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To my husband, who brought me roses when I finished my first book. Thank you for encouraging me through all the years since.

To my daughters, who have always been such a wondrous source of love in my life. I am so proud of the women you have become. Thank you for putting up with all the years of Mommy’s stories even when it must have been a bit unnerving to help your mother plot murder.

To my parents and sisters, who believed even when I didn’t. Thank you for your love.

To all my friends at Seekerville, thank you for your endless support and encouragement. You make this road so much smoother and the ride much more fun.

A special thanks to Emily Rodmell for taking a chance on a new author and offering so much of her wisdom in guiding me through the Killer Voices contest and this story.

And finally, but always first, to my Lord for His perfect timing. For making me wait until I was writing what He called me to write so I could more perfectly spread His message of love.

Christmas In Hiding

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