your imaginary friends?”

The memory, repressed for so many years, returned with clarity. The glowing figures flitting in orchestrated sequence, too beautiful to be real.

“I remember it as a dream. A nightmare, honestly.” After the stray coyotes crept out of the shadows, snarling with fangs bared.

“Certainly for your parents, it was a nightmare. They found you in the morning, sleeping safe and sound.”

“Inside the fairy ring.” Joss remembered distinctly now. The glimmering lights guided her inside the circle, and the wild creatures couldn’t follow. Neither could she leave the protection of the ring, and so had fallen asleep. “Because I’m part of their family?” Saying it sounded ridiculous, though she’d always secretly suspected it.

“In the truest meaning of the word.”

“I can’t be related to a goddess.” Yet it would explain why Joss had always seemed different than others. Separate. And had been aware of the fae, even if none of her friends had seen them.

“You are.” Lydia raised her glass. “We all are, sweetie.”

“And the fae are protecting us?” At Gram and Lydia’s nods, Joss went on. “Is that why beings from The Underworld are surfacing? The man, or whatever he is, from the party is a demon, isn’t he? Why Boiling Springs? Why my house?” She suspected she already knew—the energy here. They wanted to tap into its power.

“You already know this place is special. The moment I arrived, it excited me. My perception tingled with possibility. They’d targeted the town several times before. With the economy’s downturn, people became more desperate and vulnerable to them. The juxtaposition of the ley line made this an almost perfect spot to rise.”

“A ley line?” Joss had heard of those. “Like at Stonehenge?”

Lydia nodded. “And Sedona, Arizona, or the Great Pyramid at Giza, at Nazca in Peru and more sites across the world.”

A chill passed through Joss. Incredible. She’d never have guessed the energies meant such power coursed regularly below the inn like a river. Or maybe hadn’t wanted to acknowledge it. “So, what now?”

Aunt Lydia glanced at Gram, who pressed her lips together. “It depends.”

Meaning, even Gram had no clue. Great. “Wait and see?”

“For now. Promise you will be ever vigilant.”

No need to tell Joss twice. She’d need more than margaritas to fortify her if she ever saw that dark creature again.

Goddess, Awakened

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